Papears by Mohamed Ibrahim

Scientifc Reports, 2024
Chemical processing is among the significant keys to tackle agro-residues utilization field, aimi... more Chemical processing is among the significant keys to tackle agro-residues utilization field, aiming to obtain value-added materials. Extraction of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) is an emerging route to valorize lignocellulosic wastes into high value particles. In this investigation, effect of acidic hydrolysis duration was monitored on size and morphology of obtained crystals; namely: CNCs from Nile roses fibers (NRFs) (Eichhornia crassipes). Different acidic hydrolysis duration range or different characterization techniques set this article apart from relevant literature, including our group research articles. The grinded NRFs were firstly subjected to alkaline and bleaching pretreatments, then acid hydrolysis process was carried out with varied durations ranging from 5 to 30 min. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was used as reference for comparison with NRFs based samples. The extracted CNCs samples were investigated using various techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis. The figures gotten from SEM and AFM depicted that NRFs based CNCs appeared as fibril-like shapes, with reduced average size when the NRFs underwent pulping and bleaching processes. This was indicated that the elimination of hemicellulose and lignin components got achieved successfully. This outcome was proven by chemical composition measurements and TGA/DTG curves. On the other hand, AFM-3D images indicated that CNCs topology and surface roughness were mostly affected by increasing hydrolysis durations, besides smooth and homogeneous surfaces were noticed. Moreover, Raman spectra demonstrated that the particle size and crystallinity degree of NRFs based CNCs can be affected by acidic hydrolysis durations and optimum extraction time was found to be 10 min. Thermal stability of extracted CNCs-NRFs and CNCs-MCC was measured by TGA/DTG and the kinetic models were suggested to identify the kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of CNCs for each acid hydrolysis duration. Increasing hydrolysis duration promoted thermal stability, particularly for NRFs based CNCs. Results showcased in this article add new perspective to Nile rose nanocellulose and pave down the way to fabricate NRFs based humidity nano-sensors.

Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2024
The objectives of this study were to design a biological treatment unit using agricultural residu... more The objectives of this study were to design a biological treatment unit using agricultural residues (rice husk, plum
leaves, banana peels, and green bean peels) as agricultural solid waste-based bio-adsorbents for heavy metals
removal from industrial wastewater at El-Menoufa Governorate, Egypt. A batch and continuous flow prototype
treatment units were manufactured for industrial wastewater treatment in accordance with the types of heavy
metals that exist in the industrial region. The fndings of the batch flow mechanism demonstrated that chromium
had the best removal effciency (RECr) ranged from 96 % to 99.5 %, followed by REPb from 86.79 % to 95.90 %.
The lowest RE was detected with retention time 15 min, while the highest RE values were recorded at 45 min.
The continuous flow results using both the Maskoub cartridge, and the Pinpoint cartridge showed levels of lead
that varied between 0.042 and 0.041 mg L− 1, respectively, with a REPb ranged from 97.89 % to 97.94 %,
respectively, while cadmium levels are 0.002 mg L− 1 for both cartridges with a RECd of 99.42 %, chromium levels
were recorded as 0.003 and 0.002 mg L− 1, respectively, with a RECr of 8.99 % to 99.33 %. It was found that all
heavy metals levels after treatment were lower than standards required by international organizations, which
supports the research outcomes for the application of the treatment unit in many industries, in addition to the
economic feasibility of applying these units, where the total costs does not exceed 1226.86 US$ y− 1 for a
treatment unit with a discharge 1 m3 h− 1.

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 2023
The present study was designed to determine the effect of four moisture content levels (4, 5, 6, ... more The present study was designed to determine the effect of four moisture content levels (4, 5, 6, and 7 %) on the physical and aerodynamic properties of date palm pollen grain (DPP). The physical properties of DPP included pollen length (L), width (w), thickness (T), projected area (A p), geometric mean diameter (d g), mass (m), sphericity (S), and bulk density (ρ p). It was observed that the moisture content did not significantly influence the physical properties of the DPP. The aerodynamic properties of DPP included the terminal velocity (V t), drag coefficient (D c), drag force (Df), and Reynolds number (Re). The pollen Reynolds number (Re) is significant at different pollen grain moisture content, and regression models were developed in the form of polynomial and exponential relationships. Also, the 3 rd order polynomial relationship was found between Re and D c. The results showed that the average values of V t , D c , Df, and Re were about 0.6 m s-1 , (0.38 to 0.45), 1.09E-11 N, and (0.29 to 0.42), respectively. The results of this study will be helpful in the performance of date palm pollination machines.

Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 2023
Manual harvesting of sugarcane requires skilled labourers, as improper harvesting leads to a sign... more Manual harvesting of sugarcane requires skilled labourers, as improper harvesting leads to a signifcant loss of yield. Therefore,
it is necessary to move towards designing a system capable of harvesting sugarcane on smallholdings, with high harvesting
efciency. This study aims to determine some physico-mechanical properties of sugarcane stalks related to harvester by making
a comprehensive analysis of the compressing, bending, and shearing properties of sugarcane stalks. These properties were
measured at three moisture content levels at three positions (base, middle, and top) of the stalk with three sugarcane varieties
(G.T.54-9, IK 76-66, and HAO3-55-24). The different moisture contents were fresh stalk, after 7 days, and after 15 days. The values
of different content with different varieties were (70.3, 42.1, and 23.2%), (68.7, 61.3, and 42.7%) and (66.4, 48.6, and 30.5%),
respectively. The physico-mechanical properties of stalks were measured in terms of diameter, length, fresh mass, moisture content,
sugarcane stalk bulk density, compression stress, shear stress and bending stress at three different positions (top, middle, and
base).The most important results showed that the decreasing stalk moisture content of three sugarcane varieties led to an increase
in compression, shear, and bending stresses.

Extraction of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) from agro-residues has received much attention, not o... more Extraction of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) from agro-residues has received much attention, not only for their unique properties supporting a wide range of potential applications, but also their limited risk to global climate change. This research was conducted to assess Nile roses (Eichhornia crassipes) fibers as a natural biomass to extract CNCs through an acid hydrolysis approach. Nile roses fibers (NRFs) were initially subjected to alkaline (pulping) and bleaching pretreatments. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was used as control in comparison to Nile rose based samples. All samples underwent acid hydrolysis process at a mild temperature (45 • C). The impact of extraction durations ranging from 5 to 30 min on the morphology structure and crystallinity index of the prepared CNCs was investigated. The prepared CNCs were subjected to various characterization techniques, namely: X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR analysis, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The outcomes obtained by XRD showed that the crystallinity index increased as the duration of acid hydrolysis was prolonged up to 10 min, and then decreased, indicating optimal conditions for the dissolution of amorphous zones of cellulose before eroding the crystallized domains. These data were confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy. However, a minor effect of hydrolysis duration on the degree of crystallinity was noticed for MCC based samples. TEM images illustrated that a spherical morphology of CNCs was formed as a result of 30 min acid hydrolysis, highlighting the optimal 20 min acid hydrolysis to obtain a fibrillar structure. The XPS study demonstrated that the main constituents of extracted CNCs were carbon and oxygen.

The objectives of this study were to assess the environmental impact of industrial wastewater dis... more The objectives of this study were to assess the environmental impact of industrial wastewater disposal in the El-Khadrawiya agricultural drain, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt, as well as the effect on water, soil, and plant qualities in the drain's extension area, which was primarily adjacent to the industrial zone. The analyses results of wastewater at El-Khadrawiya drain revealed that heavy metal concentrations in water samples exceeded WHO permitted limits. Heavy metal levels followed the following pattern: (Pb > Zn > Cr > Cd > Ni > As), where Heavy metal levels average were: (1.8492 > 1.7857 > 0.1815 > 0.1578 > 0.059 > 0.0048. Wastewater, soil and plant samples were analyzed using (PerkinElmer AAnalyst 400 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer A Analyst 400), Heavy metal pollution evaluation indicators: Target hazard quotient (THQ), Hazard index (HI), Chronic daily intake (CDI), Carcinogenic risk (CR), and Heavy metals pollution index (HPI)) showed that a majority of samples discovered values referring to carcinogenic health risks for the population. In contrast, the soil contamination indices followed the same trend, with the contamination factor (CF) indicating that the majority of samples exposed low to medium levels of pollution for (Ni, Cd, and Zn), while Pb and Cr were between high and very high, and the contamination degree (Cd) and modified degree of contamination (mCd) indicating that the majority of samples revealed the medium level of pollution, with the exception of one site with a high level of contamination. The bioaccumulation factor (BAF) revealed that heavy metal accumulation in plants exceeds the critical range. This study should be expanded to include additional agricultural regions with comparable conditions in order to provide environmental monitoring of present challenges and work toward solutions.

