"It's Always the End of the World"'s Journal
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"It's Always the End of the World"'s Journal

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12th January 2010

postphotdrake4:15am: Get up to $5000 in FREE Casino Bonuses

Online Vegas Casino is the most reliable web site managed by a proficient gaming group. On its web site, you can find many exciting casino games. In addition, the administrative executives often keep this web site updated with new and exciting online games.

Hence, if you are in search of games such as Slots, Video Poker, Roulette or Blackjack, you will certainly find them all at Online Vegas Casino.

Slots games at Online Vegas Casino offer the most attractive features amongst any other online casino games. In addition, the casino offers huge bonus incentives every week. Next, the graphics of Online Vegas Casino are administered and powered by Vegas Technology.

More significantly, the graphics are eye-catching and present the guests with the feeling of a gracious U.S. online casino. You can easily download its gaming software program by just logging on to its official site and installing the program on your desktop via high-speed internet connection. The size of its software is just 3MB, and hence you can easily download it within a matter of seconds.

Click Here to play at Vegas Casino Online!

New entrants, who are ready to sign-up at this casino, are eligible for a free bonus of $5000. This means that you will receive a bonus of $5000 on your first deposit. In addition, this bonus is added to your casino’s bankroll. Next, you have to fulfill the minimum requirements of wagering to withdraw your winning amount from the casino’s account.

For instance, the minimum requirement of wagering has to be at least 10 times of the deposit inclusive of the bonus amount. When you compare the requirements of Online Vegas Casino wagering with other online casinos, you can find that these obligations are quite logical.

Online Vegas Casino offers a wide range of banking choices to players, so that they may withdraw and deposit the winning sum by selecting any desired banking options according to their preferences.

You can find the detailed banking option on the web site of Online Vegas Casino. However, to deposit money in the account, you need to make use of your credit card, since the transactions done with the help of credit cards are quite easy and quick. On the other hand, for a non credit card holder, there is another option called the “Wire Transfer”, which makes your transactions hassle free.

Even though, the site does not indicate about its payout percentage, experts say that the casino offers a high payout proportion of around 98.7% for players. In fact, this is the paramount payout percentage in the world of online casinos. In addition, the casino offers special rewards for each bet placed by every player. You can make use of these rewards to convert additional credits. In case of any problem during the play, you can contact the customer care executives, who are available 24 x 7 to help you. You can seek their assistance via email, phone or live chat. Overall, Online Vegas Casino is the best casino to have a great gaming experience.

Current Mood: loved

11th January 2010

coreallyherna4:36am: We Always Have The Lowest Pharmacy Online-Offers
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Current Mood: loved

22nd September 2009

max_vol198825:16pm: hairtransplantthelifelongsolutiontoyourhairloss
This page was designed to help anyone who is experiencing or thinks they may . We have gathered a lot of information over the years and we wanted to share what . What causes hair loss? What are my hair restoration options? What is a hair transplant? . What causes hair loss? The most common cause of hair loss is inheritance. . Learn about the different reasons men and women lose their hair, and find out if your hair loss . A New Breed of Political Wife Shows Poise and Courage . Many suffer from hair loss and are looking for ways to restore . What Causes Hair loss? November 05, 2006 by . What causes hair loss? Can it be prevented? . What Causes Hair Loss in Men - Can it Be Cured?. 19 Sep. 2007. . . <h1>What Causes Hair Loss?</h1><strong>Author: <a title . Article Source: . What causes hair loss:An instructional video all about hair loss and hair transplantation. . What causes hair loss: An instructional video all about hair loss . what causes hair loss This page was designed to help anyone who is experiencing or thinks they may . We have gathered a lot of information over the years and we wanted to share what . What causes hair loss? What are my hair restoration options? What is a hair transplant? . What causes hair loss? The most common cause of hair loss is inheritance. . Learn about the different reasons men and women lose their hair, and find out if your hair loss . A New Breed of Political Wife Shows Poise and Courage . Many suffer from hair loss and are looking for ways to restore . What Causes Hair loss? November 05, 2006 by . What causes hair loss? Can it be prevented? . What Causes Hair Loss in Men - Can it Be Cured?. 19 Sep. 2007. . . <h1>What Causes Hair Loss?</h1><strong>Author: <a title . Article Source: . What causes hair loss:An instructional video all about hair loss and hair transplantation. . What causes hair loss: An instructional video all about hair loss . what causes hair loss hair transplant the lifelong solution to your hair loss

