Papers by Davena Jackson

Self-Study of Language and Literacy Teacher Education Practices, 2018
With the increasingly cultural and linguistic diversity in education, teaching
multicultural educ... more With the increasingly cultural and linguistic diversity in education, teaching
multicultural education for pre-service teachers becomes an important part
of teacher education. In this collaborative self-study study, we examine how
we construct our identities and how social interactions of multicultural education classrooms shape our identities. Our study draws on Lave and Wenger’s (1991) “identity as learners” concept, Akkerman and Bakker’s (2011) “boundary crossing learning” theory, Harre´ & Lagenhove’s (1999) positioning theory, and positionality concept. We found three themes that describe our identities and they reflect our embodiment of our positionality, our positions, our challenge confrontation, and our teaching improvement. We argue for the need of tracing the professional trajectories of multicultural education novice teacher educators and the important roles that our positionality plays in our identity formation. Our study has implications for professional support for multicultural education novice teacher educators and offers suggestions for further self-study research about multicultural education novice teacher educator identity formation.
Refereed Articles by Davena Jackson
Research in the Teaching of English, 2022
This article examines three Black students' figured worlds and describes students' multidimension... more This article examines three Black students' figured worlds and describes students' multidimensional conceptions of race, racism, anti-Blackness, and Blackness. It highlights the possibilities of a Black teacher and a Black teacher-researcher working in solidarity to support and affirm Black students' humanity in an eleventh-grade English classroom. Joining the lenses of counterstorying and multimodal experiences, the author centers Black students' voices and lifeworlds. Finally, this research shows the importance of centering Blackness and providing Black students with the opportunity to make sense of white supremacy, anti-Black racism, resistance, and Black joy.

How can and must critical qualitative inquiry be part of ongoing struggles for cultural and educa... more How can and must critical qualitative inquiry be part of ongoing struggles for cultural and educational justice with the communities of our work? We explore this question by reflecting on our collaborative research on culturally sustaining pedagogy centered in the study of Black Language (BL). Building on the core humanizing research notion of dialogic consciousness-raising between researchers and participants, we describe the ways the three of us came to deepened knowledge about the role of BL in our lives and in the lives of the high school students we worked with through a humanizing research as culturally sustaining pedagogy framework. In this framework, the ability to participate in BL, research-based knowledge about BL, and critical collaborative research on BL joined reciprocal inquiry with teaching and learning to center the value of our Black language and Black lives within a schooling and research enterprise that often devalues both.
Teachers College Record, 2019
Background/Context: In our best efforts to increase preservice teachers' critical consciousness r... more Background/Context: In our best efforts to increase preservice teachers' critical consciousness regarding the historical and contemporary inequities in the P-12 educational system and equip them to embody pedagogies and practices that counter those inequities, teacher educators often provide curricular and field experiences that reinforce the deficit mindsets that students bring to the teacher education classroom. For many social justice-oriented teacher educators, our best intentions to create humanizing experiences for future teachers can have harmful results that negatively impact preservice teachers' ability to successfully teach culturally diverse students in a multitude of learning contexts.
Journal of Literacy Research , 2020
Given the persistence of anti-Blackness, the author demonstrates what can happen when Blackness t... more Given the persistence of anti-Blackness, the author demonstrates what can happen when Blackness takes precedence over anti-Blackness in an 11th-grade English classroom. This study uses critical autoethnography to explore a collaborative approach to teaching and learning that sustains Blackness. The author uses storying to amplify the significance of relationship building between a Black teacher and a Black teacher-researcher. This research further provides tools for transforming classrooms into sites of hope, healing, and resistance in a time when Black lives matter more than ever. In closing, the author offers the framework of justice-oriented solidarity (JOS) and highlights the power of cocollaboration to create an antiracist learning environment that sustains Blackness.
Teachers College Record, 2019
In our best efforts to increase preservice teachers' critical consciousness regarding the histori... more In our best efforts to increase preservice teachers' critical consciousness regarding the historical and contemporary inequities in the P-12 educational system and equip them to embody pedagogies and practices that counter those inequities, teacher educators often provide curricular and field experiences that reinforce the deficit mindsets that students bring to the teacher education classroom. For many social justice-oriented teacher educators, our best intentions to create humanizing experiences for future teachers can have harmful results that negatively impact preservice teachers' ability to successfully teach culturally diverse students in a multitude of learning contexts.
Books by Davena Jackson
Toward Critical Multimodality: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transformative Educational Spaces, 2023
In recent years, critical multimodal research suggests that students can explore issues around so... more In recent years, critical multimodal research suggests that students can explore issues around social justice,
Papers by Davena Jackson
multicultural education for pre-service teachers becomes an important part
of teacher education. In this collaborative self-study study, we examine how
we construct our identities and how social interactions of multicultural education classrooms shape our identities. Our study draws on Lave and Wenger’s (1991) “identity as learners” concept, Akkerman and Bakker’s (2011) “boundary crossing learning” theory, Harre´ & Lagenhove’s (1999) positioning theory, and positionality concept. We found three themes that describe our identities and they reflect our embodiment of our positionality, our positions, our challenge confrontation, and our teaching improvement. We argue for the need of tracing the professional trajectories of multicultural education novice teacher educators and the important roles that our positionality plays in our identity formation. Our study has implications for professional support for multicultural education novice teacher educators and offers suggestions for further self-study research about multicultural education novice teacher educator identity formation.
Refereed Articles by Davena Jackson
Books by Davena Jackson
multicultural education for pre-service teachers becomes an important part
of teacher education. In this collaborative self-study study, we examine how
we construct our identities and how social interactions of multicultural education classrooms shape our identities. Our study draws on Lave and Wenger’s (1991) “identity as learners” concept, Akkerman and Bakker’s (2011) “boundary crossing learning” theory, Harre´ & Lagenhove’s (1999) positioning theory, and positionality concept. We found three themes that describe our identities and they reflect our embodiment of our positionality, our positions, our challenge confrontation, and our teaching improvement. We argue for the need of tracing the professional trajectories of multicultural education novice teacher educators and the important roles that our positionality plays in our identity formation. Our study has implications for professional support for multicultural education novice teacher educators and offers suggestions for further self-study research about multicultural education novice teacher educator identity formation.