Sugar is an essential commodity and an integral part of the food chain as the cheapest source of ... more Sugar is an essential commodity and an integral part of the food chain as the cheapest source of energy. It plays a vital role in the development of taste and texture. Sugar beet ranks second as a sugar-producing crop in the world with a composition of 75% water, 20% sugar, and 5% pulp. Approximately 60 plant species are identified as important weeds in sugar beet fields. About 70% of weeds are broad-leaved species and 30% are grass species. Weeds in sugar beet fields compete with the crop for light, nutrients, and water, thus reducing the yield. Competition from uncontrolled annual weeds that emerge within 8 weeks of sowing or within 4 weeks of the crop reaching the two-leaf stage can reduce yield by 26-100%. Nonchemical weed control measures provide a significant increase of yield in sugar beet and up to 50% reduction of herbicides use. In recent years, it has become necessary to reduce the use of herbicides in order to protect human and animal health and the environment. However, the use of mechanical weeders combined with herbicidal has been proven an efficient integrated weed control method. This chapter deals primarily with weed problems and weed control in sugar beet with emphasis on weeding machines used for inter-row and intra-row weeding in sugar beet as well as automation of weeding machines and the use of robotic machines.

In the last decade, the adoption of fully automated systems in agricultural operations has become... more In the last decade, the adoption of fully automated systems in agricultural operations has become an urgent need due to high labor costs and low efficiency. The harvesting process is one of those agricultural activities that require a lot of work in addition to high costs. The study investigates different fully automated harvesting systems for one of the most important crops, medicinal and aromatic plants, especially flowers which are involved in many industries and characterized by high economic importance in the global trade balance of crops. Process technologies that include harvest automation and standardization of the automated system detection problems and accuracy were analyzed and compared. Finally, to solve the various problems that facing the cutting flowers production, it is necessary to accelerate the development of mechanized harvesting, realize the mechanization of information acquisition and standardization in order to advance precision agriculture and agricultural wisdom for the future.
The microalga Chlorella sorokiniana was grown in Bold's basal medium (BBM) as a control and waste... more The microalga Chlorella sorokiniana was grown in Bold's basal medium (BBM) as a control and wastewater enriched with BBM elements (WW+). Cultivation in WW+ showed the highest dry weight and optical density over which grown in BBM. So, rapid growth in WW++ was accompanied by significant increasing in lipid content. Due to lipid accumulation in WW++, it showed the maximum significant lipid productivity of 48.36 mg/L at the last day of incubation period. The present results confirmed that C. sorokiniana grown in secondary effluent slaughterhouse wastewater offers real potential for future application in wastewater treatment and biodiesel production.

The energy problems and global warming has led to intense research into the existence of alternat... more The energy problems and global warming has led to intense research into the existence of alternative fuels with high efficiency and high calorific value. Oily plants have a high calorific value when using the resulting oil, especially palm oil. The search for alternative fuels has always conflicted with the use of edible oils. This paper aims to study the effect of cooking times on biodiesel production from oil. The study was applied to different samples of used waste cooking oil (WCO) for several times, the samples were fresh oil, oil cooked for several times: 3, 6, 9 and more than 9 times (local WCO). The best yield of biodiesel is about 97% for local WCO. The biodiesel color is clear as the Lovibond No. dwindles down which means less FFA% and good quality of biodiesel. This method can be using to decrease density and viscosity of biodiesel and oil to be like diesel. The best preheated temperatures are 60 °C for biodiesel and about 100°C for oil. Cetane number increased with increasing number of using oil. The local WCO is the best Cetane number. But Calorific value is best with fresh oil and local WCO. The local WCO is the optimum selection condition.

Crop residues are considered the most critical problem facing the Egyptian farmers. The harmful r... more Crop residues are considered the most critical problem facing the Egyptian farmers. The harmful resulting emissions give a significant contribution to air pollution called the "Black Cloud". A suitable technology for the use of agriculture residues to give renewable energy and reduce air pollution is required in Egypt. While, with cutting this crop residues are taken advantage of them in animal feed, composting, biogas production, or other industries friendly to the environment. This quantity presents a sizable problem to the farmers, government and the environment. The objective of this study is to develop a machine for chopping plant residues by using the circular saw. The cutting process of agriculture plants is more complicated than the cutting of engineering materials (as steel, copper …etc.) this is due to that most of the engineering materials are homogeneous and isotropic, whereas the plants are nonhomogeneous and non-isotropic materials. The usage of computer aided design (CAD) has changed the overlook of the industries and developed healthy & standard competition, as could achieve target in lean time and ultimately the product reaches market in estimated time with better quality and consistency. In general view, it has led to fast approach and creative thinking. The idea of development of the original machine which applies the theory of hammer knives is supplying a new pre-cutting device to reduce the required time to chop the residues to the suitable cutting length. Therefore, this device would increase the performance and capacity of the original machine. The experimental work was carried out during rice harvesting season of 2020 on a variety (Sakha 101) (average 4 mm stem diameter) at a special farm in Gharbia Governorate, Egypt. An Egyptian made hammer mill machine had been developed for chopping rice straw residues. The machine was modified by installing two types of knives i.e. sharp free knives and serrated discs to the original knives. The cutting power requirement and machine production are raised by rising cutting drum speed and reducing moisture content. By using the disk mill and flail knives reduced the energy requirement for chopping and raised fine degree of the chopped materials and solve the clogging problem. It can be commended that, throw out the addition of the circular disc and the other flail knives supports the process to the cutting force.

