Videos by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
This presentation at the Monetary Policy Session of the Annual Meeting for the Society of Christi... more This presentation at the Monetary Policy Session of the Annual Meeting for the Society of Christian Ethics discusses the potential positive outcomes of the 'Pandemic Effect' for social reform as well as ecological implications for frames of scarcity vs. abundance. 1 views
Edited Volume Chapters by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
A Question of Gender Justice: The Role of Women in Decision Making in Different Areas of Church and Society, 2019
Ecclesial and societal debates over LGBTQ rights and inclusion represent deeply held, toxic forms... more Ecclesial and societal debates over LGBTQ rights and inclusion represent deeply held, toxic forms of patriarchal ideology. Liturgical language, which embodies and shapes the beliefs and practices of clergy and laity, emerges as a powerful symbol of deeply rooted patriarchy and an equally powerful opportunity for transformation and liberation. The Asian and European Conferences of the INSeCT Research Project 2014-7, Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society Series; S. Bong, R. Perintfalvi, and G. Prüller-Jagenteufel (eds.), University of Vienna.
On a crowded yet nonetheless increasingly lonely planet, food ethics represent both deep brokenne... more On a crowded yet nonetheless increasingly lonely planet, food ethics represent both deep brokenness and increasing hope. Permaculture philosophy and praxis, an ancient-modern blend that embodies biblical messages of equity and abundance, offer opportunities for building community, resilience, and justpeace.
Our inability adequately to respond to the severity and depth of the ecological crisis arises out... more Our inability adequately to respond to the severity and depth of the ecological crisis arises out of impaired empathy with self, other, and the Creation. Christian communities must engage in the mission work of connection and healing with our bodies and the Earth as well as with our neighbor in order to develop holistic understandings of our identity and purpose. This kind of ecological mission focus will liberate us from patriarchal, anthropocentric theologies and social systems and foster healing and transformation for individuals, communities, and the whole Earth.
Jim Nash was an inspiring teacher and mentor who insisted on rigorous ethical analysis, deep theo... more Jim Nash was an inspiring teacher and mentor who insisted on rigorous ethical analysis, deep theological reflection, and active engagement in political and social efforts to transform society and heal the planet.
Articles by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee

Religions, 2022
Leaders on the forefront of the rapidly escalating climate crisis continually seek effective stra... more Leaders on the forefront of the rapidly escalating climate crisis continually seek effective strategies to help communities stay engaged without burning out or spiraling into despair. This paper examines the concept of adaptive change for its potential to reframe disruption and intentionally harness its potential for building resilience in both practical and psychological ways. In particular, social science suggests that secure communal bonds lay the foundation for the adaptive ability to build resilience through and from disruption. Swiss history offers an intriguing example of this phenomenon: held up as a model for its social, political, and ecological resilience, Swiss democracy evolved as part of the restructuring of society after a series of disruptive historical pandemics. This paper uses the Swiss example and the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) pandemic in order to explore the potential of transcendent and adaptive sociological and theological frameworks for the development of robust concepts of resilience in the face of climate destabilization. It further argues that a wide theological interpretation of Eucharistic abundance offers a lens through which to claim the liberative resurrection of disruptions, even, or perhaps especially, in the extreme case of human or planetary annihilation.
What grass and garden pests teach us about the gift of grief.

Journal of Faith and Science Exchange, 2013
Although Just War Theory evolved as a method for both preventing and limiting the damage of confl... more Although Just War Theory evolved as a method for both preventing and limiting the damage of conflicts, its political misuse has led many to dismiss its utility in these areas. This paper examines the question of its utility for assessing climate change and the resulting exacerbation of resource-related conflicts. It examines what the theory already has to offer regarding environmental issues and warfare, particularly in light of the projected exacerbation of resource scarcity. It also asks whether the examples of humanitarian intervention can provide helpful guides for the protection of other species: can peacekeeping forces justifiably intercede on behalf of critically endangered keystone species, despite national sovereignty? Lastly, the paper explores whether a specifically environmental just war theory can focus on preventing conflict; in other words, does ecological pre bellum peacekeeping belong in just war theory?

