Hala Kamal
Professor of English and Gender Studies
Address: Cairo University
Department of English
Faculty of Arts
Giza 12613
Address: Cairo University
Department of English
Faculty of Arts
Giza 12613
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InterestsView All (7)
Papers by Hala Kamal
الإشراف: محمد بريري
A co-translation into Arabic of
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Modernism and New Criticism
Vol. 7: http://www.cambridge.org/es/academic/subjects/literature/english-literature-1900-1945/cambridge-history-literary-criticism-volume-7
Eds. Walton Litz, Louis Menand and Lawrence Rainey
Translators: Fatma Qandil, Tarek el-No'man and Hala Kamal
مقدمة: النقد الأدبي النسوي والترجمة النسوية - هالة كمال
قضايا منهجية في النقد النسوي
1. الرقص عبر حقل الألغام: ملاحظات في النقد الأدبي النسوي - آنيت كولودني
2. نحو نقد أدبي نسوي - إيلين شوولتر
3. نحو نقد أدبي أسود - باربرا سميث
4. النسوية في سياقات أمريكا اللاتينية - ديبرا كاستيلو
5. النظرية النسوية مابعد الكولونيالية - ساره ميلز
6. النظرية الأدبية النسوية - ماجي همّ
مفاهيم في النقد النسوي
7. النسوي، الأنثوي، المؤنث - توريل موي
8. كتابة الجسد: نحو فهم الكتابة الأنثوية - آن روزاليند جونز
9. نحو علم سرد نسوي - سوزان لانسر
النوع الأدبي والنقد النسوي
10. السيرة الذاتية المقاومة - كارين كابلان
11. دراسات مابعد الكولونيالية والممارسات النسوية عبر القومية - إندربال جريوال وكارين كابلان
12. من سجن النساء: سرديات السجن لدى نساء العالم الثالث - باربرا هارلو
13. كتابة حيوات النساء العربيات - جين سعيد المقدسي
معجم المصطلحات
'This handbook is a superb resource for scholars and translators. Its finely calibrated content and structure sets a new standard for future research on gender and translation. The editors succeeded brilliantly in bringing thematic and structural coherence to chapters concerned with diverse topics and approaches and authored by a culturally diverse group of scholars. An impressive scholarly accomplishment, the handbook offers fundamental and timely readings on gender, feminist, and queer theories and translation that are highly relevant to everyone involved in translation and translation studies.'
Karin Bauer, McGill University, Canada
'A systematic and meticulous study, this fascinating volume uncovers a wealth of distinct and lively perspectives emerging in different corners of the world in a welcome addition to the literature. Agents and processes at the intersections of translation, feminism and gender are presented in a richly diverse range of contexts.'
Emilia Di Martino, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Italy
The main question raised in this episode is:
Can translating a book be a feminist act?
Kim Chakanetsa brings together two female translators from Egypt (Hala Kamal) and the UK (Emily Wilson) who explain why it matters that more women, and particularly more feminists, are translating texts into Arabic and English.
Kair - miasto egipskiego noblisty Nadżiba Mahfuza, gdzie się urodził i gdzie zmarł. Zafascynowany tym miejscem pisarz stał się jego piewcą i poświęcił mu swoją literaturę.
O Kairze Nadżiba Mahfuza i o swoich własnych doświadczeniach związanych z tym miastem w latach 60. i 70. XX wieku opowie dr. Jolanta Kozłowska, tłumaczka prozy noblisty. O Kairze współczesnym, o procesach tam zachodzących i o pisarzach, którzy dziś w swoich książkach mierzą się z tym miejscem, będzie mówić z kolei dr Hala Kamal z Uniwersytetu w Kairze, która urodziła się w tym mieście, i która wciąż mieszka tam i pracuje.
Na "Miasta pisarzy" zaprasza Ewa Stocka-Kalinowska.
14 września (niedziela), godz. 18.00-19.00
Gościem czwartkowych "Rozmów po zmroku" będzie dr Hala Kamal zajmująca się krytyką literacką, specjalizująca się w literaturze kobiecej, która jest wykładowcą na Wydziale Nauk Humanistycznych na Uniwersytecie Kairskim.
Opowiada o rodzinie i rodzicach (oboje byli naukowcami); matka Teresa Pfabe-Kamal, Polka, która pracowała między innymi nad początkami powieści egipskiej, i ojciec Egipcjanin - pracownik naukowy egipskiego Centrum Badań Folkloru. Hala Kamal mówi o atmosferze wielokulturowego domu, o dwóch religiach, w których została wychowana, wreszcie o swojej pracy zawodowej i sytuacji we współczesnym Egipcie.
Na spotkanie z Halą Kamala w "Rozmowach po zmroku" zaprasza Ewa Stocka-Kalinowska.
6 marca (czwartek), godz. 21.30-22.30
This study is divided into two parts. Part One presents the theoretical framework, and is in turn divided into two chapters: "Women's Autobiography," and "Immigration and Ethnicity." Part Two includes an analysis of the four memoirs in the light of women's
autobiography theory and immigration theory. In this Part, I devote a chapter to "Life-Story and History" in which I explore the authors' representations of their journeys of immigration and the consequences of displacement, longing, belonging, and definitions of home. The next chapter deals with "Experience" as a process of interpretation. Ethnicity and gender are key issues here, whereby both are analysed in the memoirs through representations of the body: the ethnic body and the female body. And the intersection of ethnicity and gender oppression is shown as the motivating force behind the development and expression of feminist consciousness in the memoirs. The last chapter, devoted to "Writing," focuses on self-representation and self-assertion through memoir-writing. Here I look closer at the textual construct, the sources employed in writing, as well as specific 'technologies of autobiography' and of self-representation such as photography and the figurative use of metonymy in identity-construction. As academics, the four writers' involvement in memoir writing can be also seen as a process of 'theorising the self,' in which they combine historiography, theory, creative writing and autobiography.
In the Conclusion, and in the light of Edward Said's definition of intellectualism, the four writers emerge as intellectuals who in addition to exploring the dimensions of being women, experimenting with autobiographical writing and destabilizing the genre, are also actively involved in exposing discrimination and exploring various modes of resistance and self-assertion through reclaiming their right to self-representation. Refiecting on the memoirs of Elmaz Abinader, Leila Ahmed, Arlene Avakian and Shirley Lim collectively, I see them in Caren Kaplan's terms as examples of out-law genres exemplifying "expansions or revolutions of generic boundaries." Thus, the four texts gain out-law qualities and emerge as belonging to autobiographical out-law genres. By focusing on the histories and experiences of women, by writing within the 'tradition' of women's autobiographical writing, and by producing texts belonging to 'out-law genres' they establish their marginality, not as a position of victimization and oppression, but as one of resistance, agency and self representation.
The thesis uses postcolonial literary theory to discuss self-representation in a context of cross-cultural encounters, mainly between Britain and India. The study focuses on stages of self-representation and the image of India in three novels by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala: Esmond in India, A New Dominion, and Heat and Dust, with reference to gender and cultural power relations.