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Background: Rapid and accurate diagnosis and management can be lifesaving for patients with acute dyspnea. However, making a differential diagnosis and selecting early treatment for patients with acute dyspnea in the emergency setting are... more
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    • Procalcitonin
Background: To determine the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy of thoracic ultrasound (TUS) in patients with moderate to high clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolism... more
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In this study, we evaluated the gender diVerences in body mass index (BMI), age and their eVects on apnea-hypopnea index during total sleep time (AHI TST) in the Turkish population who were diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome... more
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      ElectroencephalographyTurkeyObstructive sleep apneaGender Difference
Background Conducted studies showed that the ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) values of malignant mediastinal lesions are significantly lower than those of benign lesions. Investigators determined cut-off ADC values to differentiate... more
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Background: Pleurodesis fails in 10%-40% of patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusions malignant pleural effusion and dyspnea. This study aimed to assess the values of pleural elastance (P EL) after the aspiration of 500 mL of... more
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Original article 173 was significantly shorter in the NIV group than in the SMT group. Conclusion This supports the use of NIV early after extubation in all patients regardless of risk for respiratory failure.
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Background Weaning failure is common in mechanically ventilated patients, and if ultrasound can predict weaning outcome remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diaphragmatic function (thickness and excursion)... more
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    • Medicine
The superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome is a clinical entity caused by obstruction of the superior vena cava by infiltration, compression or thrombosis. Cancer is the most common underlying cause of superior vena cava obstruction. The... more
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    • Medicine
Background Routine administration of antibacterials in patients with Covid-19 has been a subject of debate, with no solid data about the true prevalence of respiratory coinfections in Covid-19 patients in different geographic areas. The... more
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    • Medicine
Background Due to limited capacity, health care systems worldwide have been put in challenging situations since the emergence of COVID-19. To prioritize patients who need hospital admission, a better understanding of the clinical... more
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    • Medicine
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IntroductionSince the worldwide emergence of the COVID-19, several protocols were used by different healthcare organisations. We evaluated in this study the demographic and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 disease in Egyptian... more
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 IJMA Listed in "Publons", "Academic resource index [ResearchBib]", "Electronics journal library", "Eurasian Scientific Journal Index", World Catalogue of Scientific Journals, Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR) live... more
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Background & Aims: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global health problem, presenting with symptoms ranging from mild nonspecific symptoms to serious pneumonia. Early screening techniques are essential in the diagnosis and... more
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To demonstrate the safety, usefulness and feasibility of lung biopsy by medical thoracoscopy in patients with DPLDs on HRCT chest of unconfirmed diagnosis after evaluation with less invasive investigations. METHODS: The study included 10... more
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Background Knowledge about the outcome of COVID-19 on pregnant women is so important. The published literature on the outcomes of pregnant women with COVID-19 is confusing. The aim of this study was to report our clinical experience about... more
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      MedicinePregnancyPneumoniaChristian Ministry
PURPOSE: To assess the safety and efficacy of thoracoscopic doxycycline poudrage (TDP) for pleurodesis in malignant effusions. METHODS: Twenty seven patients were included in this study. Thoracoscopy was performed for diagnosis and... more
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      SurgeryMedicineSafetyClinical Sciences
Background Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is an immunologically induced inflammation of the lung parenchyma that occurs in susceptible individuals in response to a variety of antigens. Repeated exposures to the causative antigens lead... more
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      CardiologyMedicinePulmonary HypertensionInternal Medicine
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