Pulitzer is a minimal blog theme designed for writers, with special consideration for newsletters. It features a reading time indicator, four different archive layouts to choose from, complete page patterns for your resume, newsletter, contact page, and archive, like and share buttons on single posts, and a newsletter subscribe form in the footer. The like/share buttons and subscribe form require the Jetpack plugin to be active and the Subscription feature to be enabled. Demo: https://pulitzer.andersnoren.se
Patrons de l’editor de blocs, Estils de l’editor de blocs, Blog, Colors personalitzats, Logotip personalitzat, Menú personalitzat, Estil de l’editor, Imatges destacades, Temes de blocs, Notícies, Una columna, Portafoli, Entrada fixada, Variacions d’estil, Comentaris ordenats per fils, Llest per a traduccions, Blocs amples
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Instal·lacions actives: 500+
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