The Inspiration: btvs&ats fanfics and challenges, drabbles, and creativity — LiveJournal
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Icons: Ats/BtVS, Doctor Who, Chris Kane, SG-1, Top Gear
by catvamps_art (Catvampcrazines' icon journal) (catvamps_art)
at August 21st, 2010 (03:23 pm)

It's been forever, so I took up cap suggestions and went to play in photoshop...

{8}   AtS &BtVS (2 Banners)
{2}   Doctor Who 
{20} Christian Kane  (4 Banners)
{4}   SG-1 (1 Banner)
{9}   Top Gear

Comment and credit to catvamps_art . Do not alter, do not hotlink.

Find the goodies under the cut.

New Fanvid: Lonesome (Faith) (AtS & BtVS)
by Cat: fangirl, author, artist, and icon maker. (catvampcrazines)
at July 13th, 2010 (01:41 pm)

current mood: thirsty

It's been a couple years since I've done a real fan vid, so I thought I'd jump back in! For the first time, using a combo of WMM and Vegas. Mmmm, coloring and photoshop-y control. ;)

Song: Lonesome by THC (You've heard their music on Buffy and George Sarah worked with ASH on their CD, Music for Elevators.)
Character: Faith
Rating: R-ish for violence.
Eps: Sanctuary (Angel), Five by Five (Angel), and Who Are You (Buffy)
Description: Lonesome, self hatred, hollow, repent, reckless, fear...



Copyright: (Property of Joss Whedon, WB, 20th Century Fox

The Multi-Fandom Hug-Snuggle Fic Festival
by Cat: fangirl, author, artist, and icon maker. (catvampcrazines)
at July 23rd, 2009 (02:10 pm)
current mood: Pimpin'

Hey guys! So, I found myself seriously hyper and quippy last night from Oreos, smut, and shippy love and decided to create this after spitting some craziness about hug-snuggles and NPH to my friend. I think we could all have fun and it'd be a nice uplifter, whether you're suffering mid-week blahs or fandom woes. xoxo  Cat p.s.- Feel free to spread this around to your flists and comms!

The Multi-Fandom Hug-Snuggle Fic Festival

*Click on the title to go to the fest. Any fandom, any character, any pairing (including RPF).
Rules are simple and mostly about what to do with NC-17/spoiler stuff.*

My semi-definition of the hug-snuggle:

I'm convinced that the hug-snuggle at least starts out as a hug, then you settle in, petting hair and/or back, and do the comforting hug-rock. Hair nuzzling or subtle sniffing of hair is often involved.

After this, you're pretty much hug-snuggling if you don't break off.

Things might get awkward if they start to struggle, but just keep going until they give in to it! ;)

If you so wish, you can continue standing while hug-snuggling; however, a floor, chair, or bed may be useful.

Fic: Letting Go (Faith/Dean) (BtVS/SPN) (Warning: cutting, some bondage, slightly non-con)
by Cat: fangirl, author, artist, and icon maker. (catvampcrazines)
at October 10th, 2008 (05:10 pm)

Title: Letting Go

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Faith/Dean

Fandom: BtVS/Supernatural

Summary: Faith can make Dean let go.

Notes: Faith lets her dark/wild side out with Dean here and I think I end up viewing this as her character post season seven of BtVS. As Dean sinks further and further into the dark life, I think her experience (um, not just sexual) could help to guide him and keep him from letting it all destroy him. But don't be fooled by the notes, it's still pretty much PWP. lol.

Warnings: A bit of cutting, bondage, and it's slightly non-con. But, I guess you could also set it in your mind that they're playing, but know that things are safe.

Disclaimer: I don't own these two, I wish I did, but they're the property of  Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke.

You going to scream for me, pretty boy? )

130 Multi-Fandom Icons: Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Torchwood!
by catvamps_art (Catvampcrazines' icon journal) (catvamps_art)
at July 13th, 2008 (02:43 pm)

 I really love this batch! Be sure to check it out.

(60) Angel the Series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Angel, Buffy, Gunn, Faith, Giles, Illyria, Spike, Tara, Willow, Scoobies/Group

Angel/Spike, Anya/Xander, Illyria/Wesley, Spike/Willow, Spike/Xander, Tara/Spike

(70) Torchwood (Has a few instances of adult references, but no cursing.)

