University of Buckingham
The article presents a small-scale study utilising both questionnaires and semi-structured interviews.Against the backdrop of widespread interest in the area of mental health/well- being by the UK government and also by the media, the... more
The article presents a small-scale study utilising both questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Against the backdrop of widespread interest in the area of mental health/well- being by the UK government and also by the media, the... more
This paper explores the wellbeing of school leaders and teachers in England who assessed a specific health risk during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. It explores how this cohort, guided to physically shield, was affected in attitudes... more
This study of one UK university, concerned four related issues of flourishing, empowerment, potential alienation and inequality of professional older workers in a higher education setting, relative to their professional development. The... more
This public statement was issued in May 2019 in response to a planning application, and associated archaeological report, with respect to a proposed development at the site of an early medieval settlement-cemetery at the home of former... more