Frontend Dashboard User Management will allow the allowed users to manage the users by adding, editing and deleting.
Admin can allow the respective user roles to add new users into the website.
Admin can allow the respective user roles to edit the users
Admin can allow the respective user roles to delete the users
Allowed users can search for the users by name and role
1. Upload the “frontend-dashboard-user-management” directory to the plugins directory.
2. Go to the plugins setting page and activate “Frontend Dashboard User Management”
3. Go to Frontend Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | User | User Management and update the settings.
4. Create new page in WP Admin | Pages | Add New
5. Add title, in content area add the shortcode [fed_user_management]
6. Publish that page
7. Go to WP Admin | Frontend Dashboard | Dashboard Menu
8. Click Add New Menu
9. Add the Menu name you like (eg, User Management) and select the respective user role to view that menu.
10. Select the option Show pages for this menu item? and select the shortcode added page to map it.
11. Do save.