Papers by nofitri heriyani

Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS), 2022
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka membantu warga masyarakat kelurahan ... more Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka membantu warga masyarakat kelurahan Batuceper untuk dapat memiliki kemampuan membuat kerajinan tangan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk menciptakan ide memperoleh pendapatan tambahan. Saat ini banyak warga masyarakat mengalami penurunan pendapat khususnya warga masyarakat yang memiliki pekerjaan informal yang diakibatkan karena aktifitas mencari rezeki yang terbatas karena diberlakukannya PPKM (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat) selama masa pandemic covid-19. Sasaran aktifitas pelatihan pembuatan kerajinan tangan kalung masker adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga warga kelurahan Batuceper Kota Tangerang, yang ingin menumbuhkan kemampuan dan jiwa kewirausahaan serta keterampilan diri dalam membuat kerajinan tangan yang memiliki nilai jual. Proses pelatihan dilakukan selama 3 hari dan peneliti telah melakukan survey berkaitan dengan hasil pelatihan yang telah dilakukan dan didapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan harapan dimana pe...

JIKA (Jurnal Informatika), 2019
Learning is a communication process between learners, teachers and teaching materials. Communicat... more Learning is a communication process between learners, teachers and teaching materials. Communication will not work without the aid of medium or message media. The message to be communicated is the content of the learning that is in the curriculum curricula poured by faculty or facilitator or other sources into communication symbols. Submission of learning messages from teachers to students today, still using teaching aids like books. This makes the students less interested and bored when absorbing the lesson thus giving the effect of lazy learning. Applications are made a medium of learning for elementary school students with references from books containing human anatomy material including the structure of the human body, skeletons and skin, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, respiratory, system cardio-vascular system, lymphatic system, digestive system, excretion system and reproduction system and contains anatomy learning information of the human body in detail in terms of material and images. The results of the study found that still using the use of books and media sculpture in the process of teaching and learning activities at the school. To support this application also included exercise questions, in order to find out how far the ability of students to deepen the material obtained from this application. This application development method uses Rapid Aplication Develpoment which consists of three phases namely planning, design workshop, and implementation with UML process design (Unified Modeling Language) and developed using the Eclipse IDE for data collection with literature and questioner studies, based on the results of research, applications that have been made is needed and greatly facilitates the children to learn the anatomy of the human body.
Papers by nofitri heriyani