Slot waveguide structure gained attention due to high confinement of power inside low index slot ... more Slot waveguide structure gained attention due to high confinement of power inside low index slot region. The high efield
confinement is dependent upon various geometrical parameters. A double slot structure where two low index slots of hard material in high index cladding of compressible material is proposed. Power confinement factor dependency upon distance between low index slots has been numerically computed. Sufficient numerical results obtained lead to the proposal of opto-mechanical sensor based upon proposed double slot structure.
Keywords: FDTD, slot waveguides, quasi-TE, power confinement factor, optomechanical sensor.
Since the advent of slot optical waveguides by Lipson, normally SOI based slot optical waveguides... more Since the advent of slot optical waveguides by Lipson, normally SOI based slot optical waveguides have been under consideration. It has been found that glass based slot optical waveguide structures, where refractive index contrast ratio is comparatively less can also play important role in forming complex nano size optical devices. We have made use of power confined inside low index slot region for a double slot structure, where central high index slab is acting as a cantilever. Novel optomechanical sensor has been proposed based on
variation in power confined inside low index slot region due to the movement of central high index slab under the action of external force (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.)
Keywords: SOI (Silicon on Insulator), FDTD, Slot Waveguides, quasi-TE.
The invention of the slot waveguide had enabled a number of interesting novel linear or nonlinear... more The invention of the slot waveguide had enabled a number of interesting novel linear or nonlinear optical applications by guiding light in nanometers-wide low index slots guarded by high-index slabs. As one of its key characteristics, the low modal index for this kind of waveguides has been demonstrated by many studies. However, their higher order dispersion properties have not been thoroughly investigated yet, while the growing size and complexity of these devices and their potential nonlinear optical applications involving short optical pulses demand further understanding in their dispersion behavior. We here carry out a numerical study on the higher order dispersion characteristics of the SOI-based slot structures around the 1550 nm wavelength. Our results show that they could have significantly different
second order dispersion properties in contrast to the traditional channel SOI waveguides. Their potentially large normal dispersion could have an impact on various nonlinear or linear applications. The relationship between the dispersion performance and the waveguide design is also investigated,
and the results could show further venues to optimize or control the dispersion properties of such waveguides.
Keywords: Slot waveguide, Dispersion, Quasi-TE, Modal effective index
The advent of slot waveguide structure has led the field of nano-photonics into an era, where max... more The advent of slot waveguide structure has led the field of nano-photonics into an era, where maximum light can be confined inside low index slot guarded by high index slabs. Already in use slot waveguides (contrast ratio is 2.42) have two distinct properties over the conventional waveguides, i.e. high E-field amplitude, optical power, optical intensity in low index materials and a strong E-field confinement is localized to nanometer-size low index regions. We hereby propose a low contrast double slot waveguide structure (contrast ratio is 1.65); where low index slots comprising of air surrounded with high index glass slabs. The whole structure is based on substrate comprising of glass whereas cladding is of air. Novelty lies in showing high E-field amplitude, optical power, optical intensity and a strong E-field confinement in low index slot regions. Low contrast double slot structure usage in forming passive nano-devices had been verified by simulating a Y-branch coupler.
We have reviewed the work on SOI slot optical waveguides followed by our work. In a slot waveguid... more We have reviewed the work on SOI slot optical waveguides followed by our work. In a slot waveguide structure, light can be confined in a low index slot guarded by high index slabs. Slot structures are being used in forming complex structures; such as ring resonator circuits. The increased round trip in ring resonator circuits signifies the importance of dispersion calculations. We did analytical and numerical investigations of slot structures' dispersion characteristics. Our dispersion tuned slot structures can help in reducing the dispersion effects on optical signal, which will in turn improve the efficiency of light-on-chip circuits. Since the advent of slot optical waveguides, SOI based slot optical waveguides have been under consideration. It has been found that glass based slot optical waveguide structures with relatively low refractive index contrast ratio can also play an important role in forming complex nano-size optical devices. We made use of power confined inside low index slot regions for a double slot structure. Opto-mechanical sensors have been proposed based upon: (a) variation in power confined inside low index slot region due to the movement of central high index slab under the action of external force (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc). vide Chinese Patent No. ZL 200710176770.1, 2007 (b) variation in power confined inside low refractive index slot regions due to movement of both slots under the action of external force (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc).
