Journal Articles by Mina Tsay-Vogel
In light of recent theories of meaningful media that suggest a host of psychological benefits, th... more In light of recent theories of meaningful media that suggest a host of psychological benefits, the present study uniquely extends the boundaries of the effects of reality TV from simply offering pleasure, diversion, and amusement to its viewers to also providing deep insight and meaning. In particular, a between-subjects experiment (N = 143) examined differences in affective, cognitive, and motivational responses to lifestyle transforming versus game based reality programs. Findings indicate that lifestyle transforming reality TV produced stronger feelings of elevation and perceptions of the program as moving and thought-provoking than game reality TV, which in turn increased motivations for altruism. Avenues for future research and theoretical implications of meaningful and inspiring reality TV for positive psychology are discussed.

Bullying is a significant public health problem in the United States that affects youth functioni... more Bullying is a significant public health problem in the United States that affects youth functioning in multiple domains. Much of the research on bullying to date has focused on children, however, leaving gaps in the literature with respect to understanding bullying among adolescents. In particular, less is known about how adolescents conceptualize bullying, what predicts and is associated with bullying involvement among adolescents, and how prevention programs might address the unique needs of middle and high school students. This special issue proposes that a multidisciplinary perspective might be particularly useful in better understanding bullying among adolescents and determining how to design more effective interventions and prevention programs for this age-group. The current article introduces the special issue by briefly discussing what is known about bullying in adolescence and considering three disciplines (computer science, big data, and virtual communities; media studies; anthropology) that are particularly well situated to move the field forward. Next, this article reviews teen pregnancy prevention efforts, as an example of another adolescent public health concern that has been addressed successfully using a multidisciplinary approach. The article concludes with an overview of the three manuscripts that are part of the special issue.

Social media cultivating perceptions of privacy: A 5-year analysis of privacy attitudes and self-disclosure behaviors among Facebook users, Aug 2, 2016
In light of the omnipresence of personal information exchange in the virtual world, this study ex... more In light of the omnipresence of personal information exchange in the virtual world, this study examines the effects of Facebook use on privacy perceptions and self-disclosure behaviors across a 5-year period from 2010 to 2015. Findings at the global level support the socializing role of Facebook in cultivating more relaxed privacy attitudes, subsequently increasing self-disclosure in both offline and online contexts. However, longitudinal trends indicate that while risk perceptions increased for heavy users, they remained stable for light users. Furthermore, the negative relationship between privacy concerns and self-disclosure weakened across time. Implications for the application of cultivation theory to a contemporary social media context and the year-to-year changes in the impact of Facebook use on privacy attitudes and self-disclosure are discussed.

Bystander behavior in bullying has received increasing attention in the literature, but it is sel... more Bystander behavior in bullying has received increasing attention in the literature, but it is seldom grounded in a strong theoretical context and rarely draws from multiple disciplines. The current article proposes how theory in mass communication can aid research efforts seeking to better understand and prevent bullying through bystander intervention. This article first provides an overview of the research on bystanders in bullying and uses Latané and Darley's (The unresponsive bystander: why doesn't he help? Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1970) classic bystander intervention model as an organizing framework. Next, mass communication theory, with its focus on the strategic use of messaging to affect attitudes and behaviors, is reviewed. Theory and research in communication relevant to the prevention of bullying is then discussed, with particular attention to the bystander intervention model. The article concludes with recommendations for how future research and interventions grounded in communication and psychology may advance our understanding and encouragement of adolescent bystander intervention behavior in bullying.
This study explores how experience-based media messages featuring victims, survivors, and outperf... more This study explores how experience-based media messages featuring victims, survivors, and outperformers provide therapeutic benefits through the enjoyment and appreciation of the messages. Using the economic crisis as a context, our findings indicate that whereas distressed individuals were more likely to appreciate threat-related stories featuring victims and survivors over outperformers, nondistressed individuals were more likely to enjoy such stories featuring outperformers over victims and survivors. Appreciation and enjoyment of these threat-related stories predicted effective coping outcomes: positive reappraisal of the economic situation that also led to increased perceived control over the threat through positive affect. Health implications for enjoyment and appreciation of experience-based stories as motivators for coping outcomes are also discussed.
Offering an initial test of Nabi and Krcmar’s (2004) tripartite model of media enjoyment, this st... more Offering an initial test of Nabi and Krcmar’s (2004) tripartite model of media enjoyment, this study examines how affective, cognitive, and especially behavioral responses to a participatory reality TV program predict program enjoyment, viewing intention, and future program viewing. Responses to Fox’s American Idol series suggest that affective, cognitive, and behavioral responses to the program are interrelated. Of particular interest, behavioral engagement (specifically positive or supportive actions) during the viewing experience enhances intention for subsequent program viewing. Viewing intention was also strongly predictive of future viewing behaviors. Implications for the tripartite model and considerations of affect, cognition, and behavior in examining audience gratifications beyond entertainment are

