Papers by Lutfi Nurcholis
This study aims to investigate the relationship between ethical leadership and knowledge sharing ... more This study aims to investigate the relationship between ethical leadership and knowledge sharing on employee performance mediated by organizational commitment at Muhammadiyah Ponorogo universities using the SMART PLS 4 method. The population in this study is staff at Muhammadiyah Ponorogo University using non-probability sampling techniques using a purposive approach. sampling with a sample size of 100 people according to the criteria. The results show that Ethical Leadership has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Commitment, and Knowledge Sharing also has a positive and significant impact on Organizational Commitment, Ethical Leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, but Knowledge Sharing has no positive impact on employee performance, Organizational Commitment has a positive effect on performance employee.

Journal of dedicators community, Aug 30, 2022
ALDEWIS is a savings and loan unit managed by RT women in Batursari, Mranggen Demak. Established ... more ALDEWIS is a savings and loan unit managed by RT women in Batursari, Mranggen Demak. Established in 2007, which is currently experiencing a gap between supply and demand for funds due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A strategy is needed to make it exist and be able to serve members in particular and society in general. The objectives of community service are: (1) Providing solutions so that all productive-based loan fund needs of all ALDEWIS members can be well served, (2) Motivating the use of ALDEWIS and Qard Hassn (QH) funds for productive purposes, and (3) Motivating business results with productive motives to increase welfare based on maqosid shari'ah. The method of implementing the service is in the form of service activities based on the delivery of simple materials and training. Submission of material with an interactive, group-based and comprehensive discussion approach. The training is in the form of a simple accounting process practice. The results of community service activities: (1) The supply demand gap for credit funds was slightly helped by the QH credit package, (2) ALDEWIS members were motivated to consume ALDEWIS and QH credit funds for productive purposes after understanding the practical educational elements of QH and financial literacy as well as the accounting process simple, (3) ALDEWIS members are motivated to carry out the vision of QH donors so as to lead to the achievement of increasing the welfare of maqosid sharia.

Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara empiris pengaruh Islamic Work Ethics, Spiritua... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara empiris pengaruh Islamic Work Ethics, Spiritual Leadership dan Perceived Organizational Support terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior dengan Komitmen Afektif sebagai variabel intervening pada pegawai di Pengadilan Tinggi Jawa Tengah. Populasi yang digunakan adalah pegawai Pengadilan Tinggi Jawa Tengah dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 98 responden. Alat analisisnya adalah Partial Least Square. Urgensi penelitian ini adalah adanya perubahan dalam restrukturisasi organisasi yaitu pemisahan struktur kesekretariatan dan kepaniteraan pengadilan yang berdampak pada disharmonis hubungan Ketua dan Sekretaris, yang mempengaruhi rendahnya perilaku pegawai untuk mau bekerja secara ekstra role dalam menjalankan tugasnya, seperti saling bantu membantu dan bekerja sama dengan sesama pegawai. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini adalah penambahan variabel komitmen afektif sebagai variabel mediasi dalam hubungan antara Islamic Work Ethics, Spiritual Lea...