We demonstrate a ytterbium (Yb) and an erbium (Er)-doped fiber laser Q-switched by a solution pro... more We demonstrate a ytterbium (Yb) and an erbium (Er)-doped fiber laser Q-switched by a solution processed, optically uniform, few-layer tungsten disulfide saturable absorber (WS 2-SA). Nonlinear optical absorption of the WS 2-SA in the sub-bandgap region, attributed to the edge-induced states, is characterized by 3.1% and 4.9% modulation depths with 1.38 and 3.83 MW/cm 2 saturation intensities at 1030 and 1558 nm, respectively. By integrating the optically uniform WS 2-SA in the Yb-and Er-doped laser cavities, we obtain self-starting Q-switched pulses with microsecond duration and kilohertz repetition rates at 1030 and 1558 nm. Our work demonstrates broadband sub-bandgap saturable absorption of a single, solution processed WS 2-SA, providing new potential efficacy for WS 2 in ultrafast photonic applications. Two dimensional (2d) nanomaterials such as mono-or few-layer graphene, semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (s-TMDs) and black phosphorus exhibit high third-order optical nonlinear susceptibility and ultrafast carrier dynamics, making them attractive for nonlinear photonics and optoelec-tronics 1–3. Amongst the 2d materials, s-TMDs are of particular research interest due to their diversity and the distinct yet complementary properties to graphene they offer. TMDs, a family of ~40 different layered materials, have a general formula MX 2 , where M is a transition metal atom (e.g. Mo, W or Nb) and X is a chalcogen atom (e.g. S, Se or Te). Each TMD layer consists of a single plane of M atoms held between two planes of X atoms by strong covalent bonds. Depending on the coordination and oxidation states of the M atoms, TMDs may behave as metallic, semiconducting or insulating. Similar to other layered materials (LMs), the individual layers in TMD bulk crystals are stacked together by relatively weak van der Waals forces, allowing their exfoliation into single and few layer forms. The optoelectronic properties of s-TMDs are strongly thickness-dependent. For example, the bandgap of s-TMDs typically shifts from indirect for bulk material to direct for monolayer flakes 1,4. Collectively, the bandgaps of s-TMDs span the visible and near-infrared spectrum 1. Such layer-dependent characteristics make s-TMDs comparable or even superior to the zero-gap graphene for a variety of (opto)electronic and photonic applications 1. s-TMDs also offer the possibility of engineering their optical properties for desirable performances 5. We note that while black phosphorus has recently attracted a strong interest 3,6,7 , poor material stability, even for over a few days, remains a significant drawback 3. s-TMDs have been shown to possess remarkable optical and optoelectronic properties, including high optical nonlinear susceptibility 8,9 , ultrafast carrier dynamics 10 and broadband working wavelength range 11,12 , in addition to robustness and environmental stability. This has led to the demonstration of
Dual-comb lasers simultaneously generating asynchronous ultrashort pulses could be an intriguing ... more Dual-comb lasers simultaneously generating asynchronous ultrashort pulses could be an intriguing alternative to the current dual-laser comb source. When generated through a common light path, the low common-mode noises and good coherence between the pulse trains could be realized. Here we demonstrate the completely common-path, unidirectional dual-comb lasing using a carbon nanotube saturable absorber with additional pulse narrowing and broadening mechanisms. The interactions between multiple soliton formation mechanisms result in bifurcation into unusual two-pulse states with pulses of four-fold bandwidth difference and tens-of-Hz repetition rate difference. Coherence between the pulses is verified by the asynchronous cross-sampling and dual-comb spectroscopy measurements.
Dual-comb spectroscopy holds the promise as real-time, high-resolution spectroscopy tools. Howeve... more Dual-comb spectroscopy holds the promise as real-time, high-resolution spectroscopy tools. However, in its conventional schemes, the stringent requirement on the coherence between two lasers requires sophisticated control systems. By replacing control electronics with an all-optical dual-comb lasing scheme, a simplified dual-comb spectroscopy scheme is demonstrated using one dual-wavelength, passively mode-locked fiber laser. Pulses with a intracavity-dispersion-determined repetition-frequency difference are shown to have good mutual coherence and stability. Capability to resolve the comb teeth and a picometer-wide optical spectral resolution are demonstrated using a simple data acquisition system. Energy-efficient, free-running fiber lasers with a small comb-tooth-spacing could enable low-cost dual-comb systems.
