

Tots els temes

The Event

The Event

Tema comercial

Aquest tema és gratuït però ofereix actualitzacions o suport comercial de pagament.

  • Versió 2.0.3
  • Darrera actualització 23 de juny de 2023
  • Instal·lacions actives 90+
  • Versió del WordPress 5.0
  • Versió del PHP 5.6

The Event is a beautifully crafted multipurpose theme, especially for event websites. While there’s a lot that goes into creating an unforgettable event experience, having a unique event website that portrays your event features is the most. It helps you use that technology to your competitive advantage. It is compatible with WooCommerce. Likewise, it is lightning fast, extremely light-weight, search engine friendly and very easy to use. The Event theme has a wide list of customizable features including front page customizable sections with customizer API, wide and boxed layout and many more options. It comes with cross-browser compatibility, mobile friendly design, sections sortable and responsive features.

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Instal·lacions actives: 90+


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