PROSIDING FORUM MANAJEMEN INDONESIA 14 SEMINAR NASIONAL, CALL for PAPERS & PENGABDIAN kepada MASYARAKAT (PkM) Resolusi Manajemen Investasi Berintegritas Pada Era Digital The Patra Bali Resort & Villas, Indonesia I 25-27 Oktober 2022, 2022
Penelitian merupakan literatur review yang menganalisis model peningkatan retensi nasabah berbasi... more Penelitian merupakan literatur review yang menganalisis model peningkatan retensi nasabah berbasis layanan mobile banking dan kualitas layanan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adanya mengalami penurunan retensi nasabah, yang ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya jumlah rekening tabungan yang tidak bertransaksi terakhir lebih dari 6 bulan pada periode 2020 – 2021, hal ini menunjukkan adanya penurunan kepercayaan nasabah atas layanan
perbankan yang diberikan BNI KCP Rembang, dimana penurunan kepercayaan nasabah dapat menurunkan retensi nasabah. Penelitian juga didasari penelitian gap antara layanan mobile banking, Layanan mobile banking merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Kesenjangan riset yang muncul adalah studi yang dilakukan oleh Garg et. al.,
(2020) yang menunjukkan bahwa layanan mobile banking akan kembali mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Namun hal ini bertentangan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Reddy (2016) yang menyatakan bahwa layanan mobile banking tidak akan mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Adanya gap tersebut mendorong masyarakat untuk melakukan penelitian ini untuk
membuktikan sejauh mana layanan mobile banking memperbaharui retensi nasabah. Pada penelitian ini hanya dilakukan penelitian untuk nasabah Bank BNI KCP Rembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), dengan menggunakan AMOS, untuk mengetahui apakah model yang digambarkan sesuai dengan realitas yang sebenarnya.
PROSIDING FORUM MANAJEMEN INDONESIA KE-13 Seminar Nasional, Call for Papers & PkM Makassar, 27-28 November 2021, 2021
Dunia usaha Indonesia didominasi Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM). Mereka berkemampuan meningkat... more Dunia usaha Indonesia didominasi Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM). Mereka berkemampuan meningkatkan pendapatan dan penyerapan tenaga kerja, strategis mewujudkan pemerataan pembangunan. Di sisi lain kinerjanya tidak menggembirakan, disebabkan rendahnya pengetahuan keuangan serta jejaring dan motivasi.
Penelitian berfokus peningkatan kinerja UMKM melalui social capital dengan financial literacy sebagai antesenden serta access to financing dan orientation enterprenuership sebagai mediator. Sampel penelitian adalah UMKM industry furniture di Jawa-Tengah dan statistic Smart pls-3 untuk menjawab masalah dan hipotesis peneltian.

International Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR), 2022
This study aims to describe and analyze the moderating effect of Religiosity between Financial Re... more This study aims to describe and analyze the moderating effect of Religiosity between Financial Reward and Employee Commitment. The sample of this study is employees of PT. Sampharindo Group with the Managerial worker 50 and non Managerial 85 samples. The sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling. Data were collected with a questionnaire and analyzed with PLS 3.0 (Partial Least Square) for Measurement Model Testing (Outer Model) for Indicator: Convergent Validity, Internal Consistency, Discriminant validity. Structural Model Testing (Inner Model) for variable: R² (coefficient of Determination), F² (effect size), Q² (predictive relevance), and hypothesis test. The result is the level of financial reward, religiosity, and employee commitment in the non-managerial worker is higher than in managerial workers. Religiosity can moderate the correlation between financial reward and employee commitment for each level of employee.

Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen
This study aims to give the research gap solution by adding agility as the intervening variable o... more This study aims to give the research gap solution by adding agility as the intervening variable on the relationship between entrepreneurship and e-commerce with marketing performance. The population in this study is the owner or manager of Muslim Clothing SMEs in Central Java. The number of samples used by 100 respondents for data collection using a questionnaire. The data analysis used is Partial Least Squares (PLS). The study results reveal that entrepreneurship, e-commerce, and agility have a significant influence on marketing performance. Agility was proven as an intervening variable on the relationship between entrepreneurship and e-commerce with marketing performance. SMEs can improve marketing performance through entrepreneurship and e-commerce and will be more effective if done by SMEs through agility. This paper suggests that the next researcher increase the population and sample of Muslim Fashion SMEs in another area.

Advanced Science Letters, 2017
Acupuncture has demonstrated the function in ameliorating depressive-like behaviors via modulatin... more Acupuncture has demonstrated the function in ameliorating depressive-like behaviors via modulating PKA/CREB signaling pathway. To further confirm the antidepressant mechanism of EA on the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and dopaminergic synapse signaling pathways, 4 target proteins were detected based on our previous iTRAQ analysis. Rats were randomly divided into control group, model group, and electroacupuncture (EA) group. Except for the control group, all rats were subjected to 28 days of chronic restraint stress (CRS) protocols to induce depression. In the EA group, EA pretreatment at Baihui (GV20) and Yintang (GV29) was performed daily (1 mA, 2 Hz, discontinuous wave, 20 minutes) prior to restraint. The antidepressant-like effect of EA was measured by body weight and open-field test. The protein levels of DAT, Th, Mapt, and Prkc in the hippocampus were examined by using Western blot. The results showed EA could ameliorate the depression-like behaviors and regulate the expression levels of Prkc and Mapt in CRS rats. The effect of EA on DAT and Th expression was minimal. These findings implied that EA pretreatment could alleviate depression through modulating MAPK signaling pathway. The role of EA on dopaminergic synapse signaling pathways needs to be further explored.