25th May 2008

sidrichmond8:29pm: I have been a livejournal user for over five years now, and recently made a website with a collection of my writing from my writing on livejournal. I apologise to anyone who has heard me mention this site before and are not interested, but for those of you who are curious, or have visited my site before - I have just updated it with a bunch of new writing, and would appreciate any feedback on it, whether you love it or hate it. The address is: 

Also, whether you care about the website or not - add me as a friend. I enjoy reading your writing just as much I enjoy sharing my own.

Thanks guys!

22nd February 2007

mickeylimon3:10pm: in personae


in personae i can be
a seamless person apart from me
filling the shoes of somebody
i have ought to live prematurely

in personae i see deception
meeting ends against misconception
breaking laws altogether
just so we can be together

in personae i feel
i steal
glimpse of the sweet future
i walk
i talk
endlessly unbound from reality
in personae i am me
no matter how immature
no matter how unlikely
in personae i am free

in personae i feel endlessly
the fuel for life to be dealt easily
i tap its majestic longings
to meet my sudden misgivings

in personae
in personae


21st February 2007

mickeylimon1:07pm: the coming of age (february 20, 2007)


the will to be forcible
for you to see me against tides
of unwanted imagery
against unexplained comedy
of you here lying motionless
touching the skin at my back

the risks already undertaken
from the moment you smelled my hair
till your arms playfully linger on my bare hip
then in unison
looking thru the frosty window
listening to the rain pouring madly at the roof
whispering carelessly to remember
long forgotten memories taken in innocence together

the bliss left under the sheets
with you holding me closely
against your bare chest
overpowering me with your able shoulders
trapped endlessly
wanting blissfully
to be here forever
without turning back
to our lives lived in secrecy


24th January 2007

chickencock10:03am: Dead cant hold me down,can't stand the pain ,inside my a napalm dream..its all a blur..happily ever after just a thought..what does that mean...was that real...Im stummblin hoppin gates bleeding...not on the outside but comes the end and I can hardly wait..she make me cry inside and feel again...she's dangerous...she doesnt know what she wants but she always gets what she needs..death to them death to them..I say judge not but I judge and motherfuckin right too one can argue cause I hate in general it doesnt take much it doesnt take long!
Current Mood: contemplative

11th January 2007

decandantzombie12:17am: eyes
Those eyes
Those goddamn eyes
They haunt my every second
Deepset pools of dark chocolate
Framed with coal black lashes
So dense the lids are lined with black

Thick dark brows furrowed in thought
Thick dark brows troubled
Top the eyes that mesmerized me

Eyes that shine with intensity
Eyes the burn with passion
Eyes that are dead with pain
Eyes that narrow in jealousy

Those eyes stare out at me
From every corner of my brain
From every shadow in my soul

But did those eyes ever see?

Those eyes
Those goddamn eyes
Current Mood: pretty good

9th January 2007

decandantzombie12:47am: partly cloudy
A fire burns inside of me
Brighter than any star
But everyone around
Has tried to keep covered
Covered like clouds on a stormy night

Stifle it
smother it
Never let it show
Always drift in front of the light to hide it from prying eyes

It's too intense
Too bright
Too concentrated
We are doing the world a favor by stealing the view

Now I don't know how to let it shine
An overcast life
Surrounded by clouds
My light filtered and blocked

Those clouds
They want my light
They want it for themselves
Want to keep it hidden
But They can't handle the intensity

I burn brighter than a star
A star hidden and covered by jealous clouds

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16th December 2006

firesandashes12:38pm: bonjour
I'm new here, so 'hi guys'!
I really enjoyed reading all the stuff you wrote.
I already got some poems in my LJ. please check'em out and tell me what you think. would really appreciate some comments. -->
greets, A.
Current Mood: blank

