Breda University of Applied Sciences
Academy for Tourism
This commentary reflects on the article written by the [authors] through discussing two points. First it will shed some light on the relationship between Utopia and Dystopia and taking the discussion in a slightly different direction that... more
- by Rami Isaac
New direction in integrating the notion of utopia and dystopia in the dark tourism phenomena. Clear presentation of the relationship between utopia and dystopia. Reflections on measuring emotional reaction in dark touism.
Composition of classrooms in higher education is evolving as universities become more accessible to students from different social and cultural backgrounds. This has led to an increase in campus diversity among faculty members as well as... more
Introduktion: Olika typer av sar skapar stort lidande for den drabbade och Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) ar en behandlingsmetod som utvecklats for att effektivisera sarlakningsprocessen. L ...
Social scientists and philosophers had never before provided us with an idea of how to understand these things and how the human mind works. Foucault intentionally did not address this because of his anti-Freudianism, but Lacan on the... more
To investigate discourses on innovation from up-close, I take a closer look at how innovation is used in a particular setting: the Dutch outbound travel industry. This industry, as we have seen in the past years and particularly at... more
Gaming is rapidly developing as a method of dynamic interaction and experience development. This cutting edge concept of gaming has recently been used by some innovative tourism sectors as a marketing tool and as a method of deeper... more
Gamification has become a focus of attention in an increasing number of fields including business, education, and health care. Through a wide range of applications and support functions, its potential for the tourism industry is... more
Creating an augmented reality (AR) urban tourism application presents several interactivity challenges on how to convey an engaging multimedia experience on-site. This article describes a methodology for fast prototyping of multimedia... more
Creating a mobile urban tourism storytelling application presents several interactivity challenges on how to convey an engaging multimedia experience on-site. This article describes a methodology for fast prototyping of a multimedia... more