This research continues Sumittra (2011), research for the conceptualizing needs for measure strat... more This research continues Sumittra (2011), research for the conceptualizing needs for measure strategy of marketing adaptation with different samples and with other variables. Other variables used are knowledge exploitability. Different samples used are SMEs Batik in Indonesia. Also, resource-based views emphasize knowledge-based resources (Galunic and Rodan, 2008). Hsu (2007), explainsthat knowledge is a strategic asset (80% of respondents agree), and the inability to exploit knowledge within the organization can fail 78% of business opportunities. According to Leticia (2012), there is a weak relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage, although knowledge is the most important resource in competitive advantage. Tom (2007), explains that exploitation is essentially a process to acquire competence by adopting, synthesizing and applying existing knowledge. Theknowledge acquired has been generated and reliability in the experience internalized used and created. Exploitation is the implications of external knowledge to improve products and processes within an organization. Using or further as the development of existing competencies is therole of exploitation. Indicators of knowledge exploitation are accepted change by management actively, introduction to partners about new things, solving joint problems, a lot of accumulated experience activities and are done using the knowledge gained. Pernicka and Lucking (2012), show that managing the organization is like managing knowledge because if only used as information, knowledge will

Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Jasa, 2020
Market orientation is a way for companies to focus on customers so that customers continue to buy... more Market orientation is a way for companies to focus on customers so that customers continue to buy company products. Agility is an important ability of a company to increase a sustainable competitive advantage. This study was conducted based on the decline in batik sales in Pekalongan and the existence of a research gap on the relationship between market orientation and marketing performance. This paper aims to test empirically the mediating effect of agility on the relationship between market orientation and marketing performance. Data were collected from 190 SMEs in Pekalongan. The result shows that market orientation significantly affects agility and marketing performance, and agility significantly affects marketing performance. Furthermore, agility mediates the correlation between market orientation and marketing performance. The Marketing performance of Batik SMEs can be improved by developing market orientation and agility simultaneously. The role of market orientation in impro...

Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan | Journal of Theory and Applied Management
Objective: The purpose of the study is to compare SMEs in Indonesia and Malaysia regarding the im... more Objective: The purpose of the study is to compare SMEs in Indonesia and Malaysia regarding the implementation of information technology, especially on the sustainable competitive advantage factors, IT adoption, perceived simplicity, green technology capability, and performance. Design/Methods/Approach: Survey data are collected from 269 SME leaders and managers SMEs in Indonesia and 241 respondents in Malaysia. The sampling model is purposive sampling while analysis involved a non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney U-test). Findings: The results show that there are significant differences for the variables SCA, SMEs performance expectation, and IT adoption. There are no significant differences between Indonesian and Malaysian SMEs for the variables of perceived simplicity and green technology capability. Originality: The paper contributes to the growing research on information technology implementation by using factors within Sustainable Competitive Advantage, IT adoption, perceived si...

This paper aims to investigate the effect of information sharing toward responsiveness, operation... more This paper aims to investigate the effect of information sharing toward responsiveness, operational flexibility and business relationship with knowledge exploitation and exploration. Data were collected from 201 SMEs in Indonesia and were analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result shows that Information sharing significantly affect knowledge exploitation and responsiveness, knowledge exploration significantly affect business relationship and operational flexibility, knowledge exploitation significantly affect operational flexibility. Furthermore, information sharing does not significantly affect knowledge exploration, operational flexibility and business relationship, knowledge exploration does not significantly affect responsiveness and knowledge exploitation does not significantly affect business relationship and responsiveness. Recommendations for future researchers are expected to apply to the business sector with a larger scale and wider geographical area.
International Journal for Quality Research, 2019
This study aims to examine improving the performance of SMEs organizations through the developmen... more This study aims to examine improving the performance of SMEs organizations through the development of knowledge quality and proactive behavior models with antecedents of entrepreneurial learning (complex individualized collective learning, intuitive sensing learning) with research gaps. Respondents are leaders of Batik SMEs in Central Java Province with Structural Equation Model analysis techniques. The findings of this study indicate that entrepreneurial learning can improve the quality of knowledge, proactive behavior and organizational performance. While limited entrepreneurial learning have a low effect.

