

Tots els temes



Aquest tema no s’ha actualitzat en més de 2 anys. Pot ser que ja no pugui ser mantingut o suportat i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat si s’utilitza amb les versions més recents del WordPress.

  • Versió 1.0.4
  • Darrera actualització 20 d’agost de 2020
  • Instal·lacions actives 40+
  • Versió del PHP 7.0

Matrimony is one of the latest top-ranked pattern matrimonial WordPress Themes to be found in the WordPress library. It is an ambitious and highly creative product that keeps your special moments alive between your friends and relatives. Every part of this theme is very much easy to understand and manipulate it into a cool look and vibrant feel website. Surely, developers kept the place to showcase all of your high-quality beautiful images in the slider homepage. You can also get the space to share your love, feelings, and experiences of being part of such important instances of your life through the blog. With every step forward towards your successful conjugal life, your friends and families are evident in it. The theme is specially developed to the couples who are going to take a plunge. Although it can also be used for other events like birthdays, anniversaries, family functions, and all types of parties and celebrations.

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Instal·lacions actives: 40+


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