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1. Berikut ini adalah beberapa alasan mengapa seseorang tertarik untuk berwirausaha dari berbagai segi ;
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Banyaknya pegawai yang akan pensiun dalam sebuah instansi pemerintah yang disebabkan pensiun dini, meninggal atau cacat merupakan hal yang sulit diprediksi, sehingga instansi tersebut harus mempersiapkan dan memperhitungkan pembayaran... more
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    • Data Analysis
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Pemberian ASI eksklusif dianjurkan untuk jangka waktu minimal hingga bayi berumur sampai enam bulan. Pemberian ASI di Indonesia baru mencapai 15,3% dan pemberian susu formula meningkat tiga kali lipat dari 10,3% menjadi 32,5%. Pemberian... more
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A variety of definitions and diagnostic cutpoints have been promulgated for prediabetes over the past 5 years, without universal agreement. International professional organizations agree, however, that current scientific evidence... more
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Abstract Background: There exists little agreement on the choice of indicators to be used to assess the impact of humanitarian assistance. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami led to significant mortality and displacement in Aceh Province,... more
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Publikasi-publikasi International Labour Office memperoleh hak cipta yang dilindungi oleh Protokol 2 Konvensi Hak Cipta Universal. Meskipun demikian, bagian-bagian singkat dari publikasi-publikasi tersebut dapat diproduksi ulang tanpa... more
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    • Microfinance
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    • Microfinance
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    • Ekonomi
This study is to knowthe the effect of brand trust and customer satisfaction on brand loyalty with commitment as a mediating variable in Wardah Brand Cosmetics in Banda Aceh. The data is collected on the customers of Wardah brand... more
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This study is to knowthe the effect of brand trust and customer satisfaction on brand loyalty with commitment as a mediating variable in Wardah Brand Cosmetics in Banda Aceh. The data is collected on the customers of Wardah brand... more
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This paper analyzes the effect of foreign aid on illegal immigration and host country welfare using a general equilibrium model. We show that foreign aid may worsen the recipient nation's terms of trade. Furthermore, it may also raise... more
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    • Labor Economics