Do you have to filter out younger people? With this super simple age gate you’ll fix those age restrictions quickly.
This plugin is ment for webshops and other types of websites that has to have a curtain where people below your set age can’t peek behind.
With some nice customisable items and features and the option to add a cookie notice this is a complete plugin for those who need is.
Super Simple Age Gate contains the following features:
- Simply put in an age and activate the plugin.
- Have the visitor confirm their age by using a “yes, I confirm” button OR by letting them fill in their full birth date.
- Custom background, display text and logo for ease of use. If you don’t like the embedded themes, just change the css yourself in a non-destructive way.
- Enable or disable the cookie notice. This is useful for websites that operate in Europe.
- Whitelist some policy pages that need to be shown.
- Google-bot friendly. Those crawlers go right underneath the curtain…
- Upload the unpacked folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
- Go to the settings menu and activate the age gate.
Do people have to fill in their birthdate?
That is possible. Or let them just click a confirm button. Not sure if this conforms to the law but the option is there.
Can I set the age I want?
Oh yes it sure can! Up to a 110.
Is half of it unusable because I have to pay?
No. The entire thing is free and it will be in the future.
Does is comply with European law?
I am not entirely sure since it is a big grey area as with all web-applications and plugins. But it shows that you are willing to work on it.
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Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors
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Col·laboradors“Super Simple Age Gate” s’ha traduït a 2 configuracions regionals. Gràcies als traductors per les seues aportacions.
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Registre de canvis
- WP 5.5 tested
- Sanitisation update
- Rebranded
- WP 5.4 tested
- Fixed some styling and wrapped everything up with a bow.
- Removed some empty lines from the php files (mostly in the end)
- Happy new year
- Fixed some styling issues
- added the simplified method of accepting the terms to the admin panel (unreleased version)
- Added the ‘yes’ function for our own project (unreleased version)
- Artwork
- Made the plugin 5.3 ready.
- Added theme
- Fixed some bugs regarding the gate itself
- Language additions (Dutch, Flemish and English)
- Fixed some WP admin forms.
- Added cookie length options
- Added whitelisting options for privacy, cookie and disclaimer policies
- The first release to the public.
- Added some style sheets
- Added a custom message