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 2016
The purpose of this study were 1) develop a new concept of Bilateral Symmetry, which is the abili... more The purpose of this study were 1) develop a new concept of Bilateral Symmetry, which is the ability of similarity based on transparency and standardization, 2) conduct empirical testing and analyzing the effect of bilateral symmetry to the improved supply chain performance through quality of synergy in industrial automotive components. The study population includes the entire automotive component industry in Indonesia. This study used sample of 105 respondents using purposive sampling method to comply with the AMOS program. The study result shows that the ability of similarity standardization and the ability of the similarity of transparency have positive significant impact on the quality of synergy, and quality of synergy have positive significant impact on the supply chain performance. In addition, from the results of hypothesis testing found two strategies that can improve supply chain performance with 1) increasing the ability of similarity standardization and 2) improve transparency through quality of synergy.

Perhitungan laju aliron /luida ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui debit aliran yang melalui masing-ma... more Perhitungan laju aliron /luida ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui debit aliran yang melalui masing-masing pipa dan mengetahui kerugian head setiap junction untuk masing-masing panjang pipa dalam jaringan pipa. Jaringan pipa pipa ini membentuk suatu loop tertutup dengan jumlah loop dua buah. Diasumsikan aliran searah jarum jam adalah positip dan berlawanan arah jarum jam dinyatakan negatip. Analisis jala-jala kerja pipa pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Hardy Cross. Metode Hardy Cross didasarkan dengan prosedur secara iterasi. Langkah pertama perhitungan adalah dengan mengasumsikan debit aliran keluar untuk setiap percabangan. Pada setiap percabangan debit aliran tersebut harus memenuhi kriteria kontinuitas. Debit aliran yang ditetapkan dalam langkah pertama adalah merupakan debit pendekatan yang belum tentu benar, sehingga diperlukan koreksi guna memperbaiki debit tersebut yang akhirnya sampai pada debit yang akurat. Proses pendekatan dihentikan sampai perhitungan memberikan nilai ...

Perkembangan teknologi dan era globalisasi yang semakin modern saat ini. Banyaknya lahan bisnis d... more Perkembangan teknologi dan era globalisasi yang semakin modern saat ini. Banyaknya lahan bisnis dan pekerjaan yang bermunculan sebagian dari bisnis dan perkerjaan ini membutuhkan mobilitas yang sangat tinggi dari para pelaku bisnisnya. bisnis furniture menjadi pertimbangan untuk membuka sebuahusaha karena funiture merupakan bisnis dengan peluang yang sangat menjanjikan dan menjadi tujuan utama konsumen pada saat ingin membeli mebel, mebel adalah perlengkapan rumah seperti meja kursi dan lemari, yang menjadi pertimbangan konsumen dalam membeli ulang mebel dishowroom furniture adalah lokasi toko, harga dan produk. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lokasi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Harga memiliki pengaruh yang negatif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Kualitas produk memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Lokasi memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang. Harga mem...

Abstract: The specific aims of this study are: (1) Conducting an empirical testing and analyzingt... more Abstract: The specific aims of this study are: (1) Conducting an empirical testing and analyzingthe effects of: (a) the similarity of standardization ability and transparency on thequality of synergy, (b) the quality of synergies to the supply chain performance, (2) Providingthe information to the automakers and automotive parts about the importance of thesimilarity of standardization ability and transparency in common in order to improve thesupply chain performance, (3) Providing a practical contribution to the managerial andacademic circles in analyzing the similarity of standardization ability and transparencythat could improve supply chain performance. The population of the study was the entireautomotive component industries in Indonesia, including 189 companies (Data GAIKINDO,AISI and GIAMM). This subject of the study consists of managers or staffs authorized by thedirectors. The sampling method uses purposive sampling. This study has a target 105 respondentsto comply with the ...
Artikel ini membahas mengenai ukuran lot gabungan dalam suatu jaringan sistem produksi dengan pem... more Artikel ini membahas mengenai ukuran lot gabungan dalam suatu jaringan sistem produksi dengan pemasok tunggal dan pemanufaktur tunggal. Model mempertimbangkan reduksi waktu setup dan ukuran lot untuk mengurangi persediaan yang berpengaruh pada biaya produksi. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel adalah meminimasi biaya total gabungan yang melibatkan semua biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh pemasok dan manufaktur. Artikel ini membahas dua skenario, yaitu pengiriman tunggal ( single delivery ) dan pengiriman lebih dari satu kali pengiriman ( multiple deliveries ). Biaya pemasok terdiri dari biaya setup dan biaya simpan, sedangkan biaya pemanufaktur terdiri dari biaya pesan dan biaya simpan. Variabel keputusan dalam model adalah jumlah pemesanan ( Q ), laju pengurangan setup ( R ) dan jumlah pengiriman ( n ).

