Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

msg91 by vasim shaikh


The plugin primarily allows a WordPress developer to extend its settings and functionality and integrate it into any type of site. For example, it can easily be extended to send a text message on virtually any WordPress action.

The plugin also includes functionality to directly send a text message to any permissible number from the plugin settings page. You can use it to SMS any of your users or just for testing purposes

Here’s a list of feature plugin provides :

  • Functionality to directly send a text message to any permissible number from frontend
  • Setting page which allow admin to manage Auth Token and some basic settings
  • Text message generalized which pre set by admin
  • Send a shorten URL like send promotion link

Shortcode :
Paste shortcode where you want to display – [msg91_add_shortcodes]

Disclaimer: This plugin is not affiliated with or supported by MSG91, Inc. All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


  • Msg91 Configuration in admin
  • How to display in frontend


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
1. Extract and upload the folder msg91-by-vasim-shaikh to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Go to MSG91 and Enter Auth Token which is aquire from a msg91 website.
4. Shortcode : Put shortcode in page where you want to display send screen.

Alternative Way:

Download plugin through the wordpress included plugin downloader.
Activate plugin in plugin tab.

Place the [askme] shortcode in one of your posts.


How do i use the plugin

Place the [msg91_add_shortcodes] shortcode in one of your posts.

Is this service chargeable?

Yes, you will need to signup on MSG91, and obtain a number with SMS capability. However, they have trial accounts available which should have enough credit for you to try out the plugin!


No hi ha ressenyes per a aquesta extensió.

Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors

«msg91 by vasim shaikh» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.


Registre de canvis


  • Check Compability with newer version


  • Shortcode improvement
  • Set default SMS Route


  • Initial release