Advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have explored wide scope for prompt... more Advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have explored wide scope for prompt delivery of electronic services in cost effective manner. For socio-economic development of the state, especially the Governments of developing countries may use it to provide good governance to its populace. As the entire message communication during Electronic Governance i.e E-Governance is conducted through public communication channel i.e Internet, it is highly susceptible to interceptions of the adversaries. To prevent these interceptions, strong cryptographic security protocols must be deployed during E-Governance transactions. In this paper we intend to present a synopsis of our research work conducted to achieve this objective.

The development of communication technology have motivated the Citizen and the Government to comm... more The development of communication technology have motivated the Citizen and the Government to communicate through electronic medium. For successful communication, a multifaceted electronic instrument must act as an interface between the participants, which will uniquely identify the Citizen. A brief literature review of several relevant research works further validate this concept of electronic transactions. In India though we have several instruments, which claim to uniquely identify the Citizen, non of them have proved to be efficient enough for all type of transactions. As a part of collective functioning towards problem solving approach, the authors have proposed a multivariate electronic smart card based E-Governance model. The proposed instrument named as Multipurpose Electronic Card (MEC) will attempt to uniquely identify the Citizen during various types of electronic transactions. As the complete solution of this problem is beyond the reach of an individual, to strengthen the user authentication scheme of our proposed model, we have shown the initial design for Digital Certificate based security protocols during Citizen-to-Government (C2G) type of transaction. For validation of the Citizen's identity,
initially we have used name and date of birth of the Citi zen. To further strengthen the validation process, we intend to include other vital parameters of the Citizen in near future, which will also explore future scope of research works in this field. To summarize, we can say that, the main objective of this research paper is to show the user authentication protocol using Digital Certificates, based on the vital parameters of the Citizen during Citizen -to-Government (C2G) type of proposed E-Governance transaction.
In this paper we will explore the multivariate aspect of our proposed E-Governance mechanism duri... more In this paper we will explore the multivariate aspect of our proposed E-Governance mechanism during E-Commerce transactions to provide smart services to the Citizen.

In the current climate of global economic decline, the developing countries are facing severe cha... more In the current climate of global economic decline, the developing countries are facing severe challenges in maintaining an efficient administration within an affordable budget. If this economic slowdown continues, there will be serious difficulties which will hamper the socio-economic development of the entire region. To respond to the situation, the governments must reduce budget expenses and still maintain efficiency and openness. To do so, the administration must deploy ICT-based mechanisms to fulfil the desired objectives. In this chapter, the authors present the development of a multifaceted electronic card-based secured e-governance mechanism to attempt to redress the inherent issues and explore new dimensions of interdisciplinary research. The proposed system will also act as the all-purpose electronic identity of the Citizen and hopefully replace the existing identity instruments such as Voter Card, Permanent Account Number Card, Driving License, Ration Card, Below Poverty-Line Card, Employment Card, Health Card, Insurance Card, etc. Moreover, this electronic instrument will also enable Citizen to perform financial transactions. Clearly, the authentication procedure of the proposed mechanism must also exist otherwise the intruders will be able to breach the system and execute their ill intentions. To ensure appropriateness of security features of the mechanism, the authors have also implemented a user authentication technique using object-oriented modelling of RSA digital signature algorithm for a Government-Citizen (G2C) type of e-governance. For better management of such a huge amount of sensitive information, the authors also discuss data modelling techniques used during user authentication of the proposed model.
Being an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based electronic mechanism, E-Governance ... more Being an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based electronic mechanism, E-Governance is very much susceptible to infringement attempts mounted by the attacker. In order to make it a Citizen centric good governance mechanism, the user authentication technique during E-Governance transactions must be deployed very securely. With the objective to provide good governance to the Citizenry, we have already proposed a Citizen centric multivariate electronic smart card based E-Governance mechanism. To further validate our proposed mechanism, in this paper we have performed the user authentication technique using stream ciphers during C2G type of transactions in the context of object oriented software engineering approach.

E-Governance is the electronic mechanism used for deployment of administration by the state-owned... more E-Governance is the electronic mechanism used for deployment of administration by the state-owned agencies under its jurisdiction using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The security of this entire mechanism is very much susceptible to the attempts of the hackers made initially to breach the system and escalate its privileges in the subsequent phases. To avoid this menace, the E-Governance mechanism should be designed in such a realistic manner that it will successfully prevent the access of the unauthorised users. At least it should be capable enough to detect the unauthorised access at the initial stage so that precautionary measures can be initiated. Focusing on this topic, we have already proposed an E-Governance mechanism using a multifaceted smart card called Multipurpose Electronic Card (MEC) which will tighten the national security in various ways. To validate our proposed instrument, we have also implemented the authentication of the user in Government to Citizen (G2C) type of E-Governance model using object oriented approach of RSA digital signature algorithm. In this paper we will enhance the validation of our concept using coupling and cohesion analysis for implementation of authentication in E-Governance mechanism.

