Plugin Tag: agenda
(4 valoracions totals)Integrate the booking form of Easy!Appointments directly into your WordPress pages.
SmartAgenda – Prise de rendez-vous en ligne
(7 valoracions totals)Le plugin fonctionne grâce à l'application de prise de rendez-vous en ligne
(3 valoracions totals)Display calendars from on your site.
Pronamic Events
(2 valoracions totals)Pronamic Events is a basic plugin to add some Events functionality.
(6 valoracions totals)Termin-Kalender is your easy monthly planner. This calendar app provides a clear, monthly overview to keep you organized.
(0 valoracions totals)Display and customize one or many Google calendars. A non-official WordPress plugin for the ( Open Source project.
Fest Widget
(1 valoracions totals)Ce widget affiche l'agenda des sorties de votre ville et de sa région, en lien avec le site : concerts, spectacles, théâtre, soirées, exp …
BRS – Booking & Reservation System (WooCommerce)
(5 valoracions totals)Integrate a booking / reservation system into your WordPress website.
UORS External Course List
(0 valoracions totals)This plugin adds a "Quick Reserve" widget to your wordpress weblog sidebar. With this widget you can display a list of services that you pr …
Eco Agenda
(0 valoracions totals)Eco-sorties is a multi-channel platform that centralises and disseminates the events and tourist events of your department, region.
Joggin Agenda
(0 valoracions totals)Ce plugin affiche dans un widget la liste des prochaines sessions d'un utilisateur
Epingle Un Dossard
(0 valoracions totals)Ce plugin gère votre calendrier de course, les résultats et vos RP.
TalkHours Widget
(0 valoracions totals)Adds online appointment booking to your Wordpress site … for FREE !