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Journal created:
on 29 June 2002 (#612155)
on 13 April 2015
Burlesque Revival
Posting Access:
All Members
This a community for participants and fans of the burlesque revival movement.
Discussion is open to anything related to burlesque, from costume and makeup tips and tricks, to dance moves and new ideas. If you're a burlesque performer, feel free to promote your shows here.

A few ground rules:

Please use cut tags!

*Please put all large photos (wider than 500 pixels) behind a cut tag.
If your photo or flier isn't work safe (meaning, something risque enough that it shouldn't be viewed in a typical office setting) put it behind a cut tag. If you don't know how to do a cut tag, the instructions are here.

*Please put lengthy posts under a cut tag.
Lengthy is anything over 20 lines (text only - if you're posting a large photo or flier, put all following text under a cut tag.)

*Be sure to include the city and state (or country) where your show will take place, so we know where to see you!

*Participants are expected to play nice - trash talking of other burlesque performers or troupes will not be tolerated.

*Burlesque-related advertisements (costumes, ebay auctions, etc) are welcome, but please limit your posting to once a week.

*Try to keep discussion relatively on topic, and don't spam the group with advertisements for other unrelated communities or irrelevant websites.

Posts that violate these rules will be deleted.

Thanks, and twirl on ladies!