The thesis took PT Tanjung Raya Elok Jakarta as an object research. It deal with the tendency to ... more The thesis took PT Tanjung Raya Elok Jakarta as an object research. It deal with the tendency to identify some factors influencing the drop of sales and to defined strategies to increase the sales of TRE lift produced by PT Tanjung Raya Elok and Munich lift produced by Lift Material Gmbh. and Co. West Germany. The result of the research is expected to be applied as an alternative solution for PT Tanjung Raya Elok in increasing sales volume of B. Multiple regression analysis over variables of product variation quantity, price and frequency of promotion. The variable of product has significant influence (effect) toward sales. The other variables, Re price, and promotion also significant influence toward sales. Chow test result showed that regression from sales was significant, so they required different strategic implementation. The analysis on the factors influencing the fall of sales could be concluded that the decrease sales was merely resulted from internal marketing factor of PT ...
Papers by Lutfi Nurcholis
perbankan yang diberikan BNI KCP Rembang, dimana penurunan kepercayaan nasabah dapat menurunkan retensi nasabah. Penelitian juga didasari penelitian gap antara layanan mobile banking, Layanan mobile banking merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Kesenjangan riset yang muncul adalah studi yang dilakukan oleh Garg et. al.,
(2020) yang menunjukkan bahwa layanan mobile banking akan kembali mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Namun hal ini bertentangan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Reddy (2016) yang menyatakan bahwa layanan mobile banking tidak akan mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Adanya gap tersebut mendorong masyarakat untuk melakukan penelitian ini untuk
membuktikan sejauh mana layanan mobile banking memperbaharui retensi nasabah. Pada penelitian ini hanya dilakukan penelitian untuk nasabah Bank BNI KCP Rembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), dengan menggunakan AMOS, untuk mengetahui apakah model yang digambarkan sesuai dengan realitas yang sebenarnya.
Penelitian berfokus peningkatan kinerja UMKM melalui social capital dengan financial literacy sebagai antesenden serta access to financing dan orientation enterprenuership sebagai mediator. Sampel penelitian adalah UMKM industry furniture di Jawa-Tengah dan statistic Smart pls-3 untuk menjawab masalah dan hipotesis peneltian.
perbankan yang diberikan BNI KCP Rembang, dimana penurunan kepercayaan nasabah dapat menurunkan retensi nasabah. Penelitian juga didasari penelitian gap antara layanan mobile banking, Layanan mobile banking merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Kesenjangan riset yang muncul adalah studi yang dilakukan oleh Garg et. al.,
(2020) yang menunjukkan bahwa layanan mobile banking akan kembali mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Namun hal ini bertentangan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Reddy (2016) yang menyatakan bahwa layanan mobile banking tidak akan mempengaruhi retensi nasabah. Adanya gap tersebut mendorong masyarakat untuk melakukan penelitian ini untuk
membuktikan sejauh mana layanan mobile banking memperbaharui retensi nasabah. Pada penelitian ini hanya dilakukan penelitian untuk nasabah Bank BNI KCP Rembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), dengan menggunakan AMOS, untuk mengetahui apakah model yang digambarkan sesuai dengan realitas yang sebenarnya.
Penelitian berfokus peningkatan kinerja UMKM melalui social capital dengan financial literacy sebagai antesenden serta access to financing dan orientation enterprenuership sebagai mediator. Sampel penelitian adalah UMKM industry furniture di Jawa-Tengah dan statistic Smart pls-3 untuk menjawab masalah dan hipotesis peneltian.