? ?
01 July 2009 @ 12:59 am
Title says it all.
12 April 2009 @ 10:46 pm
Happy Easter guys!

I did not make this. I can't sew. xD Somebody on Flickr has a lot of talent.


12 April 2009 @ 09:13 am
We were having some fun with dying easter eggs with my sons this week and I couldn't resist.

Unfortunately EVE met with an untimely demise at the hands of my three year old son. She got eaten. >.<

current mood: amusedamused
01 April 2009 @ 11:02 am
I found this on my friends page: Wall-E origami!

picture under cutCollapse )

17 February 2009 @ 02:07 am
Check it out, someone in my city is selling a Wall-E desk. Unfortunately I don't need a desk, but I still think it's cool!

Pictures under the cutCollapse )
current location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
30 January 2009 @ 09:40 am

Hey!  My hf and I have been working on my full-sized Wall-E far he's just in the planning and mock up stages, but I've got some photos if anyone's interested....

Picspam beyond this point!Collapse )
current mood: creativecreative
13 January 2009 @ 05:56 pm

This is so awesome! A quick google search shows a couple other people have made Lego Wall-E's, including one of the Pixar animators. I wonder how you do that with regular legos...
current mood: impressedimpressed
26 December 2008 @ 05:39 pm
This was my Christmas present for purple_chalk. It's a little handmade EVE. In my head, she was sleek, and well-designed and smooth, and...well...I'm not THAT great at sewing, but I still think she turned out cute! Her head's a bit big because her body used to be, but it looked all wrong. Pic below the cut for the sake of your flists.

Eeevah?Collapse )
07 November 2008 @ 04:40 pm
Did you miss out on getting a free WALL-E toy from Rayovac? 
Do you have a good internet connection?
Do you have Adobe Reader?
Do you have a good printer?
Are you good at making paper models?

well, If you said yes to those, then you gotta check this out:

In these six printable pages, you can make your own paper WALL-E to sit on your desk!


(and please, do recycle the unused portions of the pages you printed out! ;) )

Have fun, and if you actually try your hands at making a paper WALL-E; PLEASE share photos with us! =D
(and here's an idea: REMIX WALL-E! Draw different patterns on him, build him differently, try something new!)

(and sorry if this has been posted before...)
31 October 2008 @ 02:24 pm
Good evening, everyone. I hope everyone is having a fun and safe Halloween, whether you're trick-or-treating, partying, or handing out candy this year. (like I am) :D

*zombie voice* Hnnn, free music....

Boris (Bobby) Pickett - The Monster Mash
Michael Jackson - Thriller
John Williams - Theme from Jaws
The Eagles - Witchy Woman (.wma)
Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Clearwater Credence Revival - Bad Moon Rising

ETA: Halloween pumpkins - one of WALL-E/EVE and their umbrella.

snapshots of this year's pumpkins - which are currently outside in the rainCollapse )
current mood: busybusy
current music: CCR - Bad Moon Rising