Article, 2022
The integration of photovoltaic into a greenhouse has been implemented to maximize the energy out... more The integration of photovoltaic into a greenhouse has been implemented to maximize the energy output and crop production yield from the same land space. The effect of greenhouse external shading of opaque crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) panels at 13-26% of the roof area on the microclimate and growth of Chili pepper Capsicum annuum cv. (omega) was investigated. The PV panels were divided into two arrays (each of 4 PVs) and fixed separately on two external pillars of 4 m height in the Southeast and Northwest directions, respectively. Each array of 4 PVs could be tracked from the East-West direction to North-South. There were two greenhouses, one was used as control without shading and the other had the external shading. The results revealed that the external shading of PV slightly decreased air temperatures (1-2 C) and light intensities (25-40%) but had no effect on the dew point temperatures and relative humidity as compared to the control (unshaded greenhouse). Furthermore, the yield and growth of Chili pepper in the shaded greenhouse was insignificantly higher than that in the unshaded greenhouse. Moreover, the simulation results revealed that the estimated electric energy of photovoltaic panels was 3705 kWh/year at a tilt angle of 25 facing South.

Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 2021
The aim of this research is to evaluate three types (pulsed motion double head, hook type, and pn... more The aim of this research is to evaluate three types (pulsed motion double head, hook type, and pneumatic comb) of commonly used hand-held olive harvesters for small scale olive orchards. The evaluation criteria were harvester productivity (Pr), fruit removal percentage (FR), fruit damage (FD), specific consumed energy (SCE), and olive harvesting cost (HC). Overall evaluation criterion (OEC) was developed depending upon the relative weight of each evaluation criterion. Relative weights were arranged according to the importance of each evaluation criterion. The results showed that the highest value of the overall evaluation criterion was 84.9% for the T3P1500 treatment (pulsed motion double head olive harvester at speed of 1500 rpm). Through this condition, the values of evaluating criteria were 88.4 kg h-1 , 98%, 6.6%, 17.0 W h kg-1 , and 0.041 $ kg-1 for Pr, FR, FD, SCE and HC respectively. In addition, the values of OEC of the pulsed motion double head olive harvester for the other treatments (T1P1100 and T2P1300) outperformed the other harvesters at all treatments.

Wood Research, 2021
CAD software and FEM analysis were used to modify the drum of threshing machine into machine for ... more CAD software and FEM analysis were used to modify the drum of threshing machine into machine for chopping wood residues. The operating parameters that affecting the performance of the chopping machine are drum speed (450, 1000 and 1200 rpm), three stages of serrated disk arrangement clearance between drum flail knives (0.7, 1.5 and 3 cm) and three levels of feeding capacity (W1 300, W2 = 360 and W3 = 420 kg. h-1). The developed machine was operated by the addition of two types of knives (sharp free knives + serrated discs) to the original knife existing already in the machine. The machine was evaluated in terms of production capacity, cutting efficiency, power requirements and energy consumption. Using the modified (serrated) saw disk mill and flail knives reduced the energy requirement for chopping and raised fine degree of the chopped materials and solve the clogging problem. The cutting productivity and cutting efficiency raised with reducing the clearance between flail knives (0.7, 1.5 and 3 cm) while the power requirements and energy consumption reduced.

