For the interference, I just did the first 6 in order. It's all variations of Supernova, Fusion, Overclock, Pulse and maybe Darkness? I forgot. You only need to use the red lens.
I've been playing for a while and think I've hit a wall. I'm trying to figure out how to get to 1e308 light, but I can't tell how to get there. I will admit I'm using a modified save to start at a higher light boost (1.02e3), but that's the only "hack" I'm using. So far, I've completed all of the previous achievements and completed the R, B, and RB interferences. My current strategy is to use the Fusion and Infinity upgrades and just let the game wind its way to 1e308 slowly but surely by also activating the prism every few seconds to accumulate more rainbows, but I think the softcap may have reached its cap? Should I be trying to do the interferences in the order they're listed? Or should I try and "skip ahead" on the list and try an interference/node upgrade combo I haven't thought of?
I don't quite remember what I specifically did, but what I think I did was a lot of short runs to boost my rainbow count, which in turn boosts my laser/light gain over time. I've finished one or two more interferences since then, but I unfortunately didn't keep track of what I did.
Am back I noticed that the amount of rainbow was equal to infinity, did you manually change the amount of rainbow or did the game bug and decide to give you infinite rainbow? (I have to do some bug fixing if it's the latter) It's pretty funny that the amount of rainbow is still pretty stable (you get like ~e230 rainbow on reset), as I expect the game to completely break at some random high amount of rainbow
Why does the game just suddenly slow down a whole lot after getting the lenses? like before it only took me 30 seconds to get an upgrade and now basically 10 minutes for one
ye i noticed that but I alr stopped 4 months ago, in short I used the lense that had the shortest charge-up and when I noticed that I was not gaining as much I just reset it, think it was the red one
guessing AD is the only incremental you've ever played. this is nothing like AD. there are tons of games that feel like AD. this is much more unique, though not nearly as strong of a formula. no one is going to be saying "getting oscilight vibes from this" unless someone goes way out of their way to make that the case.
Sorry for the late reply! Can you open the console (By pressing F12) and take a screenshot?
(EDIT 2: I still haven't found the bug, but I have added an option to export and hard reset if the game refuses to load.)
(EDIT: I just realized that games work differently so you can't access the localStorage, please wait while I am trying to find and fix the bug!)
Also, can you send the save file here? (Open console and run localStorage.getIten(SAVE_NAME) and copy the output)
To reset the game, run localStorage.removeItem(SAVE_NAME) in the console and reload
Sorry for the late reply, but I have added an option to export and hard reset if the game does not load. Please export the save file and send it here so that I can have a look!
← Return to game
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Setup for e308:
For the interference, I just did the first 6 in order. It's all variations of Supernova, Fusion, Overclock, Pulse and maybe Darkness? I forgot. You only need to use the red lens.
I've been playing for a while and think I've hit a wall. I'm trying to figure out how to get to 1e308 light, but I can't tell how to get there. I will admit I'm using a modified save to start at a higher light boost (1.02e3), but that's the only "hack" I'm using. So far, I've completed all of the previous achievements and completed the R, B, and RB interferences. My current strategy is to use the Fusion and Infinity upgrades and just let the game wind its way to 1e308 slowly but surely by also activating the prism every few seconds to accumulate more rainbows, but I think the softcap may have reached its cap? Should I be trying to do the interferences in the order they're listed? Or should I try and "skip ahead" on the list and try an interference/node upgrade combo I haven't thought of?
Did you ever figure it out?
I don't quite remember what I specifically did, but what I think I did was a lot of short runs to boost my rainbow count, which in turn boosts my laser/light gain over time. I've finished one or two more interferences since then, but I unfortunately didn't keep track of what I did.
Cool, was just wondering. I got passed 1e308, I thought I might help. Anyway, good to hear!
what happens if you just let the laser stabilze for ever
Nvm I found ou
what does the laser even do? i just let it run, and what about the deceleration?
If you want to play with a x2 bonus, here ya go.
8x 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
How do you modify the boost?
play the game.
Can anyone tell me how interference works? this stuff is complicated
Hey guys, I just unlocked lens and don't know which to use. Any recommendations on what lens i should use?
blue it will help u in the long run or all
Personally, i like catalyst (green (25% more energy level, 50% slower overheat, 2x stabilization))
Oh, and if you want really quick light REALLY fast, red is a really good option. at the cost of how long it goes for.
A Broken Image (e5000+ light per sec)
Hi, can you share your save here? I'm currently away and I will look into it when I come back.
Am back
I noticed that the amount of rainbow was equal to infinity, did you manually change the amount of rainbow or did the game bug and decide to give you infinite rainbow? (I have to do some bug fixing if it's the latter)
It's pretty funny that the amount of rainbow is still pretty stable (you get like ~e230 rainbow on reset), as I expect the game to completely break at some random high amount of rainbow
Its a bug.
Thanks for the report, I'm looking into it right now. What are you doing when the bug occurred? I'm trying to replicate the bug but no luck so far.
In case you need it, I have also made a save with the amount of rainbow fixed, sorry about the bug!
Why does the game just suddenly slow down a whole lot after getting the lenses? like before it only took me 30 seconds to get an upgrade and now basically 10 minutes for one
Because you have to reset your laser to use them, and if you're like me and chose the blue lens that *3 stabilization time slows things down.
ye i noticed that but I alr stopped 4 months ago, in short I used the lense that had the shortest charge-up and when I noticed that I was not gaining as much I just reset it, think it was the red one
Who doesn't love a Antimatter Dimensions vibe?
guessing AD is the only incremental you've ever played. this is nothing like AD. there are tons of games that feel like AD. this is much more unique, though not nearly as strong of a formula. no one is going to be saying "getting oscilight vibes from this" unless someone goes way out of their way to make that the case.
Absolutely amazing game! What would you recommend for your first destructive interference?
5/5 literally perfect score from me.
i left my laser stabilizing for a bit while i did something else, came back to check and it got stuck at 0.599 energy level and my game broke :(
Everything stopped, gains, animations, etc. tried reloading but it didnt fix, so its just frozen now
Same. When I reload, all I see is:
This shouldn't take longer than a few seconds...
Sorry for the late reply! Can you open the console (By pressing F12) and take a screenshot?
(EDIT 2: I still haven't found the bug, but I have added an option to export and hard reset if the game refuses to load.)
(EDIT: I just realized that games work differently so you can't access the localStorage, please wait while I am trying to find and fix the bug!)
Also, can you send the save file here? (Open console and run localStorage.getIten(SAVE_NAME) and copy the output)To reset the game, run localStorage.removeItem(SAVE_NAME) in the console and reloadIt appears to be working now!
Glad to hear!
Sorry for the late reply, but I have added an option to export and hard reset if the game does not load. Please export the save file and send it here so that I can have a look!