University of Buckingham
Economics & International Studies
According to the canon of the 'English School' of international relations theory, international society took shape sometime between 1648 and 1713. Its defining characteristic is the appearance, and acceptance, of the centralized authority... more
In Progressivism and US Foreign Policy Between the World Wars, Molly Cochran and Cornelia Navari present a valuable collection of essays that address the lasting impact of the Progressive Movement upon the foreign relations of the United... more
The Russian annexation of Crimea, together with the on-going war in eastern Ukraine, have raised fundamental questions concerning the right of a territory to secede from a larger state. Cornelia Navari writes on the influence of the... more
Contentwise, the post-print version is identical to the final published version, but there may be differences in typography and layout.
Palgrave Studies in International Relations (the EISA book series), published in association with European International Studies Association, provides scholars with the best theoretically-informed scholarship on the global issues of our... more
According to the canon of the ‘English School’ of international relations theory, international society took shape sometime between 1648 and 1713. Its defining characteristic is the appearance, and acceptance, of the centralized authority... more
The English School has made three contributions to the science of peaceful change: the inevitable conflict of order and justice; the necessity of Great Power management of peaceful change; and regional orders as the locus of peaceful... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
Compiled by Jack Mellish and Cornelia Navari, convenors The aim of the work shop was to place the English School theory in the context of the Realist focus on power and the Liberal focus on legitimacy. It laid out some benchmarks with... more
Will the‘Lawson Boom’have the same consequences as that of Anthony Barber? Tim Congdon, of Shearson Lehman, argues that the rapid monetary growth of the past years could have serious consequences for inflation, unless the Government takes... more
Chile's 8-year experiment in free markets achieved spectacular advance. Its success was hailed by market economists and its failure by economic dirigistes. Was the failure inevitable or accidental? What are the lessons for other... more