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management, 2021
The aim of this study was to review and compare
the physical, chemical and biological treatment
o... more The aim of this study was to review and compare
the physical, chemical and biological treatment
options for greywater for recycling in order to
achieve pollution reduction and water conservation.
The Performance, advantages and disadvantages of
twenty treatments were investigated which
included granular filtration, microfiltration,
ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis,
chemical coagulation-flocculation,
electrocoagulation, electrooxidation,
photooxidation, adsorption, wetlands, aerated
lagoons, rotating biological contactors, sequencing
batch reactors, expanded bed up-flow bioreactors,
vertical flow bioreactor, membrane bioreactors,
trickling biofilter, anaerobic up-flow biofilter and
up-floe anaerobic sludge blanket. Each treatment
method was evaluated and compared with others
using a standard set of criteria with the objective of
selecting the most applicable and economically and
environmentally feasible treatment system (or
systems) that results clean water for recycling.
Eight criteria (cost, maintenance and control,
efficiency, suitability, value added product,
environmental and health impact and size and land
requirement) were selected for evaluation and each
criterion was assigned a figure based on its relative
important. A comparative analysis was performed
on the 20 treatment methods using the eight
criteria. The granular filter scored the highest (89)
among the physical treatments, the electrochemical
coagulation scored the highest (80) among the
chemical treatments group and the rotary biological
contactors scored the highest (89) among the
biological treatments group. The top 3 treatments
were granular filter (89), rotary biological
contactors (89) and sequencing batch bioreactor
(88), A through review of the literature indicated
that non of the 20 treatment options can be used
alone safely to treat greywater for reuse onsite
for toilet flushing, landscape, crop irrigation and
other non-potable uses. It is, therefore,
recommended that a combination of granular filter
and rotating biological contactors be used to treat
greywater from a large group of houses, apartment
complex, large commercial establishment or
recreational facility and a combination of granular
filter and sequencing bed bioreactor be used to treat
greywater from a single house, a school or small
business such as a sport center or shopping mall.
The utilization of treated greywater reduces the
demand for fresh clean water and provide
substantial benefits for the municipal wastewater
system by reducing the amount of wastewater to be

International Journal of Bioprocess & Biotechnological Advancements, 2021
It is predicted that about one third of the world population will face water shortage by 2025 whi... more It is predicted that about one third of the world population will face water shortage by 2025 which may cause a reduction in agricultural land and increased dissertation resulting in food shortage that leads to poverty, faming, and even wars. Thus, treating and reusing greywater can minimize the severity of this water shortage problem. Greywater is a wastewater originating from kitchen sinks, showers, baths, washing machines and dishwashers and accounts for 50-80% of the total wastewater produced in an average residence. The average production of greywater by a person is in the range of 30-225 L/day. Greywater is easy to treat and reuse safely for toilet flushing, landscape, crop irrigation. In our previous work, we examined the available biological treatment technologies for greywater treatment. In this study, we examined the available physical and chemical greywater treatment technologies. Physical treatment of greywater refers to separation of contaminants from the water by physical means such as sedimentation and filtration. Sedimentation is the process of allowing particles suspended in water to settle out under the effect of gravity forming sludge. Greywaters contain very low concentration of suspended solids and, therefore, sedimentation was not considered in this study. Filtration is a process of removing particulate matter from water by forcing the wastewater through a porous media that can be natural (sand, gravel and clay) or synthetic membranes made of cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate, polyamide, polycarbonate, polypropylene, and polytetrafluoroethylene. The size of contaminants that can be removed from the water depends upon the size of the membrane pores. Based on pore size, membrane filtration processes for water and wastewater are divided into four classes: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. There are several electrochemical treatment systems that have been used for treatment of greywaters for pollution load reduction and water reuse. The most used systems are chemical coagulation-flocculation, electrochemical coagulation, electrooxidation and photooxidation. In addition, adsorption is also used to treat greywater. This process creates a film of the adsorbate (Pollutants) on the surface of the adsorbent. However, when selecting a physical or a chemical treatment process, the characteristics of greywater must be taken into consideration.

Adn Envi Was Mana Rec, 2021
Greywater is a wastewater discharge originating from kitchen sinks, showers, baths, washing machi... more Greywater is a wastewater discharge originating from kitchen sinks, showers, baths, washing machines and dishwashers. Properly treated greywater can be recycled to meet global water shortages that is expected to affect 2.7 billion people around the world by 2025. Global water shortage can result in a reduction in agricultural land and increased dissertation leading to poverty, faming, war, illegal migration and human trafficking. Greywater contains fewer pathogens than domestic wastewater, is generally safer to handle and easier to treat and reuse onsite for toilet flushing, landscape and crop irrigation. Recycling of grey water provides substantial benefits for both the water supply system by reducing the demand for fresh clean water, and for the wastewater system by reducing the amount of wastewater required to be conveyed and disposed of. In this paper, the existing biological treatment systems for greywater are reviewed. These are: (a) constructed wet land, (b) sequencing batch reactor, (c) vertical flow bioreactor, (d) membrane bioreactor, (e) up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket, (f) rotating biological contractors, (g) trickling filters, (h) aerated lagoons, (i) anaerobic up-flow filter, and (j) expanded bed up-floe reactor. In a biological treatment, the degradation and transformation of greywater constituents are facilitated by the biochemical reactions carried out by microorganisms in the liquid medium. However, the effluent of biologically treated greywater may contain pathogenic microorganisms, requiring a final disinfection step to eliminate the risk of contracting pathogenic diseases. Selection criteria for a disinfectant include: (a) non-toxicity to humans, domesticated animals, and aquatic ecosystems, (b) low cost (c) easy handling, (d) reliable analysis, and (e) a satisfactory residual concentration. Any disinfection process selected (whether chemical oxidants or irradiation treatment is selected) should be evaluated taken into consideration the conditions of the wastewater source and existing biological treatment design.