The gradual scientific enhancements have made the present day society highly technology dependent... more The gradual scientific enhancements have made the present day society highly technology dependent in nature. To attend this community, nowdays the state owned agencies are extensively using ICT based governance mechanism called Electronic Governance. This paradigm shift from conventional form of governance to electronic form of governance have helped the Government and its Citizenry to a great extent. The administration can launch new developmental project for its Citizenry with less man power, operational cost and more promptness and accuracy. Whereas the Citizenry can access their facilities in-timely manner with ease and transparency. As a natural phenomenon to the real life application of this electronic mechanism, huge data traffic load will be mounted over the servers and the nodes of the system. Eventually the eavesdropper will attempt to breach the entire data transmission process and finally escalate their access to materialize their ill intentions. In this case, the security analyst must prevent the unauthorized access of these services and facilities at any cost. Considering this situation, the authors have already proposed an E-Governance model using object oriented software engineering approach, which is based on a multivariate electronic smart card called Multipurpose Electronic Card (MEC). This smart card will help to uniquely identify its original owner during E-Governance transactions including the financial transactions also. To validate our E-Governance model scientifically, in this paper we have performed the object oriented metrics analysis for authentication of the users using our proposed smart card based E-Governance mechanism.
៕ ូ ូ f. Government To Government (G2G) model -In this E-Governance model, the electronic transac... more ៕ ូ ូ f. Government To Government (G2G) model -In this E-Governance model, the electronic transaction is being carried out between its two different governmental agencies i.e G1 and G2
Since this technique requires the transmission of sensitive information between the Government an... more Since this technique requires the transmission of sensitive information between the Government and the Citizen through the Internet, information scientists take pain to provide utmost information security, which can also be further qualitatively enhanced by the incorporation of object oriented software engineering paradigm. Hence, the authors have proposed a multifaceted smart card based secured E-Governance mechanism using Multipurpose Electronic Card (MEC). In this proposed model the authentication of Citizen is achieved by the tactful implementation of digital signatures, which is the key field of digital certificate. Security of digital signature is further improved by wrapping Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) in different Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) tools of Unified Modeling Language (UML).

The successful implementation of E-Governance depends on the secured transmission of information ... more The successful implementation of E-Governance depends on the secured transmission of information between the Citizen and the Government. Intruders are generating smart ways to listen the information un-authentically, whereas the information scientists have to find even smarter ways for neutralizing these attempts. Citizens being the digital identities should be able to access various electronic facilities by communicating with the E-Governance mechanism. Digital certificates are the online passport generated by the trusted certificate authorities for authentication of the Citizens. By the incorporation of the object oriented approach, the entire mechanism can be implemented more efficiently. In this paper the authors have described the application of digital certificates through the UML based approach to explain the secured smart card based data transmission in the C2G model of E-Governance.

The success rate of various electronic mechanisms such as E-Governance, E-Learning, E-Shopping, E... more The success rate of various electronic mechanisms such as E-Governance, E-Learning, E-Shopping, E-Voting, etc. is absolutely dependent on the security, authenticity and the integrity of the information that is being transmitted between the users of sending end and the users of receiving end. To attain all these parameters, these sensitive information must be digitally signed by its original sender which should be verified categorically by its intended receiver. Since digital signature schemes are basically various complex cryptographic algorithms which are embedded with the plain text message, the performance level of these E-services vary based on certain attributes like key size, block size, computational complexities, security parameters, application specific customizations, etc. In this paper the authors have made a thorough study of the industry standard digital signature schemes to obtain optimum security level for the electronic mechanisms and explored its probable applications in various domains.
authentication among the participants of e-Governance. In this paper an electronic card based sys... more authentication among the participants of e-Governance. In this paper an electronic card based system has been proposed to achieve authentication in G2C model wrapping RSA algorithm in an object oriented model.
In the current era of science and advance technologies, Electronic-Governance (E-Governance) has ... more In the current era of science and advance technologies, Electronic-Governance (E-Governance) has evolved as the most efficient means of governing a state with the help of
Workshops and Conferences by ABHISHEK ROY
initially we have used name and date of birth of the Citi zen. To further strengthen the validation process, we intend to include other vital parameters of the Citizen in near future, which will also explore future scope of research works in this field. To summarize, we can say that, the main objective of this research paper is to show the user authentication protocol using Digital Certificates, based on the vital parameters of the Citizen during Citizen -to-Government (C2G) type of proposed E-Governance transaction.
Workshops and Conferences by ABHISHEK ROY
initially we have used name and date of birth of the Citi zen. To further strengthen the validation process, we intend to include other vital parameters of the Citizen in near future, which will also explore future scope of research works in this field. To summarize, we can say that, the main objective of this research paper is to show the user authentication protocol using Digital Certificates, based on the vital parameters of the Citizen during Citizen -to-Government (C2G) type of proposed E-Governance transaction.