Reality TV is a genre that places nonactors in dramatic situations with unpredictable outcomes. T... more Reality TV is a genre that places nonactors in dramatic situations with unpredictable outcomes. The influx of reality TV dominating network and cable programming has been highly reflective in its expansion of formats, evident from the variety of narrative themes embedded in reality-based shows. Findings from this exploratory study (N = 274) reveal significant differences in the way college students affectively, cognitively,
and behaviorally engage with reality TV. Specifically, identification, interactivity, enjoyment, perceived realism, and perceived competition across 9 reality TV subgenres: dating/romance, makeover/lifestyle, hidden camera, talent, game show, docusoap, sitcom, law enforcement, and court significantly differed. Data provide strong support that programs commonly defined as reality-based offer qualitatively distinct affective, cognitive, and behavioral experiences and gratifications for viewers.

Through data captured in a digital content analysis (DCA) lab, we examine coverage of Twitter acr... more Through data captured in a digital content analysis (DCA) lab, we examine coverage of Twitter across three 24-hour U.S. cable news channels: CNN, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC. This investigation tracked Twitter coverage from its initial stage, followed by its rise to a massively used tool and its subsequent diffusion into society, evident through its plateauing coverage. News stories covering Twitter, as it penetrated into society, were more likely to use benefit/gain frames when discussing the technology, highlighting its positive social, communicative, political, and participatory impact. Benefit frames were also likely to associate Twitter with journalism. Patterns emerging through the indicator graphs plotted by the DCA lab showed that the most intense coverage occurred during crisis situations, as Twitter coverage reached saturation, followed by increased personal daily usage of Twitter.
In light of literature documenting differences in viewers’ film preferences, this study (N = 168)... more In light of literature documenting differences in viewers’ film preferences, this study (N = 168) examined how motivations for film consumption based on pleasure (hedonism) and meaning (eudaimonia) are associated with moral disengagement and enjoyment of content featuring a morally ambiguous character. Findings indicate that whereas hedonic motivation positively influenced moral disengagement, eudaimonic motivation had the reverse effect. Furthermore, eudaimonic motivation had a direct positive influence on enjoyment and the relationship between hedonic motivation and enjoyment was mediated by moral disengagement. Implications for the role of morality as it relates to individual preferences for media consumption and enjoyment are discussed.

In recent years, theorizing regarding the role and importance of media entertainment in everyday ... more In recent years, theorizing regarding the role and importance of media entertainment in everyday life has garnered much serious attention by media effects scholars. The role of moral judgments, sanctions, and lack thereof, is one such area in which theoretical development has expanded. The present study examines narrative exposure, identification, and moral judgment as indicators of the degree to which individuals may morally disengage during mediated entertainment experiences. Additionally, this study attempts to further expand disposition theory and theorizing about the role of moral disengagement by moving beyond conceptualizations of good, bad, and morally ambiguous characters to explore more subtle moral distinctions between characters as they exist within the same narrative and along a continuum. Results suggest that identification and moral judgment serve as important mediators predicting moral disengagement, however the nature of these relationships are moderated by the perception of the character’s moral fortitude.

The present study expands on current theorizing about fandom by considering how communal involvem... more The present study expands on current theorizing about fandom by considering how communal involvement with popular media extends beyond pleasure and is more strongly associated with the search for meaning. Using the context of one of the most widespread media phenomena dominating popular culture—the Harry Potter franchise, results of an online questionnaire (N = 235) indicated that individual differences among fans (i.e., narrative exposure and eudaimonic motivation or the desire to seek meaning from entertainment) predicted involvement in fan communities. Further, perceived membership in fan communities enhanced enjoyment, appreciation, physiological reactions, knowledge acquisition, and intentions to seek fan-related materials. Implications for expanding entertainment scholarship in the study of meaningful media related to fandom and our understanding of contemporary forms of fandom in light of new technological affordances are discussed.

The immense popularity of Facebook with more than 1 billion active users continues to spark the a... more The immense popularity of Facebook with more than 1 billion active users continues to spark the attention of communication scholars. While much is known about Facebook members’ motivations, usage patterns, and gratifications obtained from this social networking site (SNS), minimal attention has been given to examine the perceived consumption and impact of Facebook on users themselves versus others. Applying the third-person effect (TPE) hypothesis to the context of social media, this research uniquely investigates the (a) difference in estimated Facebook effects on self versus others, (b) relationship between perceptions of Facebook use and estimated Facebook effects on self versus others, and (c) association between perceived desirability of Facebook as a social medium and estimated Facebook effects on self versus others. The aforementioned relationships are also moderated by gender and age. Implications for the relevance of TPE on users of SNSs are discussed.