Advance in Environmental Waste Management & Recycling, 2021
The carwash industry uses large volumes of freshwater and release wastewater containing harmful c... more The carwash industry uses large volumes of freshwater and release wastewater containing harmful chemicals into the environment. The type and quantity of cleaning chemicals and finish products used and the amount of dirt present on the vehicle affect the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the carwash wastewater. The growing public concerns for water conservation and the environmental health of water waterways has led to several environmental regulations to encourage wastewater reclamation and reduction of pollution loads. The environmentally friendly carwash operation requires a good washing technology with compatible washing chemicals and advanced water treatment methods with proper water recycling system. The desire of professional carwash operators to conserve water and/or reduce discharges dictate the choice of approach and reclaim equipment to be installed. This study describes the treatment options for carwash wastewaters for recycling in order to achieve pollution reduction, water conservation and economic benefits for carwash operators. These treatments include chemical coagulation-flocculation, electrocoagulation, electrooxidation, granular filtration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, biofilters, bioreactors, wetlands and adsorption. The advantages and disadvantages of each method were determined. Each method was evaluated and compared with other methods using a standard set of criteria that included: cost, maintenance and control, efficiency, suitability, value added product, environmental and health impact and size and land requirement. These criteria were developed based of the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment methods. Each criterion was assigned a score based on its relative importance. A comparative analysis was performed on the 12 methods of carwash wastewater treatments using the eight criteria. The results indicated that granular filter treatment had the highest score (87) followed by reverse osmosis (84). It is therefore recommended that a combination of granular filter and reverse osmosis be used to treat carwash wastewater. The granular filter is used as a pre-treatment option to remove suspended solids, heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms and the reverse osmosis unit is used as a final treatment for polishing the granular filter effluent and remove all remining organic molecules, cysts, bacteria, virus and all minerals including dissolved individual ions. The final product is a spotfree rinse water resulting in glass, chrome, and all painted surfaces to dry spot-free. Granular filter is easy to set up using locally available material, is economical and has a low capital and operating cost and a short residence time and can achieve reductions of up to 100% of COD, TSS and turbidity. Reverse osmosis results in complete removal of pathogens and virus and up to 99 % removal of dissolved solids.
Engenharia Agrícola, 2021
A pneumatic olive harvester was developed and evaluated in this study. The components of the deve... more A pneumatic olive harvester was developed and evaluated in this study. The components of the developed machine were the limb clamp, vibrating unit, control elements, main tube, air-pressured hoses, control valve, and power source. The measurements that related to the development of the harvester were fruit and limb damage, and some physical and mechanical properties of the olives fruit-stem system. The results demonstrated that the effectiveness of the developed machine to harvest olive fruits. The appropriateness of the developed machine was evaluated by some criteria: machine productivity, fruit removal, fruit damage, limb damage depth at the contact point with the clamp of the machine, breakage of shaken limb, and consumed energy. The suitable values of these criteria were achieved at 27 Hz frequency and 60 mm stroke.

