Are you taling about this cache ?
bp does have built in support for this. If you can track down exactly when and where the avatars fail to load with it enabled it would help. Without being able to reproduce the problem in a specific area when this exact thing happnens or you do that thing, it’s impossible to track down the issues.
Try to reproduce the problem and post the results in trac as a bug.
I cleared the cache, deactivated, and uninstalled the caching plugin. Now not only will the avatars not load (its always the same peoples), but when you try to change your avatar, the new picture will not load for anyones profile. urg
Did you delete the extra business that WP Super Cache puts in your .htaccess file?
yes, my .htaccess file looks just as it did before I installed this plugin
Gravatars are working (if you dont have a picture uploaded) and the default avatars are working, but no uploaded avatars, and when you go to upload one it wont upload, just gives me a red x
wow….i found my problem…..a file that should have been there wasnt…funny how that might cause trouble