Self-disclosure is a means through which closeness, familiarity, and satisfaction are produced be... more Self-disclosure is a means through which closeness, familiarity, and satisfaction are produced between partners. The present study integrated interpersonal and mass communication literature to theoretically inform the outcomes of mediated forms of self-disclosure between a viewer and character on television. Empirically testing the effects of two dimensions of disclosure – depth (low intimacy versus high intimacy) and mode (character-to-viewer versus character-to-character versus narrator-to-viewer) of information delivery – this research supported the prediction that a viewer’s overall enjoyment of witnessing a character self-disclose personal information would be mediated by identification and transportation. The results suggest the meaningful role of ‘‘character address’’ in heightening audience engagement with both the character and narrative. Implications for the similarity of interpersonal and mediated relationships, effective entertainment formats, social reality perceptions, and online self-disclosure are discussed.
Mechanisms of moral disengagement in violent video game play have recently received considerable ... more Mechanisms of moral disengagement in violent video game play have recently received considerable attention among communication scholars. To date, however, no study has
analyzed the prevalence of moral disengagement factors in violent video games. To fill this research gap, the present approach includes both a systematic literature review and
a content analysis of moral disengagement cues embedded in the narratives and actual game play of 17 top-ranked first-person shooters (PC). Findings suggest that moral
disengagement factors are frequently embedded in first-person shooters, but their prevalence varies considerably. Most violent video games include justifications of the
portrayed violence, a distorted portrayal of consequences, and dehumanization of opponents. Implications of the findings for research on violent games are discussed.
Using social comparison theory as a framework, 2 experiments examined the effects of a person’s s... more Using social comparison theory as a framework, 2 experiments examined the effects of a person’s self-perception on responses to characters who display varying levels of morality. Study 1 found that individuals whose vices were made salient felt more positive affect and enjoyment after reading a narrative featuring a morally ambiguous character (MAC) than one featuring a bad character. Study 2 found that individuals whose virtues were made salient felt more positive affect and enjoyment after reading a narrative featuring a good character than one featuring a MAC. Findings thus indicate that morality salience is an important factor determining responses to different character types. Avenues for future research and theoretical implications of the dual role of MACs are discussed.

According to affective disposition theory, individuals continually
monitor and judge characters’ ... more According to affective disposition theory, individuals continually
monitor and judge characters’ actions and form attitudes about characters based on these judgements. However, much entertainment content features characters that do immoral things. It has been proposed that individuals are able to like
these characters despite their immoral behaviours through the process of moral disengagement. This study examined how the propensity to morally disengage and the fictionality of a narrative affected individuals’ acceptance of immoral
behaviours and their overall enjoyment of a narrative. Findings indicate that character liking mediates the relationship between moral disengagement and enjoyment. In addition, the propensity to morally disengage predicts actual moral disengagement, but moral disengagement is unaffected by the realness or fictionality of the narrative. Implications of the findings for entertainment research are discussed.

