[mormat_scheduler] is a shortcode that render an event scheduler component. The purpose was to provide an alternative to Google’s scheduler.
The scheduler offers three calendar views : day
, week
or month
Events can be created, edited and deleted directly from the scheduler (which can be done by logged in users only).
Drag and drop is also available.
Shortcode parameters
- height : Define the height of the scheduler. It must be a css compatible value (for instance “640px” or “70vh”).
- initial_date : A date from which the scheduler will start displaying the events. If not provided, the current date system will be used. A string formatted as “yyyy-mm-dd” can be provided or any value compatible with the
javascript object. - default_view: The default view used for displaying events. Allowed values are “day”, “week” or “month”. Default value is “week”
- events_namespace: Useful only if you need to display and manage a specific set of events. The default value is “”.
- locale : i18n locale used for displaying dates (For instances
). Default value is the website’s current locale.
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Registre de canvis
Day names are shortened in month view
Scheduler is rendered with shortcode
Initial release.