Frequently Asked Questions
How to contact us for additional help or assistance:
Please feel free to contact us directly through the HackerOne report from which you received your coupon. GitHub staff typically responds within 1-2 business days.
Once an order is placed, it will be processed within 24 hours during our business week Monday – Friday. After your order is processed, we cannot refund or cancel your order.
Is shipping included in the coupon code?
Yes, shipping is on us!
Where can you ship to?
We can ship anywhere in the United States and internationally. Please note that transit times may vary depending on your shipping location.
How can I earn an item in the shop?
You can earn a coupon code by submitting a valid bug to our bug bounty program. For more information on our program, please visit our bounty site.
Can I save my coupon code and stack it with another coupon?
Yes, you can apply multiple coupon codes to a single transaction. However, coupons do expire, so ensure you use them within 12 months.
Is the swag store in scope for the GitHub bounty program?
No, this swag store is not in scope or eligible for rewards as part of GitHub’s bug bounty program. Check our bounty scope at for a list of targets that are eligible for a bounty before you start hacking!
Can you explain the point system?
In addition to our published bounty rewards, valid bounty reports are also eligible to receive a coupon code that can be redeemed for points in the bounty swag store. The number of swag points awarded is based on the report’s severity and impact, with higher severity reports earning more swag points. However, we limit the number of reports that are eligible to earn swag points per researcher, so not every valid report will be awarded swag points.