WP Console brings the renowned PsySH directly to your browser. PsySH serves as a runtime developer console, an interactive debugger, and a PHP REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop).
To utilize WP Console, simply write your code within the code editor, then press Cmd-Enter (mac) or Ctrl-Enter (win/linux) to instantly view the output in your browser.
Moreover, you have the option to employ PsySH alongside wp-cli by executing the command wp shell
. Notably, wp-cli comes with inherent compatibility for psysh. All that is required is the activation of WP Console to leverage this feature.
- Powerful code editor powered by Ace Editor.
- Real-time autocompletion for PHP core and WordPress functions, complete with placeholders.
- Introducing
as a more versatile alternative tovar_dump
, leveraging the capabilities of Symfony VarDumper. - Instant access to debug.log contents, with the added convenience of clearing them directly from your browser.
- Enhanced shell experience courtesy of psySH, facilitating advanced interaction through
wp shell
. - Customizable code snippet functionality, compatible with VS Code supported code snippets. Explore examples like these WooCommerce snippets.
Please note that certain PsySH commands, such as ls
, doc
, show
, and magic variables like $_
, $__class
, are not currently supported in the browser console.
👉 WP Console uses Gutenberg packages and components to ensure a seamless and user-friendly UI/UX.
Getting Started
To begin using the plugin, follow these steps:
- Activate the plugin within your WordPress setup.
- Look for a quick link labeled “Console” in the WP Admin Bar on the right-hand side (see the second screenshot below).
- Click on the “Console” link to access the WP Console panel.
Security Concern
WP Console explicitly verifies the presence of the manage_options
permission to render the user interface and execute various functions. However, it’s important to note that this plugin is not intended for use on a production server.
Other Plugin
Working with the block or the block editor? Checkout CSS Class Manager – An advanced autocomplete additional css class control for your blocks.
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2.5.1 – January 13, 2025
* Prevent HTML rendering in console output.
2.5.0 – November 17, 2024
* Breaking: Dropped support for PHP 5.6. The minimum PHP requirement is now 7.4.
* Refactored the dependency loading process for improved performance and maintainability.
* Fixed namespace compatibility issues for PHP 8.1+.
* Resolved deprecation warnings in recent WordPress versions.
2.4.1 – November 13, 2023
* Fix deprecation notice in PHP 8.2 related to strtolower argument type.
* Add an admin submenu under the tools menu to open the console window.
* Update WordPress compatibility to the latest version 6.4.2.
2.4.0 – August 09, 2023
* Add support for PHP 8.0+.
* Update Ace Editor version to 1.23.4.
2.3.1 – July 31, 2022
* Update script version of ace.
2.3.0 – July 27, 2022
* Add code execution time in console output panel.
* Use ace.js with custom namespace to avoid conflict with other ace.js source.
* Fix snippet manager module style.
* Use verticle split as default in console panel.
* Fix error handling for PHP v5.6.
* Fix some UI issues in different WordPress versions.
* Add wp-env and e2e testing with Jest using wp-scripts for developing the plugin.
2.2.0 – November 22, 2020
* Add custom code snippet support. You can use VS Code supported PHP code snippets now.
* Add Copy Output button.
* Enqueue scripts only for manage_options capability owners.
* Improve handling uncaught fatal errors.
* Add Twenty Twenty theme compatibility.
* Set default values for user Console settings in REST API.
* Fix horizontal output scolling issue for vertically split console.
* Fix close button get disappear in WooCommerce admin pages.
* Fix error line no in console editor.
2.1.0 – April 14, 2020
* Lazy load React components to improve performance.
* Use a single store source for all components.
* Reset console responses after close app window.
* Fix navigation button icon css for WP v5.4.
* Resize editor screen after toggle split mode.
2.0.0 – December 11, 2019
* Revamp UI/UX.
* Add Ace editor as code editor plugin. Remove CodeMirror.
* Live autocompletion with placeholders.
* Option to vertically split editor and output window.
* Add ability to clear debug.log.
* Restrict plugin UI and REST APIs for users who have manage_options capability.
1.5.0 – November 07, 2019
* Tweak – Change dump
function name to _dump
to resolve conflict with wp-erp.
1.4.0 – November 02, 2019
* New – Save code editor history in localStorage.
* Tweak – Use wp-scripts for assets build process.
1.3.0 – October 26, 2019
* New – Fetch debug.log contents.
* Tweak – Support PHP version 5.6.
1.2.0 – July 27, 2019
* New – Add autocompletion data(WP functions, PHP booleans, constants, functions, keywords).
* New – Add codemirror closebrackets, matchbrackets addon scripts.
* New – Show error stacktrace.
1.1.0 – June 25, 2019
* New – Use output buffer handler.
* New – Add build process.
* Tweak – Remove unnecessary code.
1.0.0 – June 21, 2019
Initial release.