The easiest WordPress discussion community plugin. Effortlessly build a beautiful community with zero coding, seamless embedding, instant setup, and exceptional support.
Website Toolbox makes it easily to build an online home for your community. Create, grow, and monetize your community with your own community platform. Effortlessly host secure, private, organized discussions under your brand. Own your data and audience.
Ranked #1 Community Provider by StarReviews!
Not a Website Toolbox Community owner? Create a Community Now!
Plugin Features
Embeddable – The community can be seamlessly embedded into your WordPress website or linked to as a stand-alone page.
Single Sign On – Users are automatically signed in to your community when they sign in to your WordPress website.
Signup Integration – Community accounts are automatically created for your existing or new WordPress users.
Embedded Comments – Spark discussions on your WordPress pages or blog posts by instantly creating a related topic in your community and seamlessly embedding the comments.
Highlight Discussions – Use the WordPress widget to embed the latest or most popular discussions.
Key Community Benefits
- Instant Setup
- Phone/Chat/Email Support
- SEO and Mobile Friendly
- Fully Customizable
- Public or Private
- White Label
Key Community Features
- Easy theme editor
- Charge subscription fees
- iOS and Android apps
- Automatic AI moderation
- Instant messaging
- Chat room
- Share files, photos, and videos
- “Like” posts
- User reputation
- Announce and organize events
- Create polls
- Set user permissions
- Approve posts and signups
- Anti-spam protection
- Import or export your data
- …and much more!
WordPress Admin Panel
- Go to “Plugins” -> “Add New” from the left menu in the WordPress Admin Panel.
- Search for “Website Toolbox Community”.
- Activate the plugin.
- Click on the Settings link under the “Website Toolbox Community” plugin.
- Enter your Website Toolbox account information. Create a Website Toolbox Community if you don’t already have one.
Please contact Customer Support if you face any difficulties.
Manual Installation
- Download the plugin.
- Unzip the plugin.
- Upload the plugin folder to the
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Click on the Settings link under the “Website Toolbox Community” plugin.
- Enter your Website Toolbox account information. Create a Website Toolbox Community if you don’t already have one.
I don’t allow registration on my WordPress site, can I still use the community?
Yes. If you don’t have registration enabled on your WordPress site, your users can register an account directly on the community. If you want users to be able to post without registering, you can simply enable guest posting or you can disable the User Accounts feature entirely so users don’t even see the registration option.
What features are available?
Please take our features tour.
Is this a self-hosted community?
You install the plugin on your WordPress website, and the community is hosted by us at Website Toolbox. As your community grows, you won’t have to worry about buying and maintaining overloaded servers, databases, software, backup solutions, etc. We do all the work, so you can reap all the rewards. You can easily use your current domain name for the community and customize your community to match your website layout. Our WordPress plugin also allows you to easily embed the community into a page of your WordPress website. This makes Website Toolbox completely invisible to your users!
How much does it cost?
Pricing information is available here.
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- Show a message on the embed page to the logged-in user if SSO is disabled for the user role assigned to them.
- Fixed warnings and errors, if a user already exists on the website but not on the forum. After that, SSO is enabled and the admin tries to update the user’s info or the user tries to log in to the website.
- Showing an error on the plugin settings page if an HTTP test request (Executed on community) and it took more than 5 seconds.
*Fixed warning and errors reported by security check plugin.
*Fixed login issue in via img tag and appended autoken in embed URL
*Fixed deprecated functions console warnings
*Fixed issue showing blank page after login with “remember me” option checked
*Fixed issue related to Posts being sent to forum automatically in Classic Editor even if option is selected as No.
*Addition of data-version in embed code to handle parameters while using community
*Fixed issue related to user being created on forum when SSO is disabled for all user roles or selected user roles
*Added functionality to add or remove Webhook URL when plugin gets activate/deactivate or uninstall/re-install
*Fixed issue on creating topics automatically from wordpress to community
*Added functionality to update domain via Webhook URL
*Fixed issue to show embedded forum on AMP plugin
*Fixed issue for Embed Page URL on community not found on wordpress
*Fixed API calls
*Added section inforimg embed comments feature on update settings page
*Fixed issue in creating forum topic when new post is created
- Fixed excess API calls
- Fixed numbered forum pages
- Fixed: Error while deleting pending users created from buddypress
- Tested upto wordpress version 6.2
- Renamed plugin from forum to community
- Added filters for common JS optimizers to prevent JS from being minified.
- Fixed missing closing div tag
- Automatically creates a forum topic for discussion when a new post/page is published on WordPress website.
- Edit post on forum when edited on WordPress website.
- Edit post category on forum when edited on WordPress website.
- Replies from the forum discussion can be embedded in the WordPress post/page. (As per user permissions on forum).
- Fixed issue: User isn’t redirected to the correct page after log in from WordPress if the forum is embeeded.
- Fixed issue: Blank URL being stored in WordPress database causing login issue sometimes.