ABSTRACT The coherence properties of a frequency comb generated by a SiN microring resonator is s... more ABSTRACT The coherence properties of a frequency comb generated by a SiN microring resonator is shown to be changed by the feedback through a self tracking, narrowband single longitudinal mode filter in an active fiber loop.
A novel surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) biosensor based on waveguide coupled surface pla... more A novel surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) biosensor based on waveguide coupled surface plasmon resonance (WCSPR) measurements is reported. Simply fabricated by gold evaporation deposition and polymer spin-coating, the WCSPR chips can be easily adapted on an commercial SPRi monitoring instrument. The chips were designed by using Fresnel method and fabricated according to its optimized design, the calculation and experimental results fits well. Over an 8 mm × 8 mm rectangle imaging area, the WCSPR chips realized about 52% increase of sensitivity, 57% enhancement of resolution and 55% improvement of signal to noise ratio compared to conventional SPR chips. Furthermore, high throughput protein-protein interaction analyses based on WCSPR chips were successfully accomplished by applying Protein A and rabbit antibody interaction in an array format. The reflectivity responses observed from the WCSPR chips were about 50% higher than the conventional SPR chip while the binding kinetic parameters were within the same range as with conventional SPR chip. (J. Zhu). 1 Equal contribution, Zhiyou Wang designed and fabricated WCSPR chips, Lusheng Song performed the parameters analysis of the WCSPR chips and the applications for high-throughput bio-interaction measurements. 0925-4005/$ -see front matter His current study is focused on optical sensing, material fabrication process, research and application of new SPR structure to imaging technique. . His current study is focused on microfluidic devices and biosensors.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, 2009
A holey fiber design with a high index nanostructure that can achieve an effective mode area not ... more A holey fiber design with a high index nanostructure that can achieve an effective mode area not in excess of 0.3 mum2 and a flat dispersion at the 1.55 mum band is proposed and studied.
CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, 2011
A photonic crystal fiber grating refractometer with a side-opening structure is proposed and stud... more A photonic crystal fiber grating refractometer with a side-opening structure is proposed and studied, which can achieve real time response, minimal refractive index resolution
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2012, 2012
ABSTRACT A side-opened, metal film-coated microstructured optical fiber based SPR biochip for hig... more ABSTRACT A side-opened, metal film-coated microstructured optical fiber based SPR biochip for high sensitive label-free point-of-care test is studied, which possesses the characteristics of integration, easy of fabrication and a minimal index resolution of 2.2x10(-5) R.I.U. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
ABSTRACT By leveraging the plasmonic mode of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon waveguide, a stron... more ABSTRACT By leveraging the plasmonic mode of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon waveguide, a strong enhancement of the SERS signal between adjacent core-shell nanoparticles could be realized through coupling to the propagating SPP.
ABSTRACT A side-opened suspended core fiber integrated microfluidic chip for surface plasmon reso... more ABSTRACT A side-opened suspended core fiber integrated microfluidic chip for surface plasmon resonance enhancement is presented. The influences of fiber size, thickness of Au film, resonance wavelength and fluidic dynamics on the characteristics of the surface enhanced biosensing sensors are investigated.
Slot waveguide structure gained attention due to high confinement of power inside low index slot ... more Slot waveguide structure gained attention due to high confinement of power inside low index slot region. The high efield
confinement is dependent upon various geometrical parameters. A double slot structure where two low index slots of hard material in high index cladding of compressible material is proposed. Power confinement factor dependency upon distance between low index slots has been numerically computed. Sufficient numerical results obtained lead to the proposal of opto-mechanical sensor based upon proposed double slot structure.
Keywords: FDTD, slot waveguides, quasi-TE, power confinement factor, optomechanical sensor.
Since the advent of slot optical waveguides by Lipson, normally SOI based slot optical waveguides... more Since the advent of slot optical waveguides by Lipson, normally SOI based slot optical waveguides have been under consideration. It has been found that glass based slot optical waveguide structures, where refractive index contrast ratio is comparatively less can also play important role in forming complex nano size optical devices. We have made use of power confined inside low index slot region for a double slot structure, where central high index slab is acting as a cantilever. Novel optomechanical sensor has been proposed based on
variation in power confined inside low index slot region due to the movement of central high index slab under the action of external force (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.)
