A collection of metadata shortcodes for easy use of WordPress sites.
It can also usually be used as a wildcard for SEO.
More information at
How to use the WPSite Shortcode:
You can add existing wpsite shortcodes to any article or page for use, just like other WordPress shortcodes.
2.integrate to theme/plugin
If you need to integrate with your own theme or plugin, you can use do_shortcode() function to add.
Starting with WPSite Shortcode consists of just two steps: installing and setting up the plugin. WPSite Shortcode is designed to work with your site’s specific needs, so don’t forget to go through the WPSite Shortcode configuration wizard as explained in the ‘after activation’ step!
Install WPSite Shortcode form within WordPress
- Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’;
- Search for ‘WPSite Shortcode’;
- Activate WPSite Shortcode from your Plugins page;
- Go to ‘after activation’ below.
After Activate
- Setting Menu: Go to ‘Tool’ => ‘Site Shortocde’;
- Select shortcode;
- Add shortcodes to post/page or text widgets;
- You’re done!
Who needs this plugin
People who want simplicity and speed and want to use the dynamic data of the WordPress system itself for content creation and development. It can also usually be used as a wildcard for SEO.
Who are you
We are the first WordPress agency in China, Welcome to China and nice to meet you.
Found a bug in this plugin?
Please submit issues here:, we will fix it in the next version, thank you for your feedback!
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Col·laboradors“WPSite Shortcode” s’ha traduït a 2 configuracions regionals. Gràcies als traductors per les seues aportacions.
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Registre de canvis
- Fix bug
- Added 2 Shortcode support.
- Fix “The plugin does not have a valid header”
- Compatible up to 6.2.2
- Fix getting website date [wpsite_date].
- Fix getting website time [wpsite_time].
- Added 10 Shortcode support.
- Released first edition
- Added 38 Shortcode support