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      SonnetsPetrarchismRonsardClément Marot
Ouy, dist Hircan, le plaisir et la folie, qui sont deux grands advocatz pour les dames. -Si nous n'avions d'autres advocatz, dist Parlamente, que eulx avecq vous, nostre cause seroit mal soutenue ; mais celles qui sont vaincues en plaisir... more
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      Marguerite de NavarreWomen Writers (Marguerite de Navarre)Gallicism
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      SonnetsRené GirardGenerative AnthropologyPetrarchism
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      SonnetsOrphic poemsPetrarchismGérard de Nerval
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      French LiteratureRenaissance StudiesLocus AmoenusGallicism
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyDisplacementWashington IrvingAlhambra
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      Renaissance LyonClément MarotRondeaux
Traditionally dismissed as merely a glib poetic exercise or an example of wanton opportunism, Maurice Scève’s first eclogue Arion merits careful reconsideration. Composed in late 1536 as part of a Lyonnais poetic tombeau commemorating the... more
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      Bucolic PoetryMaurice ScèveClément MarotArion
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      Lyric poetryNeoplatonismBaudelaireRabelais
The later Middle Ages and early modern period in France were marked by divisive conflicts (i.e. the Western Schism, the Hundred Years' War, and the Protestant Reformation) that threatened the stability and unity of two powerful yet... more
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      RenaissanceReligious HistoryMiddle Ages
BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY As chair of the candidate's graduate committee, I have read the thesis of Christopher M. Flood in its final form and have found that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographical style are consistent and... more
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    • Political Science
We all know about Pompeii and Herculaneum, to the south and west of Vesuvius respectively, but its north slope is by contrast almost a blank in the archaeological record, something which the Apolline Project set out to rectify. The... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLate AntiquityPompeii
« Catachronisme » de la ville morte : la capitale du xix e siècle et l'Anthropocène La dévastation et les ruines occupent une place à part dans l'imaginaire pari-sien – la capitale s'est, en effet, souvent imaginée détruite 1. De nos... more
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      FuturismFin de siècle ParisCulture and the Anthropocene
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      Urban RuinsParisCommune De Paris 1871
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      FuturismParisCulture and the Anthropocene
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      History of Italian RisorgimentoPaolo and Vittorio Taviani
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      Urban RuinsCommune De Paris 1871Jules Verne