International Journal of Bioprocess & Biotechnological Advancements, 2021
Carwash stations use large volumes of water and release wastewater containing harmful chemicals i... more Carwash stations use large volumes of water and release wastewater containing harmful chemicals into the environment. The type and quantity of cleaning solutions and finish products used and the soil present on the vehicle add harmful pollutants to the water and affect the characteristics of the carwash wastewater. Therefore, understanding how much water is used by the carwash industry and the pollution load of wastewater produced is necessary to ensure adoption of water conservation measures and design wastewater recycling systems. The growing public concern for water conservation, and the environmental health of waterways has led to several environmental regulatory structures designed to protect watersheds and enhance wastewater reclamation. Professional carwash wastewater reclamation has been in use for many years and is growing in sophistication. Most reclaim systems that have been installed are used to reduce freshwater consumption or reduce sewer discharge (volume and pollution load) and meet regulatory demands or a combination of both. The desire by the professional carwash operator to conserve water or reduce discharges will dictate the choice treatment and water reclaim equipment to be installed. This study describes the treatment and recycling options for carwash wastewaters used to achieve pollution reduction, water conservation and economic benefits for carwash operators. The general categories of treatment include electro chemical treatments (chemical coagulation-flocculation, electrocoagulation, electrooxidation), physical treatments (granular filtration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and adsorption), biological treatments (biofilters, bioreactors and wetlands). The environmentally friendly, modern carwash requires a good washing technology with compatible washing chemicals followed by advanced water treatment method with proper recycling system. Professional carwash reclaiming systems use water treated in one or more of these manners although technology may differ from installation to installation. It is important to note that choosing the wrong combination of cleaning solutions or treatment processes can create more problems than it solves. It is imperative for the professional carwash operator to understand each element of the reclaim system and its intended use.
Papears by Mohamed Ibrahim
leaves, banana peels, and green bean peels) as agricultural solid waste-based bio-adsorbents for heavy metals
removal from industrial wastewater at El-Menoufa Governorate, Egypt. A batch and continuous flow prototype
treatment units were manufactured for industrial wastewater treatment in accordance with the types of heavy
metals that exist in the industrial region. The fndings of the batch flow mechanism demonstrated that chromium
had the best removal effciency (RECr) ranged from 96 % to 99.5 %, followed by REPb from 86.79 % to 95.90 %.
The lowest RE was detected with retention time 15 min, while the highest RE values were recorded at 45 min.
The continuous flow results using both the Maskoub cartridge, and the Pinpoint cartridge showed levels of lead
that varied between 0.042 and 0.041 mg L− 1, respectively, with a REPb ranged from 97.89 % to 97.94 %,
respectively, while cadmium levels are 0.002 mg L− 1 for both cartridges with a RECd of 99.42 %, chromium levels
were recorded as 0.003 and 0.002 mg L− 1, respectively, with a RECr of 8.99 % to 99.33 %. It was found that all
heavy metals levels after treatment were lower than standards required by international organizations, which
supports the research outcomes for the application of the treatment unit in many industries, in addition to the
economic feasibility of applying these units, where the total costs does not exceed 1226.86 US$ y− 1 for a
treatment unit with a discharge 1 m3 h− 1.
it is necessary to move towards designing a system capable of harvesting sugarcane on smallholdings, with high harvesting
efciency. This study aims to determine some physico-mechanical properties of sugarcane stalks related to harvester by making
a comprehensive analysis of the compressing, bending, and shearing properties of sugarcane stalks. These properties were
measured at three moisture content levels at three positions (base, middle, and top) of the stalk with three sugarcane varieties
(G.T.54-9, IK 76-66, and HAO3-55-24). The different moisture contents were fresh stalk, after 7 days, and after 15 days. The values
of different content with different varieties were (70.3, 42.1, and 23.2%), (68.7, 61.3, and 42.7%) and (66.4, 48.6, and 30.5%),
respectively. The physico-mechanical properties of stalks were measured in terms of diameter, length, fresh mass, moisture content,
sugarcane stalk bulk density, compression stress, shear stress and bending stress at three different positions (top, middle, and
base).The most important results showed that the decreasing stalk moisture content of three sugarcane varieties led to an increase
in compression, shear, and bending stresses.
the physical, chemical and biological treatment
options for greywater for recycling in order to
achieve pollution reduction and water conservation.
The Performance, advantages and disadvantages of
twenty treatments were investigated which
included granular filtration, microfiltration,
ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis,
chemical coagulation-flocculation,
electrocoagulation, electrooxidation,
photooxidation, adsorption, wetlands, aerated
lagoons, rotating biological contactors, sequencing
batch reactors, expanded bed up-flow bioreactors,
vertical flow bioreactor, membrane bioreactors,
trickling biofilter, anaerobic up-flow biofilter and
up-floe anaerobic sludge blanket. Each treatment
method was evaluated and compared with others
using a standard set of criteria with the objective of
selecting the most applicable and economically and
environmentally feasible treatment system (or
systems) that results clean water for recycling.
Eight criteria (cost, maintenance and control,
efficiency, suitability, value added product,
environmental and health impact and size and land
requirement) were selected for evaluation and each
criterion was assigned a figure based on its relative
important. A comparative analysis was performed
