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Bake Blog

Bake Blog

  • Versió 1.0.1
  • Darrera actualització 23 de setembre de 2024
  • Instal·lacions actives 200+
  • Versió del PHP 5.6

Bake Blog is a clean and minimal blog theme.. This modern and bold WP theme is all you need for your food delivery business..The perfect destination for every professional Food Delivery Service, Fast Food, travel blogger and traveler is here! Bake Blog was designed for all modern adventure traveller, all types of delivery, who need to create personal blog site , travel blogger with simple and creative features and effects to make readers feel the pleasure of reading blog posts and articles. If you are a blogger and traveller, then it’s a perfect choice for you if you don’t need to have any experiment to setup your WordPress personal blog, it’s super simple and easy to setup, you will get high quality, responsive, well crafted blog out of the box to make writers only focuses on writing content, and it has great typography to make your fans and followers focus on every word you write.

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Instal·lacions actives: 200+


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