

Tots els temes

Kenta Breeze

Kenta Breeze

Aquest és un tema fill de Kenta.

  • Versió 1.0.1
  • Darrera actualització 26 d’agost de 2024
  • Instal·lacions actives 200+
  • Versió del PHP 7.4

A Multi-purpose and Customizable Free WordPress Theme. You can also access the Kenta theme’s Starter Sites (https://kentatheme.com/starter-sites/) to help you create your sites with just one click instead of starting from scratch. It provides endless possibilities to create your site visually in minutes, without coding skills. We also have tons of options for you to customize every part of your site. You can almost build any kind of websites, like blog, business, portfolio, WooCommerce storefronts etc. Whether you’re bloggers, editors, online magazines, newspaper, news portals, content publishers, creative business, small businesses, startups and freelancers, we can help you build an amazing website.


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Instal·lacions actives: 200+


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