

Tots els temes


  • Versió 1.2.12
  • Darrera actualització 19 d’agost de 2024
  • Instal·lacions actives 100+
  • Versió del PHP 5.6

Description: gute is a full-width, fully responsive and highly customizable gutenberg ready free WordPress Theme. Gute is a awesome Blog WordPress theme. You can add your own logo, header, featured areas in this theme. This Gute theme also has several different layout and color that look great on devices of all sizes. Gute is a smart WordPress blog theme. Gute is right choice for your blog website. You can create full feature blog website by the Gute WordPress theme. Gute WordPress theme support custom header, header banner widget, home page feature section, feature image, color changing options, custom background, footer widget, font Awesome icons. So you can enjoy your blog or magazine website with the WordPress Gute theme.

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Instal·lacions actives: 100+


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