Boston University
Business Administration
was fixed in the distal common bileduct (proximal to the ampulla to avoid duodenal reflux and cholangitis). The tube was also secured at the point of exit from the liver. Intraoperative X-rays confirmed the accurate position of the tube... more
A double layer agar technique was used to investigate the proliferative state of granulocytic progenitor cells (Colony Forming Units in Culture; CFUc) in human peripheral blood and bone marrow. The sensitivity of the progenitor cells to... more
Phagocytosing, but not resting, neutrophils normally release an inhibitor of in-vitro granulopoiesis which suppresses the production or release of colony-stimulating factor by monocytes and macrophages. Neutrophils from 12 patients with... more
We investigate the viability of collecting demonstrations, for learning robot control, in Virtual Reality (VR). If acceptable demonstrations can be collected offline using VR, problems with affecting the production line can be avoided and... more
- by mark philip
Late sowing of wheat in autumn due to environmental conditions or late harvesting of cotton crop results in substantial yield loss. It may be attributed to non-fulfillment of chilling requirements. The present study was conducted to... more
The inactivation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) recapitulates aspects of caloric restriction and mTORC1 inhibition to achieve prolonged longevity in invertebrate and mouse models. In addition to delaying normative aging,... more
The inactivation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) recapitulates aspects of caloric restriction and mTORC1 inhibition to achieve prolonged longevity in invertebrate and mouse models. In addition to delaying normative aging,... more
The inactivation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) recapitulates aspects of caloric restriction and mTORC1 inhibition to achieve prolonged longevity in invertebrate and mouse models. In addition to delaying normative aging,... more
The inactivation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) recapitulates aspects of caloric restriction and mTORC1 inhibition to achieve prolonged longevity in invertebrate and mouse models. In addition to delaying normative aging,... more
- by jacob khan
The inactivation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) recapitulates aspects of caloric restriction and mTORC1 inhibition to achieve prolonged longevity in invertebrate and mouse models. In addition to delaying normative aging,... more
The inactivation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) recapitulates aspects of caloric restriction and mTORC1 inhibition to achieve prolonged longevity in invertebrate and mouse models. In addition to delaying normative aging,... more
Como se puede propiciar un cambio de cultura organizacional que modifique los habitos actuales por los que exige la nueva estrategia?
El salario sería una renta del trabajo, el coche de empresa también si lo usas con fines personales, al igual que el alquiler de la casa que te paga la empresa, la pensión pública de jubilación o determinadas becas y ayudas estatales, por... more
- by Cello Phane
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a major serum protein produced during fetal development. Experimental findings suggest that AFP has antiestrotrophic activity and that it can be developed as a therapeutic agent to treat existing... more
The dispersion properties of structured metamaterials consisting of strips of a copper wire (electron subsystem) and square copper split-ring resonators (magnetic subsystem) with different and coinciding resonant frequencies are studied.... more