Papers by Ahmad Gambo
Apple Academic Press eBooks, Jan 11, 2023
Apple Academic Press eBooks, Jan 11, 2023

Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2014
This paper is a review on little history and the composition of Tigernut ranging from proximate, ... more This paper is a review on little history and the composition of Tigernut ranging from proximate, mineral and amino acid content. The paper further explains the kind of phytochemicals and antinutrients that can be found in tigernut .The kind of microorganisms which could be found on tigernut was also explained based on the previous works of researchers. Tigernut can also be eaten raw, processed in to flour and be used for different purposes such as bread and substitute in animal feed manufacture. Oil can also be obtained from tigernut, which is highly unsaturated and good for the health of humans. Tigernut can be used to produce drink/milk, which can serve as substitute of traditional cow milk, different types of tigernut milk are also produced, it can also be used to produce a local snack "Dakuwa". Tigernut also contributes to the reduction of cholesterol, it reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and is recommended for those who have heavy digestion, flatulence and dysentery.

Five (5.0) kg of beef was obtained from Wudil market and divided into five portions. Four portion... more Five (5.0) kg of beef was obtained from Wudil market and divided into five portions. Four portions were treated by dipping for one hour in 0.2% clove (CLA), 0.2% sodium citrate (SCA), 0.2% clove and sodium citrate (SCB) and another in a combination of 0.25% of sodium citrate and clove (SCC), and the remaining portion served as the control (LCS). The portions were drained, rubbed with spices, cooked overnight in an earthenware pot inside a pit with glowing charcoal. The samples were removed, cooled and wrapped in brown papers. This experiment was carried out during the rainy and dry seasons. Samples were kept at ambient temperature and were examined for chemical weekly for a period of four weeks. For samples produced during rainy season there was increase in pH value during storage and for samples produced during dry season there was decrease in pH value during storage. The Free Fatty acid (FFA) values increased generally during storage for the samples produced during both rainy and dry seasons. The results indicate the sample treated with 0.2% sodium citrate and clove had lower FFA values. The Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values of all samples increased throughout the storage period with the untreated control sample having higher values. The peroxide values increased for both samples throughout the storage period with the untreated control having higher values though; none of the samples exceeded the maximum limit recommended by codex (12.5 millieq O 2 /kg). From the result of this work it was observed that the treatment that has greater effect for both rainy and dry season is a combination of 0.25% sodium citrate and 0.25% clove. Storage of denderu samples is better during dry season because of low humidity and higher temperature.

Fish is an important source of protein, providing essential amino acids, low in fat and cholester... more Fish is an important source of protein, providing essential amino acids, low in fat and cholesterol; and also rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and D. Fish is an extremely perishable commodity. Losses as high as up to 50% has been recorded following postharvest, leading to a huge loss in revenue. Five (5.0) kg of African cat fish (Bagrus bajad) and rice bran (Oryza glaberrima) were obtained from Yankura fish market and a local rice mill respectively, both in Kano State. The fish samples were gutted, washed thoroughly, and divided into four groups. The groups were treated separately with0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% (W/V) of the prepared husk extract, smoked in the smoking kiln for 5 hours at a temperature of 56 to 62 0 C,cooled and evaluated for sensory scores after smoking. The microbial and chemical analysis were carried out on months 0,1,2 and 3 following storage at ambient temperature. The rice husk extract had no effect (p<0.05) on microbial growth and sensory scores irrespective of concentration. However the Free Fatty acid (FFA) values of the treated samples ranged from 0.1870 to 0.2585Meq/kg and were lower (p<0.05) than the non-treated controls (0.4170Meq/kg) after three months of storage. The sample treated with 1.5% rice husk extract had the least value of 2.8 mg/100g, the one treated with 1.0% extract had 4.2 mg/100g and sample treated with 0.5% rice husk extract had 5.6 mg/100g.The results of the Bacterial count shows that the samples on month 0 had values of 1.26x10 3 , 1.20x10 3 , 1.30x10 3 and 1.35 x 10 3 cfu/g for samples 111, 121, 131 and 141 respectively. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the samples from month 0 to 3 rd month of storage irrespective of treatment. The results of the mould count indicated that at month 0, samples 111, 121, 131 and 141 had 1.36x10 3 , 1.29x10 3 , 1.33x10 3 and 1.41x10 3 cfu/g respectively, with no significant difference (p>0.05) between the samples, regardless of the treatment. The mould increased by the third month of storage when compared to the first month. The findings for this study suggest that the samples are considered to be within the acceptable limits up to the third month of storage. The use of rice husk extracts will be beneficial to the fish processing industry as it would enhance the quality and oxidative stability of the smoked fish products.

