

Tots els temes

Bizworld Lite

Bizworld Lite

Aquest tema no s’ha actualitzat en més de 2 anys. Pot ser que ja no pugui ser mantingut o suportat i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat si s’utilitza amb les versions més recents del WordPress.

  • Versió 1.0
  • Darrera actualització 1 d’agost de 2022
  • Instal·lacions actives 30+
  • Versió del WordPress 5.9
  • Versió del PHP 5.6

Bizworld is a elegant and modern fully responsive corporate WordPress theme. Bizworld is a multipurpose WordPress theme specially crafted for business, corporate, IT consultants, personal, blog etc. Bizworld theme created with the latest WordPress standards and coded with latest HTML and CSS. This theme is best suited for corporate industries. This theme is tested with many screen resolutions such as mobile, tablet, desktop, laptop etc. It is also cross browser compatible so it perform in every browser very well. The nicely design sections are available in the homepage so you can showcase your work and achievement in a proper way. There are few options are given in the customizer where you can use colors, sections and slider. This theme is tested with the latest version of WordPress and many popular plugins like woocommerce, jetpack, contact form 7 etc.


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Instal·lacions actives: 30+


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