A block to let your visitors compare between two images. After, before, horizontal, and vertical comparison.
- Visibility Ratio
- Orientation – Horizontal, Vertical
- Handle movement control – Swipe, Click, Hover
- Custom labels for before and after
- Label position and styling options
- Overlay
Este complement proporciona 1 bloc.
- Image Comparison A block to let your visitors compare between two images. After, before, horizontal, and vertical comparison.
Yes, it will work with any standard WordPress theme.
To report bugs or to contribute, headover to the GitHub repository
Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors
«Image Comparison Block» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en este complement.
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Registre de canvis
1.0.1 – October 12, 2021
- Updated block and toolbar before/after control icons (props @richtabor)
- Re-arranged controls in setting panel (props @richtabor)
1.0.0 – October 20, 2020
- Initial release