on the 20 treatment methods using the eight
criteria. The granular filter scored the highest (89)
among the physical treatments, the electrochemical
coagulation scored the highest (80) among the
chemical treatments group and the rotary biological
contactors scored the highest (89) among the
biological treatments group. The top 3 treatments
were granular filter (89), rotary biological
contactors (89) and sequencing batch bioreactor
(88), A through review of the literature indicated
that non of the 20 treatment options can be used
alone safely to treat greywater for reuse onsite
for toilet flushing, landscape, crop irrigation and
other non-potable uses. It is, therefore,
recommended that a combination of granular filter
and rotating biological contactors be used to treat
greywater from a large group of houses, apartment
complex, large commercial establishment or
recreational facility and a combination of granular
filter and sequencing bed bioreactor be used to treat
greywater from a single house, a school or small
business such as a sport center or shopping mall.
The utilization of treated greywater reduces the
demand for fresh clean water and provide
substantial benefits for the municipal wastewater
system by reducing the amount of wastewater to be
leaves, banana peels, and green bean peels) as agricultural solid waste-based bio-adsorbents for heavy metals
removal from industrial wastewater at El-Menoufa Governorate, Egypt. A batch and continuous flow prototype
treatment units were manufactured for industrial wastewater treatment in accordance with the types of heavy
metals that exist in the industrial region. The fndings of the batch flow mechanism demonstrated that chromium
had the best removal effciency (RECr) ranged from 96 % to 99.5 %, followed by REPb from 86.79 % to 95.90 %.
The lowest RE was detected with retention time 15 min, while the highest RE values were recorded at 45 min.
The continuous flow results using both the Maskoub cartridge, and the Pinpoint cartridge showed levels of lead
that varied between 0.042 and 0.041 mg L− 1, respectively, with a REPb ranged from 97.89 % to 97.94 %,
respectively, while cadmium levels are 0.002 mg L− 1 for both cartridges with a RECd of 99.42 %, chromium levels
were recorded as 0.003 and 0.002 mg L− 1, respectively, with a RECr of 8.99 % to 99.33 %. It was found that all
heavy metals levels after treatment were lower than standards required by international organizations, which
supports the research outcomes for the application of the treatment unit in many industries, in addition to the
economic feasibility of applying these units, where the total costs does not exceed 1226.86 US$ y− 1 for a
treatment unit with a discharge 1 m3 h− 1.
it is necessary to move towards designing a system capable of harvesting sugarcane on smallholdings, with high harvesting
efciency. This study aims to determine some physico-mechanical properties of sugarcane stalks related to harvester by making
a comprehensive analysis of the compressing, bending, and shearing properties of sugarcane stalks. These properties were
measured at three moisture content levels at three positions (base, middle, and top) of the stalk with three sugarcane varieties
(G.T.54-9, IK 76-66, and HAO3-55-24). The different moisture contents were fresh stalk, after 7 days, and after 15 days. The values
of different content with different varieties were (70.3, 42.1, and 23.2%), (68.7, 61.3, and 42.7%) and (66.4, 48.6, and 30.5%),
respectively. The physico-mechanical properties of stalks were measured in terms of diameter, length, fresh mass, moisture content,
sugarcane stalk bulk density, compression stress, shear stress and bending stress at three different positions (top, middle, and
base).The most important results showed that the decreasing stalk moisture content of three sugarcane varieties led to an increase
in compression, shear, and bending stresses.
the physical, chemical and biological treatment
options for greywater for recycling in order to
achieve pollution reduction and water conservation.
The Performance, advantages and disadvantages of
twenty treatments were investigated which
included granular filtration, microfiltration,
ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis,
chemical coagulation-flocculation,
electrocoagulation, electrooxidation,
photooxidation, adsorption, wetlands, aerated
lagoons, rotating biological contactors, sequencing
batch reactors, expanded bed up-flow bioreactors,
vertical flow bioreactor, membrane bioreactors,
trickling biofilter, anaerobic up-flow biofilter and
up-floe anaerobic sludge blanket. Each treatment
method was evaluated and compared with others
using a standard set of criteria with the objective of
selecting the most applicable and economically and
environmentally feasible treatment system (or
systems) that results clean water for recycling.
Eight criteria (cost, maintenance and control,
efficiency, suitability, value added product,
environmental and health impact and size and land
requirement) were selected for evaluation and each
criterion was assigned a figure based on its relative
important. A comparative analysis was performed
on the 20 treatment methods using the eight
criteria. The granular filter scored the highest (89)
among the physical treatments, the electrochemical
coagulation scored the highest (80) among the
chemical treatments group and the rotary biological
contactors scored the highest (89) among the
biological treatments group. The top 3 treatments
were granular filter (89), rotary biological
contactors (89) and sequencing batch bioreactor
(88), A through review of the literature indicated
that non of the 20 treatment options can be used
alone safely to treat greywater for reuse onsite
for toilet flushing, landscape, crop irrigation and
other non-potable uses. It is, therefore,
recommended that a combination of granular filter
and rotating biological contactors be used to treat
greywater from a large group of houses, apartment
complex, large commercial establishment or
recreational facility and a combination of granular
filter and sequencing bed bioreactor be used to treat
greywater from a single house, a school or small
business such as a sport center or shopping mall.
The utilization of treated greywater reduces the
demand for fresh clean water and provide
substantial benefits for the municipal wastewater
system by reducing the amount of wastewater to be