CAHME and AACSB Joint Site Visits
CAHME is proud to work with our colleagues at AACSB because we share a common commitment to ensuring future leaders in business and in healthcare have the skills and competencies needed to meet challenges today and in the future. Just as AACSB accreditation is the gold standard for business schools nationally and internationally, CAHME accreditation of healthcare management education programs — whether stand-alone or part of an MBA program — is as well. AACSB and CAHME are globally recognized standards for excellence sought after by both students and employers, and academic institutions who believe in continuous quality improvement.
Benefits of Participating in a Joint Site Visit
Streamlines Process
CAHME will accept the AACSB review of 17 out of 35 criteria.
Reduces Documentation
Eliminates redundant documentation requirements and consolidates the overall review process.
Unified Review Cycle
A successful joint CAHME/AACSB site visit will put programs on a unified, six-year review cycle with both accreditors.
Gold Standard
Just as AACSB accreditation is the recognized standard for business schools, CAHME accreditation indicates a graduate healthcare management program meets standards for educational excellence and impact related to healthcare leadership.
Help Programs Succeed
CAHME and AACSB work together to help programs achieve accreditation status that is recognized and sought after by both students and employers.
CAHME accreditation offers your program and its faculty access to a network of the leading educators and academics in healthcare management education.
White Paper
CAHME and AACSB Joint Site Visits: Innovating for Quality and Efficiency

Checkout this episode of EDUP Accreditation with Laurie Shanderson, PhD, FACHE, Anthony Stanowski, President & CEO of CAHME, and Miriam F. Weismann, Academic Director Healthcare MBA at Florida International University (FIU), as they discuss joint site visits with the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Programs (CAHME) and The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
White Paper
Joining Forces to Reduce Accreditation Fatigue