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Pubnews Plus

Pubnews Plus

Aquest és un tema fill de Pubnews.

  • Versió 1.0.0
  • Darrera actualització 26 de novembre de 2024
  • Instal·lacions actives 1.000+
  • Versió del PHP 5.6

Pubnews Plus is an exceptional news theme designed to satisfy all your requirements. It is customizer-based as well as fully compatible with Elementor builder. Pubnews theme offers extensive customization options for the header, footer, inner pages, and any part of the website. You will greatly enjoy diving into its live customizer, which incorporates all WordPress possibilities, such as post query parameters, real-time preview, expanded typography, and extensive style modification options. With a top-notch and intuitive design, this theme gives your website a professional news/magazine appearance. It includes six news layouts that can be customized at a granular level and added to any section as many times as you want. If you prefer creating your website with Elementor, we highly recommend you to use the theme with News Kit Elementor Addons plugin. With News Kit Elementor Addons and Elementor integrated into your website, Pubnews theme offers limitless possibilities in the world of drag and drop page building. Alternatively, if you don’t have any time to spare on building pages, you can easily import pre-built starter sites with a single click. No hassle! No complexity! Check out all the pre-built starter websites here https://blazethemes.com/theme/pubnews-free

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Instal·lacions actives: 1.000+


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