Etiqueta d’extensions: social
Open Graphite
(8 puntuacions totals)Control how your content is viewed when shared on social media.
Nobs • Share Buttons
(93 puntuacions totals)Juiz Social Post Sharer is now Nobs • Share Buttons. Add smart designed buttons after/before your posts (or wherever you want) to allow visitors to sh …
Social Sharing (by Danny)
(68 puntuacions totals)Adds social sharing buttons for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to your blog posts or pages.
Cresta Social Share Counter
(55 puntuacions totals)Share your posts and pages quickly and easily with Cresta Social Share Counter and show share counts.
The Social Links
(7 puntuacions totals)The Social Links plugin adds a widget and shortcode to your WordPress website allowing you to display icons linking to your social profiles.
OG Tags
(2 puntuacions totals)OG Tags includes the tags necessary to integrate your website to Facebook with almost no configuration. Automatic. Simple.
Open Graph Pro
(0 puntuacions totals)Adds Open Graph tags to your blog. Control how your posts and pages are presented on Facebook and other social media sites. No configuration needed.
Floating Social Bar
(76 puntuacions totals)Floating Social Bar is the best social media plugin for WordPress that adds a floating share bar to your content.
Social Divi
(4 puntuacions totals)This plugin adds the ability to add more social icons to your website when using the Divi theme.
Extra User Details
(10 puntuacions totals)Add extra fields to the user profile page, saved in WordPress' native way (in wp_usermeta).
Shariff for WordPress
(18 puntuacions totals)Shariff enables website users to share their favorite content without compromising their privacy.
Crafty Social Buttons
(40 puntuacions totals)Adds social sharing and link buttons, including Ravelry, Etsy, Craftsy and Pinterest.
VA Social Buzz
(1 puntuacions totals)It displays buttons at the end of every article for readers to "Like!" your recommended Facebook page, to share the article on SNS.
WP Telegram Login & Register
(36 puntuacions totals)Let your users login and register via Telegram, making it easier form them to get started on your website.
Icon List
(3 puntuacions totals)Use an icon list for different purposes on your WordPress site using the Icon List plugin.