Aims: Comparisons of the proximate and heavy metal composition were made among some five local va... more Aims: Comparisons of the proximate and heavy metal composition were made among some five local varieties of fresh fish sold in Sabon Gari market Kano, Nigeria. This is to ascertain whether such fishes contribute to the nutritional value or heavy metal toxicity of the local populace. Study Design: Samples were obtained from the market, taken to the laboratory and processed for both proximate and elemental analysis. Original Research Article Sani et al.; JALSI, 4(1): 1-8, 2016; Article no.JALSI.21405 2 Place and Duration of Study: The fishes were obtained from Sabon Gari market, located in Kano State, Northwestern Nigeria. Methodology: The proximate composition of the fishes used as samples were determined in triplicate using Association of Analytical Chemists methods while elemental analysis was conducted using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (Jenway 6405). Results: The proximate composition analysis revealed that, moisture content range from 57.36% for the flesh of Oreochromis niloticus to 71.53% for that from Alestes baremose; proteins range from 16.72% to 20.80% for flesh from Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus; fat content of range from 3.09% to 20.94% for flesh from Alestes baremose and Oreochromis niloticus. The carbohydrate content were found to range from 1.48% for the flesh from Alestes brevis to 4.54% for that from Clarias gariepinus and ash range from 0.46% to 5.46% for the flesh from Clarias gariepinus and Shilbe isideri respectively. The elemental analysis revealed a variation in elemental concentration among the fish samples used. All data obtained for heavy metals were significantly lower (p<0.05%) than the corresponding internationally agreed limit. High concentration of zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), calcium (Ca) and cobalt (Co) was detected from Oreochromis niloticus. The sample from Clarias gariepinus was found to contain high amount of both lead and nickel as compared to others. The level of copper and cadmium were detected to be high in sample from Alestes brevis while high level of magnesium was detected from Shilbe isideri sample as compared to other sources. Conclusion: The fishes sold in Sabon Gari market are nutritious with low level of heavy metals and thus, may serve as a good source of essential nutrients.

This study was aimed at producing an acceptable bread from a composite flour of wheat and maize. ... more This study was aimed at producing an acceptable bread from a composite flour of wheat and maize. Composite flour from wheat and maize flour blends were examined for proximate analysis and baking properties in order to investigate the effect of substitution on bread making process and overall quality. The wheat flour was substituted by maize flour at (4) levels viz; 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% while non – substituted i.e. 0% served as control. The proximate analysis shows that, the % ash content for the control sample 0% maize was 0.68% and that of the 10% maize was 0.58% which does not exceed the value indicated by the food standard agency (FSA) &National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). (0.7 max) for %Ash content. The moisture content also decreases as substitution increases with difference of 0.40 at 20% of wheat/maize composite, while fat content shows little difference of 0.05 between 100% wheat and 10% composite wheat/maize flours.. Bread from non–substituted flour i.e 0% maize flour has the highest positive rating of all the sensory attributes examined i.e appearance, taste, flavour, colour and overall/general acceptability. The sensory analysis shows that there was no significant difference between 100% wheat flour and 10% substituted flour and this suggests that 10% of maize could be used in producing bread which will be acceptable by the consumers and with no significant difference in quality.

This paper is a review on little history and the composition of Tigernut ranging from proximate, ... more This paper is a review on little history and the composition of Tigernut ranging from proximate, mineral and amino acid content. The paper further explains the kind of phytochemicals and antinutrients that can be found in tigernut .The kind of microorganisms which could be found on tigernut was also explained based on the previous works of researchers. Tigernut can also be eaten raw, processed in to flour and be used for different purposes such as bread and substitute in animal feed manufacture. Oil can also be obtained from tigernut, which is highly unsaturated and good for the health of humans. Tigernut can be used to produce drink/milk, which can serve as substitute of traditional cow milk, different types of tigernut milk are also produced, it can also be used to produce a local snack "Dakuwa". Tigernut also contributes to the reduction of cholesterol, it reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and is recommended for those who have heavy digestion, flatulence and dysentery.
Conference Presentations by Ahmad Gambo
Papers by Ahmad Gambo
Conference Presentations by Ahmad Gambo