Gwen, Ianto, Jack, Toshiko, Gwen and Tosh

Gwen/Jack, Jack/Toshiko, lots of Ianto/Toshiko

Comment and credit to catvamps_art.
Please do not alter icons.

Find all of the lovely icons under the cut! )  

109 Multi- Fandom Icons
by catvamps_art (Catvampcrazines' icon journal) (catvamps_art)
at May 29th, 2008 (12:17 am)

[22]  Ats/Btvs (Spangel, spuffy, Spike, Willow, Willow/Giles)

[4] Pysch

[49] Queer as Folk and Gale Harold (Brian, Brian/Justin, Brian/Mikey, Gale Harold) *Warning: Curse word in this batch.*

[16] Supernatural

[10] Torchwood (Jack, Tosh, Ianto/Tosh)

[6] Random

~Comment and credit to catvamps_art.
~Do not alter or hotlink icons.

151 Multi-Fandom Icons: Torchwood, SGA, SPN, Jossverse, Bones, HIMYM, JM, Run Fatboy Run
by catvamps_art (Catvampcrazines' icon journal) (catvamps_art)
at May 24th, 2008 (08:33 pm)

[1] Btvs: Spike  


2] Bones
[2] Booth
[2] Hodgins

[2] Firefly: Wash

[2] How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Marshall

[3] James Marsters  

[6] Run Fatboy Run

Stargate Atlantis 

[10] John
[9] Rodney
[2] John/Rodney (Mmmmm McShep!)


[8] Dean 
[2] Sammy

Torchwood (Contains S2 finale icons... but I don't really think they're spoilery.)

 [25] Ianto/Tosh  [1] Jack/Tosh  [1] Gwen/Jack

[8] Ianto
[17] Jack
[22] Gwen
[1] Owen
[23] Tosh
[2] Group/Other

~Comment and credit to catvamps_art.
~Do not alter or hotlink icons.

Just me [userpic]
Glory + Wes? Hmm...
by Just me (girlyouknew)
at May 18th, 2008 (08:33 am)

Buffyfans, Ever Pair Glory and Wesley?

A short reflective piece about why I'd have liked to see this couple on the show.

93 Multi-Fandom Icons: Ats, Bones, Buffy, Heroes, QaF, SG-1, and more!
by catvamps_art (Catvampcrazines' icon journal) (catvamps_art)
at April 27th, 2008 (04:32 pm)

Ats, Btvs, Firefly

Angel (5)
Mal (1)
Spike (4)
Group/General (4)
Angel/Willow  (5) Spike/Xander (3)
Charisma Carpenter (15)
James Marsters (2)
Nicky Brendan (2)
Sarah Michelle Gellar (1)

Bones: Booth (2)
Daniel Radcliffe (3)

Doctor Who: Doctor (1) Doctor/Rose (1)
Entourage (2)
Eric Szmanda (4)
Heroes: Nathan (5)
Japan and Stock Icons (17)
Queer as Folk:
Gale (2) Brian/Justin (5)
SG-1: Daniel (3) Daniel/Vala (3)
X-Men: Rogue (3)

~ Comment and credit to catvamps_art!
~  Please don't alter or hotlink icons.

78 Multi- Fandom Icons: BtVS, AtS, Firefly, Queer as Fok, SV, SGA, Xena, and more!
by catvamps_art (Catvampcrazines' icon journal) (catvamps_art)
at March 12th, 2008 (06:52 pm)

BtVS, AtS, and Firefly

Anya (1)
Buffy (1)
Buffy and Giles (1)
Faith (3)
Fred (2)
Mal (1)

Queer as Folk

Brian (11)
Ben/Michael (3)
Brian/Justin (2)

Smallville: Chloe (1)

Stargate Atlantis

John (2)
McShep (2)


Dean and Sam (2)
Sam (1)

Xena: Gabrielle (21)

Michelle Trachtenberg (19)

Sarah Michelle Gellar (2)

Utada Hikaru (3)

Comment and credit to catvamps_art!

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