Hi everyone. Since July 5, 2004, this has been the place where you can talk about your thoughts on George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, the election, and the Republican Party. Here is some general information about the community.
On November 14, 2004, this community began using Google Search. This allows members to search for information through the Google network.
Community Moderators In this community, there are multiple moderators, which are together known as the Management Team. We just make sure that the rules are being followed and also contribute. The moderators are listed here:
My communities that are part of the Millennium Alliance bush_cheney_04: A Republican community, focuses more on the Bush and Cheney presidency. the_right_ideal: A community that looks in depth with politics, current issues and ideaology.
Other communities that are part of the Millennium Alliance republicanchks: A Republican community that focuses on the female perspective of current issues. right_conserv: A Republican community, focuses on more on general political issues. conservative_co: A Republican community, focuses on analysis of the democratic party. young_repubs: Focuses on current events in the party. teenrepublicans: A Republican community for teenagers focusing on various party issues. godlessconserve: Focuses on all Republican issues, but without a religion element. oregon_gop: Focuses on Oregon Republicans and issues with the upcoming election in that state.
My communities now owned and maintained by tallymatt: republican_co: A community that focuses on isues with the entire republican party. pro_patriotic: Focuses on current events with our troops.
HUMBLE BEGINNINGS The Bush/Cheney community was established on July 5, 2004 as a place where Republicans can come together, share ideas and thoughts on what is going on in today's political system and some of the issues that face our nation today. From its beginnings, this community has now grown to over 220 great members which is really awesome. It shows that even though we are all from different backgrounds, different places, and have different experiences, we can all come together for great discussions, friendship, and good times.
BASIC COMMUNITY INFORMATION (so the rich elitist Liberals can understand what this is) This is a community for Live Journal users who support President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. WE DO NOT SUPPORT THE LIBERALS, DEMOCRATIC PARTY OR MICHAEL MOORE IN ANY WAY.
HERE ARE THE COMMUNITY RULES (updated on 8/2/05):
1. This is a moderated membership community. Any requests to join must be approved by the Management Team.
**If you apply for membership and you do not have any entries in your livejournal, you may be declined. We just want to know what your stance on issues are, get a sense of your personality, and learn more about you. If you have a livejournal without entries, please email before joining to let us know about yourself.
2. THIS IS NOT A DEBATE COMMUNITY. IT IS NOT OPEN TO DEMOCRATS AND LIBERALS. However, if you decide to come in as the opposing party and state an opposing viewpoint, you'd better have actual non-partisan facts to back up your statements. Talking points, party rhetoric and Michael Moore do not count as factual information.
3. The Management Team reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. Blatant trolls and other people starting flame wars will be ejected without hesitation. We really don't care to hear why you think the liberals and Michael Moore are so great in your eyes.
4. WE BAN PEOPLE WHO ARE RUDE TO OTHER MEMBERS. If there are opposing views, please be civil in presenting your points, and back them up with factual information as stated above. If you are a troll or use flame wars, please do not come into this community as you are not welcome here.
Also, we will not tolerate disrespect or unacceptable behavior by anyone in the community. This includes non-members and members alike. Should anyone have a problem with a member in the community, please let us know so we can take quick and appropriate action.
If you agree to the above rules and want to join, then you may join and then post away. Also, if you have any questions about what is in the community, feel free to contact any of the moderators and we will help you out.