Keywords: SOI (Silicon on Insulator), FDTD, Slot Waveguides, quasi-TE.
The invention of the slot waveguide had enabled a number of interesting novel linear or nonlinear... more The invention of the slot waveguide had enabled a number of interesting novel linear or nonlinear optical applications by guiding light in nanometers-wide low index slots guarded by high-index slabs. As one of its key characteristics, the low modal index for this kind of waveguides has been demonstrated by many studies. However, their higher order dispersion properties have not been thoroughly investigated yet, while the growing size and complexity of these devices and their potential nonlinear optical applications involving short optical pulses demand further understanding in their dispersion behavior. We here carry out a numerical study on the higher order dispersion characteristics of the SOI-based slot structures around the 1550 nm wavelength. Our results show that they could have significantly different
second order dispersion properties in contrast to the traditional channel SOI waveguides. Their potentially large normal dispersion could have an impact on various nonlinear or linear applications. The relationship between the dispersion performance and the waveguide design is also investigated,
and the results could show further venues to optimize or control the dispersion properties of such waveguides.
Keywords: Slot waveguide, Dispersion, Quasi-TE, Modal effective index
The advent of slot waveguide structure has led the field of nano-photonics into an era, where max... more The advent of slot waveguide structure has led the field of nano-photonics into an era, where maximum light can be confined inside low index slot guarded by high index slabs. Already in use slot waveguides (contrast ratio is 2.42) have two distinct properties over the conventional waveguides, i.e. high E-field amplitude, optical power, optical intensity in low index materials and a strong E-field confinement is localized to nanometer-size low index regions. We hereby propose a low contrast double slot waveguide structure (contrast ratio is 1.65); where low index slots comprising of air surrounded with high index glass slabs. The whole structure is based on substrate comprising of glass whereas cladding is of air. Novelty lies in showing high E-field amplitude, optical power, optical intensity and a strong E-field confinement in low index slot regions. Low contrast double slot structure usage in forming passive nano-devices had been verified by simulating a Y-branch coupler.
We have reviewed the work on SOI slot optical waveguides followed by our work. In a slot waveguid... more We have reviewed the work on SOI slot optical waveguides followed by our work. In a slot waveguide structure, light can be confined in a low index slot guarded by high index slabs. Slot structures are being used in forming complex structures; such as ring resonator circuits. The increased round trip in ring resonator circuits signifies the importance of dispersion calculations. We did analytical and numerical investigations of slot structures' dispersion characteristics. Our dispersion tuned slot structures can help in reducing the dispersion effects on optical signal, which will in turn improve the efficiency of light-on-chip circuits. Since the advent of slot optical waveguides, SOI based slot optical waveguides have been under consideration. It has been found that glass based slot optical waveguide structures with relatively low refractive index contrast ratio can also play an important role in forming complex nano-size optical devices. We made use of power confined inside low index slot regions for a double slot structure. Opto-mechanical sensors have been proposed based upon: (a) variation in power confined inside low index slot region due to the movement of central high index slab under the action of external force (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc). vide Chinese Patent No. ZL 200710176770.1, 2007 (b) variation in power confined inside low refractive index slot regions due to movement of both slots under the action of external force (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc).