- Fixed issue: Forum page not being created if permanently deleted manually
- Enhancement: Define a ‘WTBPREFIX’ prefix so that if any one need mutiple forum on same website then we just need to add the ‘WTBPREFIX’ value.
- Fixed issue: Header printed before redirect
- Fixed issue: No permission message is shown on the log in page if the plugin is enabled after a user is already logged in
- Generate a new authtoken upon showing the log in page if one doesn’t already exist
- Fixed issue: User is not able to login via SSO if image yag not printed for the login and forum link is not added in the WordPress menu.
- Fixed issue: redirection after save settings,not working correctly.
- Fixed issue: index not defined for setting variables.
- Added redirection to plugin login page after plugin activation.
- Added “Settings” link for plugin on plugins page.
- Fixed a case where SSO could stop working if the forum address isn’t updated.
- Changed login page layout in plugin settings page.
- User can login to Website Toolbox by username as well email address from the plugin settings.
- Fixed issue: SSO is not working for specific roles when multiple roles are assigned and then the initial role is removed.
- Fixed issue: Integrate profile picture with forum avatar while it’s uploaded from the computer or from the gravatar.
- Fixed issue: Remove error message from the embed page if SSO not allowed for the specific roles..
- Select which user roles SSO occurs for
- Fixed issue: Integrate profile picture with forum avatar if create account on WordPress website admin panel or front end and profile picture already integrated with the provided email.
- Fixed issue: Integrate profile picture with forum avatar if user login or create account on WordPress website and profile picture already integrated with the email.
- Fixed issue: User is not able to login via SSO if login via AJAX on the WordPress.
- Fixed issue: Forum home page open inside embed section first time, after logged-in while embedded a different forum page (Category, topic and post etc)
- Fixed issue: User redirected to WordPress default login page after logout from WordPress website, in-case of other membership plugin used on the client website.
- Domain URL will be updated automatically if changed when admin logs in or refresh on dashboard or update settings manually.
- Namespaces introduced in the plugin.
- Fixed user sync issue with the same email and username.
- Alternate query parameter added if forum is embedded on wordpress homepage.
- Fixed issues with iframe containg multiple-embedded forums for forums which are not functioning on sub-domains.
- Fixed after logout redirection to previous page upon login.
- Improved logout process based on forum domain.
- Fixed backslashes incorrectly being added to other menu links
- The username and email address will now be updated on the forum upon log in if it is changed in WordPress by third-party WordPress plugins.
- The user will now properly be sent back to the page they were trying to view on the forum if the WordPress log in page was shown.
- Fixed SSO case where user navigation link was http but forum now uses https
- Updated cookies to work with old and new PHP versions
- Updated to work with the new Chrome SameSite policy
- Fixed debug mode warnings
- Fixed debug mode warnings
- Fixed debug mode warnings
- Fixed warning appearing in site health dashboard
- Fixed a case where SSO fails if a custom forum link is clicked
- Added notices for the admin if the plugin hasn’t been fully setup
- Fixed SSO during log in
- Fixed SSO for directly after registration case
- Passing the full name during SSO
- Fixed SSO issue with Safari Mojave
- Update user information (name, email, avatar) on the forum when it is updated on WordPress
- Small glitch fixes related to setting cookies and log out redirection
- Fixed the page the embed code loads when arriving from an email link
- Fixed SSO case when arriving from a different URL
- Fixed website page opening within the embed code
- Bug fixes
- Only sending API requests if an API key is available
- Fixed warning
- Validating SSO URLs before saving them
- Fixed chat room SSO authentication token backward compatibility
- If the forum is already embedded or linked on the site, recognize it and don’t create a new page.
- Log in with your username and password instead of providing the API key.
- You can now rename the title of the menu item for the forum.
- SSO logout now occurs through redirection of the logout link instead of an IMG tag
- Fixed warnings when used in wordpress debug mode
- Increased cookie expiration time to fix session expiration glitch
- Changed the plugin name
- Changed the location of the Settings link
- Changed the name of the plugin settings link in the left menu in the admin panel
- Improved the design of the Embed check box
- Linked the plugin author to our website
- SSO now works with custom navigation links pointing to the forum
- The embedded forum also works with SSL (https) now
- Now user deletion is synchronized as well
- Integrates SSO with the chat room if the chat room is enabled.
- Uses a fallback SSO method for Safari
- Fixed a glitch which restarted already active sessions.
- Embed and SSO URLs are now automatically synchronized.
- If a user logs in on WordPress and that user doesn’t exist on the forum, we now auto-create the account on the forum.
- Now using the WordPress API functions to show the forum’s settings page.
- Now checking API key upon submitting the settings page.
- Increased tested up to version.
- Fixed additional issues involving SSO logout when a redirect is involved
- Fixed a glitch involving SSO not working if a redirect is involved
- Fixed a glitch involving an embedded forum not auto sizing in some cases
- When embedding the forum into a page, it now automatically resizes according to the height of the forum content so that no scrollbar will appear.
- Added support for forums using SSL (https).
- Removed redirection to profile.php upon login.
- Removed the need to write IMG tags in wordpress files to avoid read/write permissions.