a kid rant |
[07 Jun 2006|10:47pm] |
my kid has been the most horrible little monster the last few days. who knew a 4 year old could be so snotty??? not wanting to go to sleep. not wanting to eat dinner. telling us to "be quiet." refusing to listen. not obeying. tonight he locked himself in the upstairs bathroom and ignored me when i told him to open the door. i could hear him rummaging around the drawers and cabinets for a few minutes before he finally unlocked the door. when he came out, i spanked him (t.v. has already been taken away for the week and he already had a timeout), he cried for a few minutes, then he told me that he's a big boy and old enough to take care of himself. i love the kid more than anything, but he gets on my last nerve sometimes. at times, it feels like he has to be the most consistently stubborn 4 year old ever in existance.
[01 Feb 2006|04:23pm] |
Camoflauge sock monkey for sale!

Check out the rest at MonkeyMomma.com
[16 Jan 2006|01:16pm] |
MonkeyMomma.com now has a shopping cart to make your buying experience even easier. Check it out!
[13 Jan 2006|10:12am] |
The ultimate hipster sock monkey for sale...
Here's Andrew...

Check out the rest at MonkeyMomma.com
[06 Jan 2006|10:32am] |
Here's, Desmond, the newest monkey in the bunch...

Prices on some monkeys have been cut.
Check them all out at MonkeyMomma.com
[19 Dec 2005|01:28pm] |
Here's Cindy, the newest Monkey in the bunch...

I've also cut the prices of a few of the monkeys by $5. Check it out.
[16 Dec 2005|11:15am] |
Christmas Mini Sock Monkey for Sale!

Check out more at MonkeyMomma.com
[15 Dec 2005|08:51am] |
FOR SALE! Violet the angora sock monkey:

Check the all out at MonkeyMomma.com
sock monkeys for christmas |
[29 Nov 2005|09:22am] |
Give custom-made, one-of-a-kind sock monkeys for christmas!
i give discounts for multiple purchases and don't overcharge on the shipping.
if you have bought a monkey from me, leave a comment on here and tell about your experience.
contact me on here if you're interested or email me at [email protected]!
here's two new ones...

( Read more...Collapse )
[21 Nov 2005|01:20pm] |
Amanda the monkey. For Sale.
[21 Nov 2005|12:08pm] |
Stephen the sock monkey. For Sale.