Many characters in entertainment content behave in morally questionable ways at least some of the... more Many characters in entertainment content behave in morally questionable ways at least some of the time. However, the negative effects of those behaviors on individuals’ judgments of the character may be diminished in some instances. This study examined the effects of character motivation and outcome in a written narrative on character perceptions and moral disengagement. The findings of a 2 (motivation: altruistic, selfish) x 2 (outcome: positive, negative experiment (N = 123) revealed that both motivation and outcome affect perceptions of the character’s positive and negative attributes, character liking, and moral disengagement. Specifically, altruistic motivations and positive outcomes led to more favorable perceptions of a character’s attributes, greater character liking, and more justification of the character’s actions. Furthermore, moral disengagement mediated the effects of motivation and outcome on perceptions of characters’ positive and negative attributes, and in turn positive attributes mediated the effect of moral disengagement on character liking. Implications for future entertainment research are discussed.
Enjoyment of entertainment media has often been conceptualised as a function of viewers’ disposit... more Enjoyment of entertainment media has often been conceptualised as a function of viewers’ dispositions towards characters and the gratification sought from witnessing the justification of character actions. Motivated by disposition theory and third-person effect’s social distance corollary, this study examines how character similarity and identification predict the degree to which viewers morally disengage, or accept antisocial behaviours of characters as morally acceptable. Findings suggest that perceived similarity between the viewer and character mediates the relationship between identification and moral disengagement, which in turn leads to greater affective enjoyment of a narrative. Implications for the nature of the moral disengagement process and its effects are discussed.
For decades, entertainment scholars have examined audience responses to media personalities. One ... more For decades, entertainment scholars have examined audience responses to media personalities. One of the ways in which viewers interact with characters on TV is through developing and maintaining parasocial interactions (PSIs). The goals of the present study are twofold in that it empirically tests PSI as a multidimensional construct (guidance, face-to-face desire, intimacy, and familiarity) and determines the degree to which certain individual difference variables, such as personality, interpersonal needs, and TV motives predict college students’ relationships with media characters across such dimensions. Implications for measuring PSI as a construct and the uses and gratifications of these mediated interactions are discussed.
The relationships viewers develop with media figures have received substantial attention in the s... more The relationships viewers develop with media figures have received substantial attention in the scholarship of entertainment. The present research proposes an original four-dimension classification scheme of media figures theoretically based on authenticity across dimensions of depiction (live action vs. animated), story (fiction vs. nonfiction), form (human vs. nonhuman), and traits (super vs. normal). This classification addresses limitations from previous parasocial interaction (PSI) models and creates an exhaustive taxonomy of the types of media figures with whom viewers can develop PSIs. Implications for how the classification scheme informs identity formation, social comparisons with media figures, perceptions of social reality, maintenance of PSIs, and media enjoyment will be discussed.
Journal Articles by Mina Tsay-Vogel
and behaviorally engage with reality TV. Specifically, identification, interactivity, enjoyment, perceived realism, and perceived competition across 9 reality TV subgenres: dating/romance, makeover/lifestyle, hidden camera, talent, game show, docusoap, sitcom, law enforcement, and court significantly differed. Data provide strong support that programs commonly defined as reality-based offer qualitatively distinct affective, cognitive, and behavioral experiences and gratifications for viewers.
analyzed the prevalence of moral disengagement factors in violent video games. To fill this research gap, the present approach includes both a systematic literature review and
a content analysis of moral disengagement cues embedded in the narratives and actual game play of 17 top-ranked first-person shooters (PC). Findings suggest that moral
disengagement factors are frequently embedded in first-person shooters, but their prevalence varies considerably. Most violent video games include justifications of the
portrayed violence, a distorted portrayal of consequences, and dehumanization of opponents. Implications of the findings for research on violent games are discussed.
monitor and judge characters’ actions and form attitudes about characters based on these judgements. However, much entertainment content features characters that do immoral things. It has been proposed that individuals are able to like
these characters despite their immoral behaviours through the process of moral disengagement. This study examined how the propensity to morally disengage and the fictionality of a narrative affected individuals’ acceptance of immoral
behaviours and their overall enjoyment of a narrative. Findings indicate that character liking mediates the relationship between moral disengagement and enjoyment. In addition, the propensity to morally disengage predicts actual moral disengagement, but moral disengagement is unaffected by the realness or fictionality of the narrative. Implications of the findings for entertainment research are discussed.
and behaviorally engage with reality TV. Specifically, identification, interactivity, enjoyment, perceived realism, and perceived competition across 9 reality TV subgenres: dating/romance, makeover/lifestyle, hidden camera, talent, game show, docusoap, sitcom, law enforcement, and court significantly differed. Data provide strong support that programs commonly defined as reality-based offer qualitatively distinct affective, cognitive, and behavioral experiences and gratifications for viewers.
analyzed the prevalence of moral disengagement factors in violent video games. To fill this research gap, the present approach includes both a systematic literature review and
a content analysis of moral disengagement cues embedded in the narratives and actual game play of 17 top-ranked first-person shooters (PC). Findings suggest that moral
disengagement factors are frequently embedded in first-person shooters, but their prevalence varies considerably. Most violent video games include justifications of the
portrayed violence, a distorted portrayal of consequences, and dehumanization of opponents. Implications of the findings for research on violent games are discussed.
monitor and judge characters’ actions and form attitudes about characters based on these judgements. However, much entertainment content features characters that do immoral things. It has been proposed that individuals are able to like
these characters despite their immoral behaviours through the process of moral disengagement. This study examined how the propensity to morally disengage and the fictionality of a narrative affected individuals’ acceptance of immoral
behaviours and their overall enjoyment of a narrative. Findings indicate that character liking mediates the relationship between moral disengagement and enjoyment. In addition, the propensity to morally disengage predicts actual moral disengagement, but moral disengagement is unaffected by the realness or fictionality of the narrative. Implications of the findings for entertainment research are discussed.