1st December 2006

decandantzombie12:57am: The airborne heavy drop cache
I want this thing cut out of me
The thing that makes me incapable of caring about anyone else
This black beating organ inside my chest

No not really

I want yours to beat for me again
To quicken at the thought of my voice
To skip at the site of my image

The way mine does with you

Take my heart
It belongs to you
I have no use for it anymore
Current Mood: extremely depressed

17th November 2006

sellardour3:34am: Without your help, I pulled
myself up from the floor with some
remaining strength and with some
pain still tingling in the
back of my head
from where it had hit the blue walls
of your apartment.

I remember you did hold out
your hand, to show me the way
out into the early morning and had said
“This is true.” as an answer the question
I had asked you when I could tell you stood in
the silent darkness over me with your
hands set at your bare waist.

I knew then that I wanted to stay and knew
that I could not because of a tightness
crawling up from my behind my ribs
toward my face. I felt it under my chin.
The gravel of your driveway shifted
under the cut pride of my step.

This time, you did not cast down your eyes
as you cast me out and sent me to
walk the sidewalk home,
to add more distance between
myself and a place and person of
who I want nothing of
except everything.

All you let keep was a soreness
between my legs and between my
temples but I managed to come home,
not take off my coat or scarf,
but to sit down and drown at the kitchen table.

Now I sit and sit and light cigarettes under
the baseball cap covering the bruised side of my
face not at all very well and admit to the thrice
wound circles that press around my eyes
that I’m in crazy bad shape.

16th November 2006


O’ if words could only tell, just how I feel

To put you in my world,

To let you see thru my eyes

Feel what I feel,

With every descriptive detail,

O’ if only words could do this,

You could see you,

Just the way I do.

You could feel what I feel

When I see you, so full of joy just by your face

Yet, at the same time full of sadness

O’ if only my words could show you

To let you feel…

oberons_lover3:36pm: try as hard as I may
I sit here and do nothing
nothing once again
moving forward is a hard
tiring thing to do
turning on the flashlight
in my brain to find
the light switch
just leads to tripping over
old boxes of thoughts
mismarked and misplaced
just laying around
in the corners of my mind
I kick the boxes down the stairs
into the basement of my brain
and let the search go on
for illumination
sellardour2:45pm: How has it come to that, that
You allow me to consider: “I am getting so old.”
The skin on the back of my hands is taking on the thin
And sickeningly slippery quality that
Makes us ask for a glass of water
And look up death in the thesaurus.

It’s a Gothic Church.
Do you see the giant rose windows?

14th November 2006

foreverpheonix6:26pm: Almost
Happy almost Anniversary
Here's to all the love we almost had.
Here's to almost 3 years,
And the almost good times and the bad.
I could almost say I miss you.
I may almost want you here.
But almost doesn't cut it,
You can't hold almost, dear.

So here's to all the memories.
Here's to all the pain.
Here's to the future we almost had.
Here's to the lives it almost changed.

Happy almost Anniversary
Our lives almost spent together,
Our hearts almost entwined.
For my devotion almost for you,
For the mess you left behind.
Current Mood: lonely

8th November 2006

decandantzombie12:07am: Never sleep during your planning period at a school that still has bells
The bell rings
The rats scurry
Looking for their little hidey-holes
Trying to finish their cheese
Meanwhile I dream
Of a man and a monkey on a motocycle
Meandering through my mind
Never reaching their destination cause
they never actually left
THe rats and the man reacting
upon pavlovian instinct
React to stimluli
Only the Monkey is unaffected
Though he shakes with fear from the motorcycle
The bells rings
I sit up suddenly
seams from my shirt
leave indentions on my face
Never sleep during planning
If your school still has bells
Current Mood: sleepy