Yoo AS, Cheng I, Chung S, Grenfell TZ, Lee H, Pack-Chung E, Handler M, Shen J, Xia W, Tesco G, Saunders AJ, Ding K, Frosch MP, Tanzi RE, Kim TW. Presenilin-mediated modulation of capacitative calcium entry. Neuron. September; 27(3): 561-72. We studied a novel function of the presenilins (PS1 and PS2) in governing capacitative calcium en... more We studied a novel function of the presenilins (PS1 and PS2) in governing capacitative calcium entry (CCE), a refilling mechanism for depleted intracellular calcium stores. Abrogation of functional PS1, by either knocking out PS1 or expressing inactive PS1, markedly potentiated CCE, suggesting a role for PS1 in the modulation of CCE. In contrast, familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD)-linked mutant PS1 or PS2 significantly attenuated CCE and store depletion-activated currents. While inhibition of CCE selectively increased the amyloidogenic amyloid beta peptide (Abeta42), increased accumulation of the peptide had no effect on CCE. Thus, reduced CCE is most likely an early cellular event leading to increased Abeta42 generation associated with FAD mutant presenilins. Our data indicate that the CCE pathway is a novel therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease.

Members of the polo subfamily of protein kinases play pivotal roles in cell proliferation. In add... more Members of the polo subfamily of protein kinases play pivotal roles in cell proliferation. In addition to the kinase domain, polo kinases have a strikingly conserved sequence in the noncatalytic C-terminal domain, termed the polo box. Here we show that the budding-yeast polo kinase Cdc5, when fused to green fluorescent protein and expressed under its endogenous promoter, localizes at spindle poles and the mother bud neck. Overexpression of Cdc5 can induce a class of cells with abnormally elongated buds in a polo box- and kinase activity-dependent manner. In addition to localizing at the spindle poles and cytokinetic neck filaments, Cdc5 induces and localizes to additional septin ring structures within the elongated buds. Without impairing kinase activity, conservative mutations in the polo box abolish the ability of Cdc5 to functionally complement the defect associated with a cdc5-1 temperature-sensitive mutation, to localize to the spindle poles and cytokinetic neck filaments, and to induce elongated cells with ectopic septin ring structures. Consistent with the polo box-dependent subcellular localization, the C-terminal domain of Cdc5, but not its polo box mutant, is sufficient for subcellular localization, and its overexpression appears to inhibit cytokinesis. These data provide evidence that the polo box is required to direct Cdc5 to specific subcellular locations and induce or organize cytokinetic structures.
Members of the polo subfamily of protein kinases play pivotal roles in cell proliferation. In add... more Members of the polo subfamily of protein kinases play pivotal roles in cell proliferation. In addition to the kinase domain, polo kinases have a strikingly conserved sequence in the noncatalytic domain, termed the polo-box. The function of the polo-box is currently undefined. The mammalian polo-like kinase Plk is a functional homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc5. Here, we show that Plk localizes at the spindle poles and cytokinetic neck filaments. Without impairing kinase activity, a conservative mutation in the polo-box disrupts the capacity of Plk to complement the defect associated with a cdc5-1 temperature-sensitive mutation and to localize to these subcellular structures. Our data provide evidence that the polo-box plays a critical role in Plk function, likely by directing its subcellular localization.
Book Reviews by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 2018
Satyagraha Foundation for Nonviolence Studies
Blog Contributions by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Feminism and Religion Blog, 2020
After years of contemplating gardens, I think we might underestimate them. What if gardens are no... more After years of contemplating gardens, I think we might underestimate them. What if gardens are not what comes after the violence? What if gardens heal the wounds and the violence right now?
Feminism and Religion Blog, 2019
I know that most Christians accept some version of the idea that Jesus, the person, died, and the... more I know that most Christians accept some version of the idea that Jesus, the person, died, and then ‘rose from the dead’ in a supernatural, miraculous way – probably the most common definition of what Christians celebrate at Easter. What I would like to suggest, however, is that this approach may miss the main point of Easter, of resurrection, and of these narratives.
Feminism and Religion Blog, 2018
"Hope? In the midst of literally the greatest crisis in the history of the planet? We are facing ... more "Hope? In the midst of literally the greatest crisis in the history of the planet? We are facing alarmingly strong odds of annihilation. Hope? Hope for what?"
Scientific Patents by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Papers by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Fortress Press eBooks, 2015
Videos by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Edited Volume Chapters by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Articles by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Book Reviews by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Blog Contributions by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Scientific Patents by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee
Papers by Tallessyn Z Grenfell-Lee