Etiqueta d’extensions: show
Show Media Widget
(0 puntuacions totals)Display media images or pdf documents in a widget filtered by categories
Show More for P2
(1 puntuacions totals)Automatically turn all posts into excerpts of 300 characters and add a "Show More" link that will load directly in the page.
WP Show On Mobile
(0 puntuacions totals)Shows or hides content (text or shortcodes) on mobile or desktop user agents.
Hide and Show Admin Bar
(0 puntuacions totals)Adds a toggle button to admin bar in the front-end to hide and show the admin bar when required.
(0 puntuacions totals)Add custom title, show title, show thumbnail, show content or excerpt of any selected page in a widget ready area
WC always Show Shipping address
(0 puntuacions totals)Using this plugin you can set shipping address fields on the woocommerce checkout page to be always visible. The checkbox will always be selected.
Admin Menu & Widget Manager
(0 puntuacions totals)Make Wordpress menus and widgets hidden or shown.
Happy Snowman
(3 puntuacions totals)Add nice looking animated jumping Snowman to your Wordpress site and enjoy winter and Christmas.
Custom Dashboard Notifications
(3 puntuacions totals)Here is a short description of the plugin. This plugin allow us to show some important notifications on the WordPress Dashboard page.
L7 Display Posts
(1 puntuacions totals)Efficiently show entrades by Etiqueta or category using a simple shortcode. Utilizes caching for greater speed and fewer database calls.
(0 puntuacions totals)This plugin allow you to manage and show your own website version number (no the wordpress one).
Portgorod OcStore & Opencart product widget
(0 puntuacions totals)This plugin creates simpe widget to show products from your opencart or ocstore in your wordpress.
Big Snow Flakes
(2 puntuacions totals)Winter here? Is Christmas coming? Add nice looking big animated snowflakes to your Wordpress site and enjoy winter and Christmas.
What Singular Template
(0 puntuacions totals)Displays name of template assigned to a post, page or public custom post type in admin posts list table.