6th November 2006

bertv5:30pm: How many hours are in this day??
So on Sunday morning I had a busy day. I woke up early and bought a battery for my friend car and replaced it for her. Then I drove about thirty minutes to my house and picked up my father uniform and dropped it off at his work. After that I went to Mexico to return a belt I bought for my fathers Birthday. Well the stand I bought it from was no longer there and no one else that carried the same belt would exchange it because they did not sell it to me. I finally found a guy who did exchange it for a five dollar fee. ::screaming in frustration:: Did I mention it was fucking hot all day and I was hungover. Oh yeah lets recap my trip I woke up drove 15 minutes to buy the battery drove 15 minutes back to the car and change the battery drove 5 minutes to pick up Marissa drove 5 minutes to take marissa to her car, drove 30 minutes home drove 33 minutes to my dads work. Then I drove 45 minutes to Mexico and wasted about an hour of my life trying to exchange a fucking belt.Then I get a call from a friend and she says I promised her I would take her to lunch today!! Just between you and I, I totally forgot. So I tell her I'm in Mexico and that I'm on way to pick her up. I stop and get gas drive another 45 minutes into town and pick her up.As we get ready to leave her house my sister calls she needs a ride to buy some auto parts along with her boyfriend. So I drive 10 minutes home (my fiend lives pretty close to me)and pick her and her BF up we look for the part and it takes about three hours to get!! Well we got it and we had lunch. It just felt like a long day I finally went home and put on a movie I only saw the first five minutes and then crashed out like a log for the next six to eight hours. I woke up in time to watch the Patriots and Colts game. Good game too bad the Patriots lost ::crying:: Well I had a long fucking day..... today is not so bad tho.
Current Mood: drained

3rd November 2006

bertv10:45am: Is it too early to give up?
I just woke up about two hours ago and already this day sucks. Well not actually it doesn't suck yet but I get the feeling its going to. I work nine hours today and well i'm only twenty-two minutes in. I really need someone in my life that just makes me happy I have not had someone like that in a long time.. ::screaming:: Well i suppose I will leave you for now..
Current Mood: crappy

1st November 2006

decandantzombie10:58pm: Life (or something not at all like it)
Where's the damn switch
I know's there's a reset button somewhere
Maybe if I kick it a couple of times
Smack it hard on the side with an open hand
Shake it a little
Or maybe unplug it
I can't get this damn life to work
Current Mood: extremely depressed
oberons_lover1:09pm: Beginning day and done again
walking hand in hand with friend
sunset's light ambient
living life's gone all but spent
sweetness smiles on his face
slowingly slightly life's fast pace
long enough for me to see
exactly what I want for me
Current Mood: tired thinking pleasant things

30th October 2006

bertv6:12pm: date tonight...
One of my friends,Gracie has been trying to set me up on date with one of her friends from myspace. I keep saying no because,well I have feelings for someone else.Anyway I agreed to go today but knowing me and my track record with blind dates i hope all goes well.
Current Mood: anxious

27th October 2006

bertv6:34pm: Dreaming of a joyful Christmas
she lies in bed still as stone.
the light plays off her face like a million stars exploding.
To be with her would be divine,
but alas she will never be mine.
I must be content to be her friend, and help her broken heart mend.
So once again I put my heart to sleep, maybe in dreams i'll find my queen.
Current Mood: crushed

12th October 2006

decandantzombie12:31am: poetry time (inspired by crowbars ;)
My fingers are painted red
With the crimson life of your body
A crowbar at my feet
The same essence
colors it's metal

dressed in white
the way you asked
The wind makes a mockery of my skirt
The snow mimics the covering on my body
Watching you fall into the deepest sleep

My nails are painted black
They tap a rhythm on the laquer
The polished vaneer of your new wooden home
My heart beats the color of my nails
And trips a melody of sorrow

Oceans spill from my eyes of grey
making pathways down my face
They run a race to find a way to you
Who sleeps eternally in a charcoaled suit
and knock gently on your door

drip drop
tap tap
you won't ever die
now matter how many times I kill you
When my tears knock
Your memory answers
Current Mood: sleepy

5th October 2006

decandantzombie10:22pm: poetry time
I heard the beating of my heart
Heavy, Loud
Like a sledge hammer
Resounding through the halls
Reverberating off every corner
Like a slowing clock that winds down to the end
It was the sound of my demise

then... silence
Current Mood: ehh
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