Want to Meet the Stars from Joss Whedon's TV Series? Hallowhedon is a 3-day unofficial convention to celebrate the Halloween weekend in style, and the various hit television series created by Joss Whedon. This event will feature guests from Joss Whedon's series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", "Firefly" (and the movie continuation "Serenity") as well as his latest venture "Dollhouse". This event will be held from Friday 30th October - Sunday 1st of November 2009 at The Thistle Hotel, Heathrow. Current Guests include: Nicholas Brendon 'Xander' in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", further guests to be announced soon! ( Click for some more infoCollapse )For more information on these, check out the official website: HALLOWHEDON! |
It has been announced that Nicholas Brendon, Nathan Fillion, and Elisabeth Rohm will all be guests at FX 2008. The convention will be held in Orlando, Florida, at the Orange County Convention Center, from January 25-27th, 2008. The guest list has over 20 more, but I suspect this community will be most interested in these three. :) More information can be found at www.fxshow.com. Current Mood:  bouncy
I hope it is ok to post this here, as it relates to fans of Buffy and Angel and is for a charity event. Thanks. The Bronzers Reunited PartySaturday 16th February 2008El Rey Theatre, Los AngelesDo you have your tickets yet?The BRP - Bronzers Reunited Party - is a charity event to be held at the El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles on Saturday the 16th of February 2008 to raise money for Equality Now. In 1998 a wonderful committee arranged a gathering in LA for Bronzers from around the world to meet up and celebrate not only Buffy and Angel, but also a friendship created while simultaneously raising money for charity. As the show came to an end so did the parties. So, in celebration of the wonderful times we had, a few of us Bronzers have decided to create a tenth anniversary reunion event in memory of the Posting Board Parties. We have aspired to keep the party as close to the original PBPs as possible (though it is not the PBP and no infringement is intended upon the committee who ran it). The BRP itself will begin at 6pm. There will be a DJ playing music in between the evenings activities, however, not too loud so you can still chat to your fellow Jossverse fans! We have two fantastic bands playing for you: Darling Violetta & Four Star Mary! To raise as much money as possible we also have a charity auction with a number of amazing lots, perhaps the most exciting being Giles' coat from the episode 'The Gift'! We will also have a few stalls selling Bronzer related merchandise and, representing Equality Now, fireflystore.netAs with previous years VIPs have been invited, however, please be aware that we cannot guarantee attendance, they are not contracted to turn up - although we have had a very positive response so far! The party will finish at midnight. We have arranged transport to and from the venue from the Renaissance Hotel - where we have acquired a special rate if you call and tell them you're with the Bronzers Reunion. There will also be a Pre-Party held the night before, Friday 15th of February, at L'Scorpion on Hollywood Blvd. As many of you may know, it's owned by an ex-Buffy cast member! Entertainment will be provided, and it will be a great chance to meet up with your fellow attendees! We will also be holding a raffle with two winning prizes - access to the VIP room at the BRP!!! Please also be aware that the Pre-Party is for over 18s only as it is a night club - the BRP itself is open to all ages as long as under 18s are accompanied by a parent or guardian. We know not everybody can make the pre-party so we have two ticket prices: $85 for just the BRP & $120 for both the Pre-Party & the BRP (only 250 of these are available). If you are interested in attending, or just want some more information, then please visit www.sliqueevents.com to purchase your tickets via PayPal. However, we know that not everyone has PayPal, so, if you would like to pay by cheque then please contact [email protected] for more information. For a list of available items for our auctions, and to meet other attendees then please join the forums at www.sliqueevents.com/forumOnce costs have been covered all monies, and monies from the charity auction and raffle, will go to Equality Now, a charity close to Joss' heart - For further information on Equality Now, and the work they do, please visit www.equalitynow.orgWe look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in February and raise as much money for charity as possible! Bronzers Reunited Party Committee Slique Events |
Hey guys, New poster, but I thought I'd throw it out there that Christian Kane (Lindsey), Mercedes McNab (Harmony) and Elisabeth Rohm (Kate Lockley)are going to be attending The Hub Productions27th and 28th October 2007Saturday in Sydney and Sunday in MelbourneAustraliaEllen Muth from Dead Like Me and Michael Muhney (Sheriff Lamb) of Veronica Mars will also be attending. Should be a great weekend! Have a great day guys! Lys |
I'll be posting similar postings shortly to other convention-related communities, so I apologize if you see this a couple of times. Awhile back, I started working on the idea of applying social networking technologies to the world of convention-goers. Think a mix of MySpace and LiveJournal, with a lot more functionality specific to people like us, and made specifically for con-goers and the like (conventions, dealers, artists, etc...). The idea has me pretty excited, and we're looking to have everything wrapped up for our "Version 1" release at ChattaCon, just a few months away (Version 2 is scheduled for release at Frolicon, over Easter Weekend of 2007, and Version 3 is tentatively scheduled for release at Dragon*Con, over Labor Day Weekend of 2007). If you'd like to take a peek at what we're doing, our teaser website is up at www.conheaven.com, and has a lot of information on what we're up to, and what we do for convention organizers, con-goers, dealers and vendors, groups of friends, and even convention "roommates". More than anything, we'd love to have you around to give your input on what we're up to - and in exchange, you get the opportunity to help make ConHeaven into the best site possible - your home away from the con, if you will. ;) We also have forums up and running (just opened them up to the public) at www.conheaven.com/vbulletin - they're kinda quiet right now, and we'd love to have your help in fixing that! =) Anyways, I look forward to hearing your feedback and to seeing everyone soon! -Chris |
» (No Subject) |
I hope this is allowed, but I was wondering if anyone is going to the Tampa SlayerCon this weekend.
