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Cajun Pride
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in Cajuns Rock's LiveJournal:

Monday, July 31st, 2006
1:03 pm
It's a Small World After All
Okay, here's an interesting tidbit for the "six degrees of separation" file.

So, I'm reading the washingtondc livejournal community, and I click on the journal of martian_spider. I happen to see on her profile that she's a member of a community called "Cajun Pride." When I click on the community, I find out that cheramie and micka, who I know from my days in lafayette, are members.

Small, small world man.

Anyway, I just joined the community. Hello and all. Hope everyone's doing well.
Thursday, January 5th, 2006
8:51 am
Not a Cajun issue, but a Louisiana one, certainly
New tour of Katrina-devastated area sells out:

They're doing bus tours of New Orleans again. Some people are opposed and some people think it's a good idea. What do you guys think?
Saturday, September 3rd, 2005
1:00 pm
Friday, September 2nd, 2005
10:25 am
Hey now people. It's about damn time I find me some coonass's eh? I'm a pure blooded cajun (cajan as you say it in french.) And I like me some uf dat crawfish!

Current Mood: dorky
Thursday, August 25th, 2005
2:31 am
Oh, speaking of stereotypes: Some of my friends in Japan think that "Cajun" ONLY refers to a type of seasoning. They were surprised when I brought out a Cajun dictionary, lol ~_^
Wednesday, August 10th, 2005
12:28 pm
Yay for Cajuns!!! I know that may sound goofy, but I really love Cajun culture (language, music, food, etc.). I'm proud of my dad being a 'crazy Cajun' (as he calls himself), and I love visiting family in Lafayette Louisiana. Nice to meet you!
Saturday, February 26th, 2005
9:18 am
OK, it's just me in here, but I figured I'd post anyway for the Hell of it.