We demonstrate a ytterbium (Yb) and an erbium (Er)-doped fiber laser Q-switched by a solution pro... more We demonstrate a ytterbium (Yb) and an erbium (Er)-doped fiber laser Q-switched by a solution processed, optically uniform, few-layer tungsten disulfide saturable absorber (WS 2-SA). Nonlinear optical absorption of the WS 2-SA in the sub-bandgap region, attributed to the edge-induced states, is characterized by 3.1% and 4.9% modulation depths with 1.38 and 3.83 MW/cm 2 saturation intensities at 1030 and 1558 nm, respectively. By integrating the optically uniform WS 2-SA in the Yb-and Er-doped laser cavities, we obtain self-starting Q-switched pulses with microsecond duration and kilohertz repetition rates at 1030 and 1558 nm. Our work demonstrates broadband sub-bandgap saturable absorption of a single, solution processed WS 2-SA, providing new potential efficacy for WS 2 in ultrafast photonic applications. Two dimensional (2d) nanomaterials such as mono-or few-layer graphene, semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (s-TMDs) and black phosphorus exhibit high third-order optical nonlinear susceptibility and ultrafast carrier dynamics, making them attractive for nonlinear photonics and optoelec-tronics 1–3. Amongst the 2d materials, s-TMDs are of particular research interest due to their diversity and the distinct yet complementary properties to graphene they offer. TMDs, a family of ~40 different layered materials, have a general formula MX 2 , where M is a transition metal atom (e.g. Mo, W or Nb) and X is a chalcogen atom (e.g. S, Se or Te). Each TMD layer consists of a single plane of M atoms held between two planes of X atoms by strong covalent bonds. Depending on the coordination and oxidation states of the M atoms, TMDs may behave as metallic, semiconducting or insulating. Similar to other layered materials (LMs), the individual layers in TMD bulk crystals are stacked together by relatively weak van der Waals forces, allowing their exfoliation into single and few layer forms. The optoelectronic properties of s-TMDs are strongly thickness-dependent. For example, the bandgap of s-TMDs typically shifts from indirect for bulk material to direct for monolayer flakes 1,4. Collectively, the bandgaps of s-TMDs span the visible and near-infrared spectrum 1. Such layer-dependent characteristics make s-TMDs comparable or even superior to the zero-gap graphene for a variety of (opto)electronic and photonic applications 1. s-TMDs also offer the possibility of engineering their optical properties for desirable performances 5. We note that while black phosphorus has recently attracted a strong interest 3,6,7 , poor material stability, even for over a few days, remains a significant drawback 3. s-TMDs have been shown to possess remarkable optical and optoelectronic properties, including high optical nonlinear susceptibility 8,9 , ultrafast carrier dynamics 10 and broadband working wavelength range 11,12 , in addition to robustness and environmental stability. This has led to the demonstration of
Dual-comb lasers simultaneously generating asynchronous ultrashort pulses could be an intriguing ... more Dual-comb lasers simultaneously generating asynchronous ultrashort pulses could be an intriguing alternative to the current dual-laser comb source. When generated through a common light path, the low common-mode noises and good coherence between the pulse trains could be realized. Here we demonstrate the completely common-path, unidirectional dual-comb lasing using a carbon nanotube saturable absorber with additional pulse narrowing and broadening mechanisms. The interactions between multiple soliton formation mechanisms result in bifurcation into unusual two-pulse states with pulses of four-fold bandwidth difference and tens-of-Hz repetition rate difference. Coherence between the pulses is verified by the asynchronous cross-sampling and dual-comb spectroscopy measurements.
Dual-comb spectroscopy holds the promise as real-time, high-resolution spectroscopy tools. Howeve... more Dual-comb spectroscopy holds the promise as real-time, high-resolution spectroscopy tools. However, in its conventional schemes, the stringent requirement on the coherence between two lasers requires sophisticated control systems. By replacing control electronics with an all-optical dual-comb lasing scheme, a simplified dual-comb spectroscopy scheme is demonstrated using one dual-wavelength, passively mode-locked fiber laser. Pulses with a intracavity-dispersion-determined repetition-frequency difference are shown to have good mutual coherence and stability. Capability to resolve the comb teeth and a picometer-wide optical spectral resolution are demonstrated using a simple data acquisition system. Energy-efficient, free-running fiber lasers with a small comb-tooth-spacing could enable low-cost dual-comb systems.
ABSTRACT The coherence properties of a frequency comb generated by a SiN microring resonator is s... more ABSTRACT The coherence properties of a frequency comb generated by a SiN microring resonator is shown to be changed by the feedback through a self tracking, narrowband single longitudinal mode filter in an active fiber loop.