Jul. 24th, 2006 @ 06:04 am
» TT20 Guest Announcement! |
TT20 a TCON Promotional Society event
Information Line: (416) 410-TCON (8266) E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: http://www.tcon.ca
July 7-9, 2006 DoubleTree International Plaza Hotel 655 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
TT20 is in just 13 days: we're here for a GREAT time, not a long time, so have a GREAT time and join us at TT20!
TT20 would like to welcome Jewel Staite to our list of guests who will be attending this year's convention.
Ms. Staite, who played "Kaylee Frye" on Joss Whedon's "Firefly" and "Serenity" will be attending TT20 as an all-weekend guest, making appearances at the Friday evening Blastoff Party, on-stage, as well as autograph and photograph sessions on both Saturday and Sunday.
TT20 would also like to welcome Canadian Director-Filmmaker David Winning to TT20's guest list.
Mr. Winning has directed episodes of Stargate: Atlantis; Earth: Final Conflict, Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, ABC's Dinotopia and will be directing a series for Disney in July in Toronto.
Also appearing at TT20:
* Michael Shanks ('Dr. Daniel Jackson', Stargate SG-1) **SUNDAY ONLY** * Lexa Doig (Formerly 'Rommie', Andromeda; currently 'Dr. Lam', Stargate SG-1; 'Wendy Paulson', The 4400) **SUNDAY ONLY** * George Takei ('Hikaru Sulu', Star Trek) * Garrett Wang ('Ensign Harry Kim', Star Trek: Voyager) * Amber Benson ('Tara', Buffy the Vampire Slayer) * Adam Busch ('Warren Meers', Buffy the Vampire Slayer) * Mira Furlan ('Danielle Rousseau', Lost; 'Delenn', Babylon 5) * Richard Hatch ('Apollo', classic Battlestar Galactica; 'Tom Zarek', new Battlestar Galactica) * Julie Caitlin Brown ('Na'Toth', Babylon 5) * David Gerrold (Writer 'The Trouble with Tribbles', Star Trek; Hugo and Nebula Award winning author) * Rob Shearman (Writer 'Dalek', Doctor Who; Hugo-nominated author)
Pre-Registration has closed but memberships are available at the door. Please see our website for more information!
Jun. 24th, 2006 @ 10:56 am
» Another Booster event! |

Jun. 15th, 2006 @ 07:55 pm
» Conventions! |
Booster Entertainment puts on the BEST conventions, concentrating on offering stars and fans a relaxed, fun-filled experience. The attendance of the conventions is limited, with large guest lists, which means you get to actually mingle and socialize with the guests in a relaxed and fun environment!
This convention includes a weekend with: Elizabeth Rohm- Angel, Law & Order Andy Hallett- Angel Matt James- Angel Camden Toy- Angel, Buffy Jack Donner- Buffy, Roswell, Classic Trek, Enterprise, Stigmata Spice Williams- Buffy, Angel, Mission Impossible III Charles Cyphers- Buffy, Halloween I & II, The Fog, Escape From New York, Assault on Precinct 13 Kelly Donovan - the other Xander from "The Replacement".
And don't forget to check out the message board. Fill out a free profile to meet all kinds of fellow fans and sign up to receive event notifications!
Jun. 10th, 2006 @ 11:30 pm
» Great Buffy Hootenanny III |
Great Buffy Hootenanny III
Nov 11-13th Cost:$10 www.dragonconbuffy.com
Guests: Michael Conrad Brian Evander
Hootenanny Hotel Info Holiday Inn Atlanta Airport North 1380 Virginia Ave Atlanta, GA 30344 404-762-8411 (Direct) 1-888-890-0242 (Toll Free)
$65/night single/double, if booked by 10/28.
IF you have a problem booking, please let me know ASAP. There is a contract so you shouldn't (that's what we've been waiting for). Make sure you let them know you are with the Great Buffy Hootenanny.
Nov. 7th, 2005 @ 06:21 am