Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
Facultad de Ciencias Fisico-Matematicas
To approach the quantitative understanding of hydration contribution to the accuracy of nucleic acid biosynthesis, a computer simulation has been performed to study the hydration characteristics for individual atoms of DNA bases and... more
Three systems of potential functions (PF) which are used in simulations of hydration of bioorganic molecules have been compared: Poltev and Malenkov (PM), Weiner and Kollman (WK) (used in the widespread AMBER program), and OPLS (optimized... more
Abstract: - Computational results are described of interactions between nucleic acid bases and of searching for local minima of the interaction energy. As the bases are the elementary units of genetic material, their interactions are... more
Redalyc. Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal Sistema de Información Científica Redalyc Hemeroteca. ...
The results of the Monte Carlo Metropolis simulation of water structure and of the hydration of nucleic acid fragments, complementary base pairs and mispairs, base pair stacks, and duplex fragments have been summarized. Systematic... more
The conformational properties of some nucleotide sequences result in their ability to bind specifically some ligands or to be recognized by specific proteins. In order to investigate the dependence of conformational behavior of the DNA... more
A model has been constructed for liquid water by means of the Monte Carlo method (Metropolis procedure). In the ensemble of instantaneous configurations at 300~ (I-structures), a geometric criterion of hydrogen bonds has made it possible... more
The energies and structures of many small water clusters (H20)n (n = 8-26) are calculated using the atom-atom potential functions suggested earlier. For each n, several stable configurations were found that differ in the number of H-bonds... more
xTo explain biochemical and genetic data on spontaneous nucleotide replacements in nucleic acid biosynthesis all the 8 mispairs in normal tautomferic forms have been considered. Possible B-conformations of DNA fragments containing each of... more
A system of atom-atom potential functions for computer simulation of aqueous solutions of DNA fragments and eounterions was developed. Hydration of Na +, K +, and dimethyl phosphate (DMP-) ions was simulated by the Monte Carlo method. The... more
Interactions with water molecules are important for the stabilization of three-dimensional structures of nucleic acids and for their functioning. The first hydration shells of macromolecules can be considered as structural parts of... more
DFT studies of desoxydinucleoside monophosphate complexes with Na-ions (dDMPs), using DGAUSS and ADF software reveal that the characteristic B-type conformation of DNA duplexes is initially predisposed in single strand in the form of a... more
To approach atomic level mechanisms of caffeine biological activity, molecular mechanics computations of interactions between caffeine molecule and DNA duplex fragments, containing four nucleotide pairs, have been performed. The... more