A novel surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) biosensor based on waveguide coupled surface pla... more A novel surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) biosensor based on waveguide coupled surface plasmon resonance (WCSPR) measurements is reported. Simply fabricated by gold evaporation deposition and polymer spin-coating, the WCSPR chips can be easily adapted on an commercial SPRi monitoring instrument. The chips were designed by using Fresnel method and fabricated according to its optimized design, the calculation and experimental results fits well. Over an 8 mm × 8 mm rectangle imaging area, the WCSPR chips realized about 52% increase of sensitivity, 57% enhancement of resolution and 55% improvement of signal to noise ratio compared to conventional SPR chips. Furthermore, high throughput protein-protein interaction analyses based on WCSPR chips were successfully accomplished by applying Protein A and rabbit antibody interaction in an array format. The reflectivity responses observed from the WCSPR chips were about 50% higher than the conventional SPR chip while the binding kinetic parameters were within the same range as with conventional SPR chip. (J. Zhu). 1 Equal contribution, Zhiyou Wang designed and fabricated WCSPR chips, Lusheng Song performed the parameters analysis of the WCSPR chips and the applications for high-throughput bio-interaction measurements. 0925-4005/$ -see front matter His current study is focused on optical sensing, material fabrication process, research and application of new SPR structure to imaging technique. . His current study is focused on microfluidic devices and biosensors.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, 2009
A holey fiber design with a high index nanostructure that can achieve an effective mode area not ... more A holey fiber design with a high index nanostructure that can achieve an effective mode area not in excess of 0.3 mum2 and a flat dispersion at the 1.55 mum band is proposed and studied.
CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, 2011
A photonic crystal fiber grating refractometer with a side-opening structure is proposed and stud... more A photonic crystal fiber grating refractometer with a side-opening structure is proposed and studied, which can achieve real time response, minimal refractive index resolution
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2012, 2012
ABSTRACT A side-opened, metal film-coated microstructured optical fiber based SPR biochip for hig... more ABSTRACT A side-opened, metal film-coated microstructured optical fiber based SPR biochip for high sensitive label-free point-of-care test is studied, which possesses the characteristics of integration, easy of fabrication and a minimal index resolution of 2.2x10(-5) R.I.U. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
ABSTRACT By leveraging the plasmonic mode of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon waveguide, a stron... more ABSTRACT By leveraging the plasmonic mode of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon waveguide, a strong enhancement of the SERS signal between adjacent core-shell nanoparticles could be realized through coupling to the propagating SPP.
ABSTRACT A side-opened suspended core fiber integrated microfluidic chip for surface plasmon reso... more ABSTRACT A side-opened suspended core fiber integrated microfluidic chip for surface plasmon resonance enhancement is presented. The influences of fiber size, thickness of Au film, resonance wavelength and fluidic dynamics on the characteristics of the surface enhanced biosensing sensors are investigated.
Papers by Zheng Zheng
confinement is dependent upon various geometrical parameters. A double slot structure where two low index slots of hard material in high index cladding of compressible material is proposed. Power confinement factor dependency upon distance between low index slots has been numerically computed. Sufficient numerical results obtained lead to the proposal of opto-mechanical sensor based upon proposed double slot structure.
Keywords: FDTD, slot waveguides, quasi-TE, power confinement factor, optomechanical sensor.
variation in power confined inside low index slot region due to the movement of central high index slab under the action of external force (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.)
Keywords: SOI (Silicon on Insulator), FDTD, Slot Waveguides, quasi-TE.
second order dispersion properties in contrast to the traditional channel SOI waveguides. Their potentially large normal dispersion could have an impact on various nonlinear or linear applications. The relationship between the dispersion performance and the waveguide design is also investigated,
and the results could show further venues to optimize or control the dispersion properties of such waveguides.
Keywords: Slot waveguide, Dispersion, Quasi-TE, Modal effective index
confinement is dependent upon various geometrical parameters. A double slot structure where two low index slots of hard material in high index cladding of compressible material is proposed. Power confinement factor dependency upon distance between low index slots has been numerically computed. Sufficient numerical results obtained lead to the proposal of opto-mechanical sensor based upon proposed double slot structure.
Keywords: FDTD, slot waveguides, quasi-TE, power confinement factor, optomechanical sensor.
variation in power confined inside low index slot region due to the movement of central high index slab under the action of external force (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.)
Keywords: SOI (Silicon on Insulator), FDTD, Slot Waveguides, quasi-TE.
second order dispersion properties in contrast to the traditional channel SOI waveguides. Their potentially large normal dispersion could have an impact on various nonlinear or linear applications. The relationship between the dispersion performance and the waveguide design is also investigated,
and the results could show further venues to optimize or control the dispersion properties of such waveguides.
Keywords: Slot waveguide, Dispersion, Quasi-TE, Modal effective index