A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Languages for the degree of: Maestría en la Enseñanza del Inglés (MEI) By: Eliška Marina Sudek Montes Thesis Director: M. Fátima Encinas Prudencio December 2015 i ii ABSTRACT 'Dyslexia and children's... more
This chapter attempts to propose a research approach for understanding classroom literacy practices by situating the practices within a wider context. The chapter reports on the first phase of a larger project which set out to examine... more
Resultados encontrados sobre la investigación en México en 11 instituciones de educación superior en el país.
This study explored fifteen EFL teachers' critical moments. Narrative inquiry was used to analyse first their critical moments' written accounts and a year later, six were interviewed in order to contextualize those moments and understand... more
This paper explores previous research in organization and teacher education studies in an attempt to construct an interdisciplinary perspective (Allen & Eby, 2008) of these two disciplines on mentoring to inform in-service ELT teacher... more
This study explored 6 students’ literacy development processes in a private bilingual school in Mexico. Based on Ferreiro’s and Teberosky’s (1979) stages of writing development in Spanish and Rubin’s and Galvan’s (2005) stages in... more
This paper focuses on an ongoing international collaboration between two large public universities, one in the US and one in Mexico, through projects in program development, faculty exchange, graduate student/teacher field experiences,... more
The English Language Teaching (ELT) professionalization process in Mexico has faced complex and multidimensional challenges in the different educational levels, language and teacher education policies, as well as socio-cultural practices... more
Este artículo reporta la investigación de las prácticas de escritura en dos programas de doctorado,en Fisiología y Oceanografía Física, para propiciar la construcción de vocaciones científicas desde el pregrado. Se optó por un paradigma... more
This paper looks at a feature of teacher collaboration within Achinstein's (2002) micropolitics of collaboration but from an intrapersonal perspective. Results discussed feature issues of conflict, borders, and ideologies within each... more
This paper explore previous research in organization and teacher education studies in an attempt to construct an interdisciplinary perspective (Allen & Eby, 2008) of these two disciplines on mentoring to inform in-service ELT teacher... more
This paper focuses on an ongoing international collaboration between two large public universities, one in the US and one in Mexico, through projects in program development, faculty exchange, graduate student/teacher field experiences,... more